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Pisces Full Moon: Swimming in Spiritual Waters
Pisces Full Moon: Swimming in Spiritual Waters
The mystical full moon in Pisces is the culmination of months of energy that began building with the Pisces new moon and solar eclipse that occurred earlier this year on February 24, 2017. On that date, we planted seeds in the psyche that blossomed our desire for transcendence, spiritual connection, and oneness. Pisces energy encourages us to swim in the waters of the unconscious, and after the recent eclipse events in August, many of us likely still are!

Leo New Moon & Solar Eclipse: Revealing the Light of the Inner Sun
Leo New Moon & Solar Eclipse: Revealing the Light of the Inner Sun
The beginning of August featured a full moon and lunar eclipse that kicked off the most powerful astrological month of this year. With the Leo New Moon on August 21st, we are also blessed with a total solar eclipse: the biggest astrological influence on the psyche in 2017. This eclipse provides us with an energetic and psychological impact that remains for 6 months to a year. What you set into motion with your intention and attention during this eclipse bears fruit for a long time to come.

Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Aquarius: Follow Your Inspiration for Lasting Transformation
Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Aquarius: Follow Your Inspiration for Lasting Transformation
The most important astrological events of the year occur in August — two eclipses light up the sky and call us to delve into our psyche to reap the rewards of deep spiritual work. Eclipses conceal and reveal what might be otherwise hidden in the shadows. Despite the discomfort usually caused by looking into the psyche, shadow work is a necessary process for catalyzing true and lasting transformation. This August, you are presented with the opportunity to harness the energies of the cosmos, surrender what no longer serves you, and recreate yourself in the light of the newly eclipsed sun.

Full Moon in Capricorn (07/09/2017):
Find Your Calling & Pursue Your Passion
 Full Moon in Capricorn (07/09/2017): <br> Find Your Calling & Pursue Your Passion
The Capricorn full moon on July 9th, presents us with an opportunity for clarity on our career path. It asks us if we merely want a job…or a calling. Passionate Pluto sits directly next to this full moon, inciting the inner questions regarding whether we are truly fulfilled by our work, whether is serves our highest good, and whether it is allowing us to transform or is keeping us small.

Cancer New Moon (06/23/2017): Nurturing the Highest Good & Choosing the Light
Cancer New Moon (06/23/2017): Nurturing the Highest Good & Choosing the Light
The New Moon in Cancer on June 23, 2017 is an opportunity for us to tap into our inner self and discover more about who we are and what serves our highest good. Hidden in the watery depths of the unconscious is the precious source of our greatest wisdom. As the mother of the sky, and ruler of our divine feminine nature (regardless of gender), Cancer represents our potential to utilize our emotions as nurturing guides signaling which direction to move next. When we pay attention, the unconscious speaks. We just need to understand the language. The most basic communication comes through emotion, and most easily understood as “good” feelings or “bad” feelings. 

Full Moon in Sagittarius (06/09/2017): Discovering Your Personal Myth
Full Moon in Sagittarius (06/09/2017): Discovering Your Personal Myth
A full moon in Sagittarius on June 9, 2017 encourages us to explore the realm of the religious function of our psyche. Often overlooked, or pushed aside in favor of science and certainty, this mystical heart of our being is bereft of attention. Because of a lack of connection to a personal mythology, we suffer from constant overwhelm of life’s circumstances, and an unknowing of how to make sense of them. 

Gemini New Moon (05/25/2017): Transforming Your Love Language
Gemini New Moon (05/25/2017): Transforming Your Love Language
The Gemini new moon this month is a fantastic time to plant seeds in terms of some new, fun travel plans, taking a new course and up-leveling your learning, and making sure your speech and communication is clearly directed and coming from your most authentic place. Gemini always encourages us to speak up, and this New Moon is no exception. It is a good time to focus on speaking the truth about what is important to you, especially when it comes to your intimate relationships. 

Full Moon in Scorpio (05/10/2017): Embodying Sacred Sexuality
Full Moon in Scorpio (05/10/2017): Embodying Sacred Sexuality
The full moon on May 10, 2017 lights up the sky…and our embodiment of sacred sexuality. While Scorpio is known for those two unavoidable principles in life: death & taxes, it is also known for the depth of connection we feel through spiritually-driven intimacy. On a soul level, Scorpio demands that we use our intimate relationships as more than just a way to satisfy lustful energy, or as an ego-boosting activity. Scorpio wants us to use our sexuality as a way to deeply connect on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level in order to transcend consciousness. 

Taurus New Moon: Take Stock of Support and Self-Care (04/26/17)
 Taurus New Moon: Take Stock of Support and Self-Care (04/26/17)
The New Moon in Taurus on Wednesday, April 26th, invites us to plant seeds in the areas of life that support, sustain, and nourish us; most particularly, our finances, personal values, relationships, and sensuality. Any new moon period is an opportunity to take stock of what you would like to cultivate in your life, and this moon is a perfect time to retreat, take stock, and indulge in some self-care.

Full Moon in Libra (4/11/2017): The Balancing Act of Radical Transformation
Full Moon in Libra (4/11/2017): The Balancing Act of Radical Transformation
The energy of this extraordinary Full Moon in Libra propels us to create radical transformation in the areas of relationship, creativity, and artistry. Libra’s essential qualities of love, harmony, and diplomacy are rocked by its close association with the most powerful astrological event in the sky involving three great planets: Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus. 

Virgo Full Moon (3/12/17): Walking the Path of the Wounded Healer
Virgo Full Moon (3/12/17): Walking the Path of the Wounded Healer
The full moon in Virgo shines light on our body image, our self-talk, and our relationship to health and service. We see, by the light of this full moon, opportunities to refine the way we move, think, and speak. This is only impacted more fully by close relationships to Chiron, the wounded healer, and Mercury, the messenger, who have co-rulership of the sign of Virgo.

Cancer Full Moon (1/12/17): Critical Care for The Inner Self
Cancer Full Moon (1/12/17): Critical Care for The Inner Self
The first full moon of the year lights up in the sign of Cancer and illuminates all the key cancer qualities surrounding your emotions, the unconscious, and any healing work that needs to be done. Cancer, as the mother of the zodiac, holds the space for nurturing and communing with your deep needs and desires. That which is left untended in our psyche cries out the loudest, and like a small child, needs care from the mothering aspect within us. We are all capable of taking care of ourselves and doing the shadow work necessary to undo emotional traumas and deeply hidden complexes.

Super Moon in Gemini (12/13/16) – Clarity and Consciousness
Super Moon in Gemini (12/13/16) – Clarity and Consciousness
The super moon in Gemini on December 13, 2016 illuminates our communication and learning. It encourages us to make connections, and stay close to our siblings, friends and relatives. Gemini’s most notable attributes are all highlighted, but this is also a good opportunity to let go of what doesn’t serve you in the realm of chatter: mental, verbal or spiritual. If there is too much in the way, it obstructs clarity, and for our path to be pure, we need to be clear.

Sagittarius New Moon (11/29/16): Expanding Spiritual Horizons
Sagittarius New Moon (11/29/16): Expanding Spiritual Horizons
The new moon in Sagittarius urges us into a state of joy and enthusiasm! After the tensions and troubles of the past few months, it is time to shift into a more playful and engaged attitude. Sagittarius supports long-range travel and exploration of foreign cultures. But, if you are home-bound, you may satisfy this urge through studying philosophy, religion or mythology.

New Moon in Scorpio (10/30/16) — Walking Through the Shadow to Reveal the Light
New Moon in Scorpio (10/30/16) — Walking Through the Shadow to Reveal the Light
This Scorpio new moon calls us to initiate ourselves into the watery depths of our unconscious. Whether it be through occult practices, transformational rituals, psychotherapy, shadow work or anything that ushers us “beyond the veil,” now is the time to walk into the underworld. Most of us strive to stay in the light, ignoring the dark and repressing that which needs to be addressed for us to be truly free. We can no longer resist the change that is upon us, and ignore the power of the shadow within.

Full Moon in Aries (10/16/16) - It’s Time to Shine, You Crazy Diamond
 Full Moon in Aries (10/16/16) - It’s Time to Shine, You Crazy Diamond
The Full moon in Aries invites us to take charge of our lives and think outside the box. You know you have it in you: the will to do what inspires you most. Take advantage of this sacred energy and put this power to use. Aries carries the energy and passion of our drives and urges into the world. When used wisely, this energy is unstoppable and a force for positive change and growth. If you’ve been playing small up until now…stop. It doesn’t serve you or your gifts. Those who would benefit from what you have to share are waiting for you to make your move.

Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Virgo (9/1/16): Embrace a New Layer of Healing
Solar Eclipse + New Moon in Virgo (9/1/16): Embrace a New Layer of Healing
September features two eclipses in a row, starting with a solar eclipse during the new moon in Virgo on September 1st. The next event is a lunar eclipse during the full moon in Pisces on September 16th. This makes all of September an incredibly potent month to start, end, renew, reevaluate and deepen all areas of life. The energy of an eclipse lasts six month or more, so use the preliminary energy of Virgo in the month to be cautious and careful of all you cultivate during this cosmic time. The lunar eclipse in Pisces is a good time to immerse yourself in transcendence and oneness, and let go of all that doesn’t serve your spiritual needs.

New Moon in Leo (8/2/16): Learning to Let Your Little Light Shine
New Moon in Leo (8/2/16): Learning to Let Your Little Light Shine
The new moon in Leo invites us to move into the spotlight with laughter and exuberance. If there was ever a time to shine, it is now. Leo’s regal qualities are highlighted right now, encouraging us to laugh freely, commune with friends and take advantage of all opportunities to revel in the attention of others. Imagine sitting at the high table with those you love on either side, and an audience of adorers willing to listen…what would you say? How would you communicate your love? This is happening now, and so you must bring your message of loyalty and love to the world.