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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Riddle Me Some Reality
Riddle Me Some Reality
Expanding the definition of reality beyond the usual time, money and politics is generally considered naive or delusional. Aspects of life that are immeasurable or defy explanation are relegated to the realm of hearsay and mysticism. But from a purely pragmatic standpoint, magic is undeniable.

Nutty Quinoa Cookies
Nutty Quinoa Cookies
We’re not above wanting to indulge in our favorite sweet treats, but what gets us really geeked out is the challenge of trying to makeover some of our favorite recipes into Conscious Cleanse or 80:20 friendly recipes.

Aquarius New Moon (Monday - 2/8/16) : Manifesting the Magic of our Truth
Aquarius New Moon (Monday - 2/8/16) : Manifesting the Magic of our Truth
The new moon is in the sign of Aquarius, the water bearer. Often likened to the figure of Jesus, the water bearer holds similar qualities that shine through the darkness of the new moon. Known for humanitarian efforts, revolutionary thinking, individualism and speaking the truth, the Aquarian energy also finds trouble with being exiled for radical thought, and going into seclusion to avoid skepticism (or, as a result of it!). It is all these qualities that the new moon calls forth from within you. At this time, you must speak the truth about what is most important to you, and walk your own path. For, when you do, you inspire others to do the same. Nothing is more important than starting your own revolution, whether it be quiet or loud, and living the life you are destined for.

5 Ways to Bring Some Sunshine into Winter
5 Ways to Bring Some Sunshine into Winter
During the winter months, the opportunity to play outside is limited by shorter days. Some of us are in the office all day and by the time we leave; the sun’s already set. Whether you’re in a brisk climate or a mild one, you may feel stuck inside more than you’d prefer. If you’ve got a case of cabin fever, try one or all of these five simple ideas to infuse some summer sunshine into your day.

On the Close of Practice
On the Close of Practice
How I close my yoga practice I don’t ‘om.’ It’s not that I have anything against it; it’s just not part of my secular world view or self-practice. I also don’t say ‘namaste’ – I’m from Florida and grew up saying “hi,” “bye,” and “thank you”, and for me it just doesn’t seem genuine (to me! for other teachers of course it can come from their heart and soul) to adopt someone else’s greeting. But I do treat the close of practice pretty seriously and over the years have refined how I close the practice for myself and for my students in class. This is where it stands lately.

Matcha Green Tea Latte
Matcha Green Tea Latte
As we’re wrapping up our New Year’s Conscious Cleanse I know I’m not the only one looking forward to reintroducing a beloved, caffeinated beverage into my morning routine.

Yoga Certification Online: Using Technology to Enable Everyone. A conversation with Alanna Kaivalya
Yoga Certification Online: Using Technology to Enable Everyone. A conversation with Alanna Kaivalya
One of my core beliefs is that yoga is for everyone. It’s the cornerstone of The Kaivalya Yoga Method. There are a lot of people in the world who are prevented from participating in an in-studio training for many reasons; they live too far away, they have very demanding jobs that don’t let them take an in-studio training at the times they are offered, they’re busy caring for children or relatives. We wanted to be able to bring them a training that would remove the boundaries of distance and scheduling constraints.

Yoga for Being Snowed In
Yoga for Being Snowed In
Hello from underneath 3 feet of snow! We’re stuck at home. The plows are probably another day or two out. The drifts are so deep that it’s hard to take a few steps beyond the house, let alone get to the yoga studio. This is YogaDownload weather.

Intuition - Dana Damara
Intuition - Dana Damara
All week I have been playing in the realm of intuitive guidance. In fact, one of my phrases for the year is intuitive guidance. Being open to it, as always, but more than that, actually following it. Really dropping in and listening … intently. Not questioning, not wondering, but actually following through.

How Meditation Improved My ADD
How Meditation Improved My ADD
Although I have never been tested for Attention Deficit Disorder, I’m confident I would have fallen into that category.

Green Goddess Soup
Green Goddess Soup
Here we are at the end of the New Year’s Conscious Cleanse! Making it this far is a huge accomplishment and deserves to be celebrated!

Superfood Probiotic Vegetarian Protein Salad
Superfood Probiotic Vegetarian Protein Salad
It’s sort of totally amazing and fabulous. Loads of FLAVOR – FIBER – PROTEIN – PROBIOTICS – NUTRIENTS – HEALTHY FATS.

Yoga and Your Hips, Part III
Yoga and Your Hips, Part III
These are, hands down, my favorite 15 poses for opening the hips. Creating a balanced, effective hip-opening sequence is simple if you know how the hip muscles are laid out. When you don’t have for a map for their hips, you’re at a higher risk for overstretching your hamstrings and external rotators compared to your hip flexors and adductors. Teachers make this mistake in their sequencing regularly and, as a result, hamstring insertion injuries are one of the most prevalent injuries in modern yoga

Leo Full Moon 1/23: Lead the Way in the Limelight!
Leo Full Moon 1/23: Lead the Way in the Limelight!
The Leo Full Moon is an opportune time to revel in your creativity and play, while ensuring that you make enough time for rest and self-care. As the full moon shines into the qualities of Leo, we are called to reflect on the ways in which we seek the spotlight or take active leadership roles.

Garlic Caesar Salad
Garlic Caesar Salad
Who doesn’t love a Caesar Salad? Check out this vegan, gluten-free version and be ready to get your taste buds groovin. This is so delicious, you’ll never miss the ole original. Try it this weekend and let me know what you think in the comment section below. With love and garlic kisses,

Yoga and Your Hips, Part II
Yoga and Your Hips, Part II
For more than a decade, I’ve quivered at the thought of attending a hip-opening workshop. Having played ice hockey and been a skateboarder for more 15 years, my hips were molten lead that no amount of Pigeon Pose could crack open. Now, 20 years in, I’ve chipped away and breathed steadily enough to be halfway comfortable and mobile in these joints.

Improve Your Chaturanga
Improve Your Chaturanga
Chaturanga Dandasana is hugely common in vinyasa flow classes and often vilified or blamed for all sorts of injuries. Some of that may be true, especially if done quickly, forcefully, and without any concern for alignment. I prefer to think positively about what chaturanga delivers, although extolling its virtues may fall on deaf ears and tired arms. With sincerity, I believe it is an efficient and effective transition from plank into upward-facing dog, priming the strength of the arms and shoulders to deliver the backbend energetically as well as giving an opportunity for rhythmic breath and movement.

How can we possibly discern what is true for us and beneficial for the evolution of our soul when we are bombarded by life? And by bombarded I don’t mean that we’ve lost control some how. I just mean, sometimes life moves at the speed of light and honestly, we start to move at that speed without knowing it and that’s not always the best thing.

Polish Your Gem: Samskara
Polish Your Gem: Samskara
Samskaras are impressions imprinted in the mind, created by our life experiences. They form together and create habitual patterns that can be experienced physically, mentally, or emotionally.

6 Steps for Dealing With Cravings
6 Steps for Dealing With Cravings
Cravings. No one is immune – not even us. They can be challenging, annoying and all consuming.

I Am Not This Phone
I Am Not This Phone
Now that the information superhighway is such a ubiquitous part of our lives, repercussions must be reckoned with. In this time of smartphones and big data, the ancient yogic practice of questioning our identifications needs to include the technologies that have become appendages to our minds and bodies.

Discipline is defined as a branch of knowledge or the practice of training people. I find this interesting as a yoga “teacher,” for a few reasons. One is that that while I am a teacher, I am also only a student. And honestly, the only person I am ever really training is myself.

Work Smarter: Office Breaks For Your Brain and Body
Work Smarter: Office Breaks For Your Brain and Body
It’s 3pm. You’re brain is fuzzy. It’s getting harder and harder to focus. Your body is sore from sitting. And you just want to make that final push to get that last bit done and then you’ll take a break.

Sweet n Spicy Pulled Chicken
Sweet n Spicy Pulled Chicken
If you’ve done the live Conscious Cleanse program with us then undoubtedly you recall Jo’s infamous “chicken breast story.” You may have also picked up that I’m someone who is powered by a plant-based diet, eating the occasional piece of fish here and there when I crave it.

The Year Yoga Came Home to Roost
The Year Yoga Came Home to Roost
For the modern yoga world, 2015 was a time of reckoning. The veneer of yoga lifestyle branding dulled further and the un-photoshopped belly continued to garner greater market appeal. Both grassroots and corporate entities that staked claims in the once vast frontier are now scrambling to stay ahead of the digital winds that are shaping the new paradigm.