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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

I totally believe in magic. I do. There is no explanation for every single thing on this planet; there just isn’t. Although, if you think there is, I am open to hearing your answers. I bet you will be exhausted by the time you finish though.

Meditation Trigger Points
Meditation Trigger Points
The very thought of meditation triggers memories of failed best intentions to quiet my mind. I have a very noisy mind.

Picking Off the Past
Picking Off the Past
Spring has arrived. Every morning I walk past rows of yellow daffodils, an abundant array of colorful tulips, and blossoming plums trees. In my own garden plants I see my blackberry bush reemerging. Although, the Himalayan blackberry is an invasive species and grows easily, the plant still needs attention in order for us to enjoy the fruit. Last August, I observed so many blackberries on bush near my house -- some were even rotting. Excited about collecting the blackberries, I returned a few days later, with a bucket in hand, to find the blackberries shriveled, hard, and pruning. There was a hardly a good blackberry to be found. Across the walkway though, where there was a lot of foot traffic, and where berries were picked regularly, the bushes were producing plump and abundant berries.

Dream Big
Dream Big
“You are ending a recent and significant underground-type of journey but the good news is that it ends with Friday’s solar eclipse/new moon. Above ground you go!

Tips for Choosing a Yoga Mat
Tips for Choosing a Yoga Mat
People often ask me which yoga mat is the best, and while I can answer that question with absolute certainty for me, I think you have to consider all the variables.

It's Time for an Information Detox
It's Time for an Information Detox
What I’m about to say is going to sound ironic, since you’re reading this on your phone or computer and this is me talking: GET OFF THE INTERNET!!

10 Signs You Need a Cleanse
10 Signs You Need a Cleanse
Spring is officially here! In Boulder the snow has melted, the ground is thawing and nature is showing visible signs of preparing for the big transition from winter to spring.

Epic Transitions
Epic Transitions
So with this New Moon, New Season, New Astrological calendar and a Solar Eclipse upon us, I have to say that EPIC TRANSITIONS is the only theme that can encapsulate this week. I’m offering up this blog a few days early so you can all buckle up and get ready. This is a big one!

Conscious Cleanse Sugar Sensitivity Quiz
Conscious Cleanse Sugar Sensitivity Quiz
This topic is near and dear to my heart because I am a long-time sugar addict.

A lot has been happening on this side of the screen and honestly, I’ve had to have a lot of patience with myself while I traverse, once again, into some new skin.

Thai Coconut Soup
Thai Coconut Soup
We have had freezing cold, snowy weather in Boulder this last week and nothing warms the soul like a big bowl of soup. Which brings me to today’s recipe – Thai Coconut Soup.

Spring Clean from the Inside Out
Spring Clean from the Inside Out
Spring is almost here. The grass is getting greener, the days longer and brighter and the weather is getting warmer. This change in season is the perfect time to reawaken and rejuvenate from a long winter of hibernating indoors. This is a perfect time to bring back freshness into every aspect of your life. So let's spring it on to a better way of living by clearing away all the clutter that no longer serves you and cleaning house from the inside out.

Compassion is an Inside Job
Compassion is an Inside Job
“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”― Pema Chödrön, The Places That Scare You: A Guide to Fearlessness in Difficult Times

How can we possibly discern what is true for us and beneficial for the evolution of our soul when we are bombarded by life? And by bombarded I don’t mean that we’ve lost control some how. I just mean … sometimes life moves at the speed of light and honestly, we start to move at that speed without knowing it, and that’s not always the best thing.

Turkey Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles and Chimichurri Sauce
Turkey Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles and Chimichurri Sauce
My family eats a ton of meatballs but frankly they’re all too often of the organic store-bought, pre-cooked variety. Not the best, but easy for a busy working mama in a pinch. For that reason, I’ve wanted to come up with my own homemade version and so this recipe was born.

Fast and Flexible: Yoga for Runners, Part 3 - Hips, Glutes & Low Back
Fast and Flexible:  Yoga for Runners, Part 3 - Hips, Glutes & Low Back
In this last installment of the Fast & the Flexible series, we have reached the part of the body that brings the majority of people to yoga class, the hips and low back. We will address the glutes as well, but I rarely get a new client who openly complains that their butt hurts, at least not right away.

Eating Healthy While Traveling
Eating Healthy While Traveling
Travel is one of the hardest times to eat healthy. Your schedule is thrown off and it seems like the food options around you are all fat, salt and sugar. The good news is that better options are available in ways they never have been before. Here are my suggestions for how to keep from tipping the scale when you get home.

Rosemary Garlic Lamb Chops
Rosemary Garlic Lamb Chops
When brainstorming about a good recipe to share with you this week, Jo suggested lamb! As the resident vegetarian, I looked at her as if she had six heads and then took a deep breath along with the challenge.

The Power of our Stories
The Power of our Stories
We recently posted a class called "The Power of Our Stories" featuring LIVE music by my ol' man KenK.

Carob Hazelnut Cheesecake
Carob Hazelnut Cheesecake
Valentine’s Day is just a couple of days away so we thought it would be a perfect time to talk about one of our favorite topics: Radical Self Love.

I’ve done a lot of work and training around this word “manifest”. It continues to intrigue me and excite me for sure. I mean it’s such a simple word right? Manifest… “to make clear or evident to the eye or understanding.”

Yoga For Cancer Recovery
Yoga For Cancer Recovery
As a yoga teacher, I’d always known of the incredible benefits of yoga for the body, mind, and spirit. Until I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer, however, I had no idea how much yoga would help me weather the toughest time of my life. I credit teaching and practicing yoga as vital components in my journey back to radiant health.

5 Limitations keeping you stuck (Kanchukas) in the illusion (maya)
5 Limitations keeping you stuck (Kanchukas) in the illusion (maya)
Imagine, if you will, waking up late, the monday after Thanksgiving, a holiday traditionally dedicated to gluttony. The pants you laid out the night before- you know, the favorite ones?- are suddenly too snug, but being your lucky pants, you have to wear them. They constrict your movement and just don’t feel all that comfortable.

Fast & Flexible, Yoga for Runners, Part 2: Quads, Hamstrings & IT Band.
Fast & Flexible, Yoga for Runners, Part 2: Quads, Hamstrings & IT Band.
Moving up the leg, this second installment of the Fast & Flexible series focuses on the quads, hamstrings and IT band. These are the muscles of the legs that provide strength and stability. The power plants of the leg, if you will.

Get Lost Chasing Your Dreams. Literally. 6 Ways to Find Your True North.
Get Lost Chasing Your Dreams. Literally. 6 Ways to Find Your True North.
We all have dreams. The more I chase my own, the more I find myself listening attentively to others talk about theirs. I often hear: “one day”. “I wish I could”. “My family wouldn’t understand”. “I can’t afford it”. I have been there myself. It seems we feel more secure when we put limitations on ourselves. Yet we are not realizing our full potential. How do you know until you try?