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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

The Core Of Who You Are: Connect to Muladhara Chakra
The Core Of Who You Are: Connect to Muladhara Chakra
There is so much pressure to get into the best schools in order to receive the highest education. We work ourselves into exhaustion so we can make as much money as possible to pay off school debts and afford luxurious homes. These supposed paths of lives are followed in the hopes of “enjoying” ourselves on the weekends but deny ourselves activities that truly make us happy. In fact, most people are so stressed from the pressures of achievement that they are still thinking of work on their time off and can’t find enjoyment because the mind is so distracted with the pressure and stress of having to be ‘successful’. That sounds like a trap we blindly walk into. And for the majority, it looks like that trap has been accepted.

Empower Your Awesome, Love Your Core
Empower Your Awesome, Love Your Core
You are awesome! Yes, you. If sometimes you doubt yourself and question whether you’re strong enough for whatever you’re facing in your life, you aren’t alone. We’ve got some suggestions for you about how loving and strengthening your core will empower you. Our core is our center—physically, emotionally and mentally. It is vital to keep our spine healthy, our abs strong and learn to cultivate our prana or life force energy from our navel center. Remember that when we create strength in our physical body, it translates to strength in our heart and mind as well.

Strong Abs, Healthy Back
Strong Abs, Healthy Back
As a yoga therapist, one of the most common questions that people ask me is how to get great, strong abs. Even some of the elite, world-class athletes that I have trained have asked me how to get especially the lower abs strong and toned.

Energizing Yoga Poses
Energizing Yoga Poses
The great thing about yoga is that it can be both energizing and calming at the same time. Energizing yoga poses are a fabulous alternative to other common energy boosters like coffee or energy drinks without the yucky effects of caffeine and high sugar.