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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Lisa's Blog

Crocodile Crocodile - A Kid's Meditation
Crocodile Crocodile - A Kid's Meditation
Crocodile, Crocodile! Spring is in full swing – fresh air, sunshine, lollipops, rainbows and… Oh my, some calm, grounding centering might be in order to help counter some of this buzzing spring fever energy. Crocodile pose can perfectly balance the delightful yet dizzying effects early spring.

Blooming Flowers - A Kid's Meditation
Blooming Flowers - A Kid's Meditation
Spring is here… trees are budding, birds are chirping and beautiful floral blooms will soon abound. Create your own beautiful finger flowers (think, hand stretches for busy winter ipad hands) and teach the art of long, slow, mindful breathing with this fun breathing technique for kiddos.

Reboot & Recharge
Reboot & Recharge
We all know that if we don’t close down apps and recharge our i-Pads and other devices, they run slow, sluggish or the battery dies. When I explain to kiddos that their minds and bodies are no different, they ‘get it’ right away. Besides, Reboot & Recharge is a lot of fun and very relaxing… for BIG kids too!

Making Meditation and Deep Breathing Fun for Your Kids!
Making Meditation and Deep Breathing Fun for Your Kids!
Kids today are more stressed than ever before. Loaded with schoolwork, extra curricular activities, responsibilities and expectations, they experience physical stress from using computers and carrying heavy backpacks, as well as psychological stress from bullying and peer pressure. Technological advancements have introduced stressors into the lives of modern children that previous generations did not experience. Cyber-bullying is a big issue that has received a lot of attention in the media, but the need to always be connected along with the demand for instant gratification also grossly impacts our children’s stress levels.