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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Yoga for Cyclists: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Yoga for Cyclists: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Many of my yoga students are cyclists who practice yoga to alleviate muscle tightness from logging long hours in the saddle. A yoga practice focused on flexibility, core strength and balance can be a perfect cross-training workout for the avid cyclist. Competitive triathlete Molly McCorkle used to suffer pain in her lower back and hips when she took long rides training for half-Ironman triathlons.

Yoga for Triathletes: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Yoga for Triathletes: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Many triathletes have told me they would love to try yoga but can't squeeze it into their intense training regimens. The swimming, biking and running leaves little time in a triathlete's schedule, but those who find time for yoga agree the benefits can be considerable.

Yoga for Runners: 3 Poses You Should Practice
Yoga for Runners: 3 Poses You Should Practice
In my role as a yoga instructor, I've been able to help numerous runners who are seeking to cross-train, improve flexibility and alleviate pain they experience during and after running.

Why Every Athlete Should Practice Yoga
Why Every Athlete Should Practice Yoga
As a private trainer and yoga instructor, I meet a lot of athletes and workout fanatics. When asked if yoga is part of their workouts, many athletes will tell me they don't have the time to add yoga to their already intense training schedules. Some say they don't see how "stretching and breathing" would be of any benefit to them. Others say they've discovered yoga while recuperating from an injury.

is there such a thing as aging gracefully in yoga
is there such a thing as aging gracefully in yoga
Yoga is a beautiful thing, but the older I get, the more I wonder if we can age gracefully in spandex.

Energizing Yoga Poses
Energizing Yoga Poses
The great thing about yoga is that it can be both energizing and calming at the same time. Energizing yoga poses are a fabulous alternative to other common energy boosters like coffee or energy drinks without the yucky effects of caffeine and high sugar.

Men: How to crush any workout and win more with yoga
Men: How to crush any workout and win more with yoga
If you’re a guy who grew up in America, you most likely competed in sports. It’s part of our upbringing and a large part of who we are as a culture. Sports prepare you for life. They teach work ethic, how to win respectfully and how to lose with dignity and seek redemption. We like to work hard, physically compete and earn our victories. As the yoga trainer for Major League Soccer's Philadelphia Union and other professional athletes, I’m inspired to hear them rave about the benefits of yoga on their athletic performance.

Simple Healthy Recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth
Simple Healthy Recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth
Clean eat your way to the body you want and don’t let your dessert desires get in the way.

Survival tips for beginners
Survival tips for beginners
I love teaching beginners. Here are seven easy tips to help you survive your first yoga classes.

I wrote this blog last night and then completely changed it this morning as the ultimate test of my own integrity came into play … as the themes always do.

4 Ways to turn gratitude into an art from
4 Ways to turn gratitude into an art from
Have a gratitude object. Keep a special stone, a feather, anything that resonates with your soul, in your pocket or purse. Perhaps it’s a special ring or necklace. Every time you touch this object, allow it to signal to you to think of something or someone you are grateful for. This action brings both presence and consciousness to the touching your sacred object. Find your special object now, while the idea is fresh in your awareness.

Zesty Watermelon Gazpacho
Zesty Watermelon Gazpacho
We’re officially in the dog days of summer and even though summer doesn’t typically scream “soup!” this recipe – which is straight out of our book, will make you think otherwise!

The 4 Kinds of Yoga
The 4 Kinds of Yoga
If you’ve been around this blog for a while, you’ll know that I’m a big advocate of practicing your yoga in whatever way works best for you.

The Pressure to teach hard poses
The Pressure to teach hard poses
There’s so much pressure on local teachers to fill their rooms, be authentic, and sell studio memberships, that it’s a wonder anyone can remember why they wanted to teach in the first place.

Yoga Extremism
Yoga Extremism
Polarization seems rampant across all sectors of modern life. Debates on money, politics, religion, and even yoga, readily devolve into diametrically opposed camps. Moderate voices are lost in the din of intolerance and most folks understandably turn away from the discussion with disgust or lament. But without someone staking the middle ground, and others who embrace and support it, chances are the problems of the day will continue unabated.

How to rebound after vacation
How to rebound after vacation
Everywhere I go right now, it seems as though women are stopping me, gesturing to their mid-section and saying, “Ugh, I feel so gross right now. How do I get back on track?”

Yoga is absolutely ordinary
Yoga is absolutely ordinary
My daily yoga practice is absolutely ordinary. It is as ordinary and common place as brushing my teeth.

This word, oh this word. Since it came into my awareness over 10 days ago, I feel like I have been rung through the ringer. And I’m not alone either! I’ve been holding space for emails, Facebook messages, texts and phone calls from people going through the same thing … Relationship issues.

Super Green Smoothie Bowl
Super Green Smoothie Bowl
By now you know we’re HUGE fans of green smoothies! They’re nature’s “fast food,” especially when enjoyed on the fly in our favorite to-go container, the mason jar.

Don't Overthink it: Effective Methods to Find True Peace of Mind
Don't Overthink it: Effective Methods to Find True Peace of Mind
Paying bills, taking care of kids, going to work… life can be very stressful at times to the point you feel like you just want to scream. With the various events that happen throughout the course of the day the mind can begin to race constantly wondering what to do. If you’ve been feeling bogged down lately, or have perhaps been over thinking every scenario happening in your life, then it may be time for you to come to terms with reality and find true peace of mind.

Jalapeño Strawberry Margarita
Jalapeño Strawberry Margarita
It’s Friday and that means it’s time for a new Conscious Cocktail!

And Now for Something completely different: reality
And Now for Something completely different: reality
Are we working out? Or are we working in? When I was asked what I’d like to see in a yoga magazine, I said without hesitation: Reality.

The other day, I’m in the car with my youngest daughter and she asks me, “Mom, is there an end to the sky?” And I said … “Um no honey. It’s infinite.” And she says … “Infinite… like energy?” And I say, “Yup, just like that.” And she sat there for quite awhile looking up and out of the sunroof. As if she was trying to figure it all out.

Dry Rub Grilled Chicken Wings
Dry Rub Grilled Chicken Wings
Summer is in full swing and between the smell of sunscreen and barbeque, it’s no mystery that grilling season is upon us!

Unfolding Time with Vedic Astrology
Unfolding Time with Vedic Astrology
What is Vedic Astrology? Jyotisha, or Vedic astrology, is the ancient astrology of India. It has an unbroken lineage going back over five thousand years. Jyotisha is derived from the Sanskrit word Jyoti meaning “light”. Thus, Jyotisha is often referred to as the science of light, for it helps us to see the past, present and future clearly as well as giving us insight into who we are and how to best actualize our potential.