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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Kickstarting A Healthy Life
Kickstarting A Healthy Life
Today's post will be an introduction to another section of my blog - 'Health', and I figured it would be fitting to write about something I have struggled with a lot over the last few years, the daunting task of creating a Healthier You (I'll be splitting it into three posts: Eating, Physical and Mental).

Winter Solstice Reflection
Winter Solstice Reflection
Happy Winter Solstice! I love celebrating the solstices and equinoxes as they represent light and new beginnings. There is innate wisdom in nature and I think we human beings can look to nature to find more peace and happiness in our lives.

From Darkness to Light
From Darkness to Light
I’ve had thousands of New Year’s wishes and “anthems” come into my awareness these last few days leading up to today. So many, it’s almost overwhelming. This whole instant access to information can be daunting and too much for one person to navigate honestly.