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Sagittarius New Moon (11/29/16): Expanding Spiritual Horizons
Sagittarius New Moon (11/29/16): Expanding Spiritual Horizons
The new moon in Sagittarius urges us into a state of joy and enthusiasm! After the tensions and troubles of the past few months, it is time to shift into a more playful and engaged attitude. Sagittarius supports long-range travel and exploration of foreign cultures. But, if you are home-bound, you may satisfy this urge through studying philosophy, religion or mythology.

Fearless and Radical New Beginnings: Aries New Moon (April 7, 2016)
Fearless and Radical New Beginnings: Aries New Moon (April 7, 2016)
This Aries New Moon is a prime time to charge forth into action and move ahead in life with courage and fearlessness. As the first sign of the zodiacal year, Aries kicks things off and starts things up. The cardinal force of this sign is powerful and there is no time like a new moon in Aries to start something new. The tenacity and focus of Aries is perfect for new endeavors, but you must beware of a “ready, fire, aim” mentality and make sure to plot your course with care. As you do this, be sure to support yourself well with a self-care routine to manage any feelings of being overwhelmed and keep stressed adrenals in check. Aries energy is very fierce at times, so you must work to counterbalance it with some gentle consideration for yourself.

Pisces New Moon (3/8/16): Swimming in Spiritual Waters
Pisces New Moon (3/8/16): Swimming in Spiritual Waters
This Pisces new moon begs us to take stock of our spiritual lives and our transcendent experiences. The human psyche has deeper needs than the mundane world can satisfy and the calling to explore alternative spiritual experiences is real, and makes our internal reality more vivid and relevant. When what is inside of us (our nature, or soul) is honored though spiritual practice, we discover ways of integrating the inner and outer worlds for a more authentic life experience and fuller expression of self. This new moon provides us with the opportunity to delve deeply into our soul experience and find ways of satisfying the deeper spiritual needs that are uniquely ours.