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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

10 Creative Ways to Inspire Your Yoga Practice This Summer
10 Creative Ways to Inspire Your Yoga Practice This Summer
When summer rolls around, yoga practice can fall by the wayside — the longer days mean we spend more time outdoors, we travel, those of us who have kids deal with changing schedules. So, to keep you inspired, Jason and I are doing a six-episode summer podcast series!

Full Moon in Libra (4/11/2017): The Balancing Act of Radical Transformation
Full Moon in Libra (4/11/2017): The Balancing Act of Radical Transformation
The energy of this extraordinary Full Moon in Libra propels us to create radical transformation in the areas of relationship, creativity, and artistry. Libra’s essential qualities of love, harmony, and diplomacy are rocked by its close association with the most powerful astrological event in the sky involving three great planets: Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus. 

Fearlessly Creative
Fearlessly Creative
What on Earth!? It happened: the idea was born, the perfect studio space emerged, the lease was signed, the walls went up, the floor went down, and the collaborators gathered. Even the smallest of the pre-opening details were somewhat thrilling; as we stepped forward in the creation of Earth, our new yoga studio in Boulder, Colorado.