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How to #GoYourOmWay with Claire Petretti-Marti
How to #GoYourOmWay with Claire Petretti-Marti
What does it mean to "Go Your OM Way? Where to begin? To me, this hashtag directly translates to follow your passion or trust your heart. We receive so many conflicting messages from the world, be it from our parents, our friends, our workplace, or our community in general. Often, our true passion or dharma in life becomes subjugated to the expectations of others and we find ourselves living a life that doesn’t feel authentic.

Find Your True Self
Find Your True Self
Intuition is a phenomenon of mind, where the mind acquires knowledge without a use of reason. Intuition is seen as greater knowledge, knowledge beyond intelligence, opposite to our rational thinking. It is the ultimate state of humanity, as animals rely on their instinct, we humans have intuition. In Hinduism, intuition is referred as the glimpse of higher and wider self-knowledge. Connecting with our intuition, is an experience of coming into contact with Brahman, the ultimate reality in the universe. The eternal truth and bliss.

Be Gentle with Yourself
Be Gentle with Yourself
When I was 16 years old I always wished that I was somewhere else. It felt like I was misplaced. Mismatched. Misunderstood. I've been on a journey inward ever since, searching for the magic spell that would bring me back home again, to myself. Truly aligned with my Authentic Self.