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Full Moon & Eclipse in Leo (02/10/17) — Make Manifest Your Magic and Mystery!
Full Moon & Eclipse in Leo (02/10/17) — Make Manifest Your Magic and Mystery!
The full moon and lunar eclipse in Leo on February 10th, 2017, is the culmination of the powerful eclipse energy from September of 2016. If you look back over the last five months, surely you see tremendous transformation and shifts to the status quo that come to a peak with this exciting lunar eclipse. Eclipse energy usually lasts for around 6 months, as it’s the reflection of our unconscious and unconscious drives and gives us a chance to reset and renew the emotional contents of the previous six months. This is an opportune time to recalibrate your inner and outer relationships, and make sure that what you put out to the world comes from an authentic place within you, as the effects of this eclipse last through the next eclipse cycle in August.

Leo Full Moon 1/23: Lead the Way in the Limelight!
Leo Full Moon 1/23: Lead the Way in the Limelight!
The Leo Full Moon is an opportune time to revel in your creativity and play, while ensuring that you make enough time for rest and self-care. As the full moon shines into the qualities of Leo, we are called to reflect on the ways in which we seek the spotlight or take active leadership roles.