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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

The Three Things You Need To Be Free
 The Three Things You Need To Be Free
Last week, for the third year in a row, I spent a week mostly offline in the woods in Georgia teaching at this magical event called Camp Nerd Fitness. And every year, I am more blown away than the last by how special this group of people is, and how honored and appreciative I feel to be able to teach and share and learn and grow with each of them. Photo by Will Byington PhotographySharing moments with so many people choosing to face their fears, lending a helping hand, laughing so hard it hurts, hugging and crying… my heart is overflowing with love.

New Moon in Scorpio (10/30/16) — Walking Through the Shadow to Reveal the Light
New Moon in Scorpio (10/30/16) — Walking Through the Shadow to Reveal the Light
This Scorpio new moon calls us to initiate ourselves into the watery depths of our unconscious. Whether it be through occult practices, transformational rituals, psychotherapy, shadow work or anything that ushers us “beyond the veil,” now is the time to walk into the underworld. Most of us strive to stay in the light, ignoring the dark and repressing that which needs to be addressed for us to be truly free. We can no longer resist the change that is upon us, and ignore the power of the shadow within.