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Full Moon & Eclipse in Leo (02/10/17) — Make Manifest Your Magic and Mystery!
Full Moon & Eclipse in Leo (02/10/17) — Make Manifest Your Magic and Mystery!
The full moon and lunar eclipse in Leo on February 10th, 2017, is the culmination of the powerful eclipse energy from September of 2016. If you look back over the last five months, surely you see tremendous transformation and shifts to the status quo that come to a peak with this exciting lunar eclipse. Eclipse energy usually lasts for around 6 months, as it’s the reflection of our unconscious and unconscious drives and gives us a chance to reset and renew the emotional contents of the previous six months. This is an opportune time to recalibrate your inner and outer relationships, and make sure that what you put out to the world comes from an authentic place within you, as the effects of this eclipse last through the next eclipse cycle in August.

Curating Your Life: How Do You Want to Shine?
Curating Your Life: How Do You Want to Shine?
Your life… akin to a hands-on interactive museum with multi-sensory opportunities. A vast space with large walls ready to display and enjoy a life you choose. A potential challenge for many of us to curate our lives of desire when our DNA, upbringing, perceptions, and expectations seem to be locked into our current life’s mural seemingly unable to modify.

Super Moon in Gemini (12/13/16) – Clarity and Consciousness
Super Moon in Gemini (12/13/16) – Clarity and Consciousness
The super moon in Gemini on December 13, 2016 illuminates our communication and learning. It encourages us to make connections, and stay close to our siblings, friends and relatives. Gemini’s most notable attributes are all highlighted, but this is also a good opportunity to let go of what doesn’t serve you in the realm of chatter: mental, verbal or spiritual. If there is too much in the way, it obstructs clarity, and for our path to be pure, we need to be clear.