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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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10 Yogic Sayings Explained for Ways to Help (Re)create Balance
10 Yogic Sayings Explained for Ways to Help (Re)create Balance
It is common for people to go through dry spells or feel burnt out. We all have, at one point of another, felt uninspired, overworked, wanted to check out and just plain exhausted from the humdrum of life and the prevailing idea of not ‘being enough’. We don’t always have time to go to cook healthy meals, go to yoga classes, stick to our budget or just do things ‘right’. One might wonder what it would be like to have more hours in a given day to do the things we want to do to live a more fulfilling and happy life. Yet if your evenings and weekends are spent in the same couch potato or indulgent fashion, it may be time for you to check in and recognise this as a sign that you’ve been making excuses for yourself.

Full Moon in Libra (4/11/2017): The Balancing Act of Radical Transformation
Full Moon in Libra (4/11/2017): The Balancing Act of Radical Transformation
The energy of this extraordinary Full Moon in Libra propels us to create radical transformation in the areas of relationship, creativity, and artistry. Libra’s essential qualities of love, harmony, and diplomacy are rocked by its close association with the most powerful astrological event in the sky involving three great planets: Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus. 

Featured Pose: Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand
Featured Pose: Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand
Known as the “queen” of all yoga postures, Shoulderstand is packed with healing and restorative benefits for your mind, body and spirit.  Shoulderstand is indeed the queen, or mother of asanas. As a mother strives for harmony and balance in the home, this asana strives for harmony and balance in the human system. It can be seen as a panacea for most common ailments. In Sanskrit, Sarva means “all” or “entire” and Anga means “organ” or “body part.” Translated, it means “full body pose” because of all of the many benefits for the entire body.

How To Create Your Success Story
How To Create Your Success Story
What does success mean to you? How do you align your values, your intentions, and your priorities to achieve the life of your dreams while being your authentic self? To create success with a yogic mindset, try meditation to clear your mind and allow your deepest dreams and desires to rise to the surface. Rather than focusing on the object of your desire, meditate to quiet the chatter in your mind and surrender to the process of discovering your true intentions and dreams. Are they personal? professional? health-related? We’re all different and at any given time, certain areas of our life shift to the forefront.

Be Here Now: 3 Tips to Help You Stay Present
Be Here Now: 3 Tips to Help You Stay Present
The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. – Thich Nhat Hanh