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How To Harness Your Superpower of Being an Empath
On April 25, 2019 in
Dia Michelle
Ever since I was a little girl, I felt other people’s emotions strongly. I remember being so confused when family conflicts arose because I could so clearly see each person’s side and how valid it was. I was confused why everyone couldn’t understand that everyone’s intentions were good and loving and then we could just all move on with our lives in harmony! As I grew older, I remember feeling like I would literally step into someone else’s shoes, and feel the world as if from their perspective. From this place, I could really understand where they were coming from, even if their decisions from the outside might seem strange. I remember wanting to help every single person in my life through all of their tough times, and beyond that, I sort of felt that it was my duty. I couldn’t just turn my back on someone who was suffering...especially someone that I loved.
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Being an Empath
Dia Michelle Smith
Healthy Boundaries
How to Be an Empath
8 Easy and Powerful Self-Care Tips
On April 9, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
With our modern busy lives, it’s easy to let even the simplest self-care go out the window. It can be tough to find the time to look after ourselves when we’re juggling lots of different priorities. This can leave our own needs at the bottom of the list, and we all know it's hard to get around to those items last on the to-do list. And we’re talking about the regular, day to day self-care, not the lavish ‘treat-yourself’ social outings, appointments and pamper days that come to mind when you think self-care. If you don’t take the time to look after yourself, you can start to feel very stressed and unfulfilled as well as overwhelmed. But to improve ourselves we must take care of our minds and bodies. Here’s our tips to create a self-care routine, and ways you can stick to it! 1. Do self-care that works for you
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Amy Cavill
Easy & Powerful Self-Care Tips
Life Hacks
Self-Care Tips
The Conscious Cleanse
Yoga for Self-Care
6 Impressive Ways to Enhance (Female) Sexuality While Aging
On April 5, 2019 in
Kevin Whalez
Many things change as you grow old, your sexuality being one of them. The sexual drive you had in your 20s is not the same as when you have in your 30s, 40s, and 50s. In your 30s and 40s, you are usually busy with raising the kids and working to secure your financial future that you hardly have any time to concentrate on your sex life. You might not prioritize your sex life at these stages and might not notice the changes until it hits you in the face. In your 50s and beyond, with your kids most likely being out of the house, you can now focus on yourself, and that's when most women recognize the changes in their sex drive. Causes of low sex drive and how to enhance your sexuality There are lots of reasons why your sex desire declines as you age including fluctuations in your hormone levels, illnesses, job stress, and relationship issues.
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Female Sexuality
Kevin Whalez
Meditation and Sexuality
Sexuality & Aging
Ways to Enhance Sexuality while Aging
Yoga & Sexuality
Yoga for Better Sex
Common Causes of Bad Posture (& Easy Ways to Fix Them)
On April 2, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
We all know that a good posture gives us a taller and more elegant look, but standing straight can also do wonders for your health. Did you know your posture affects your digestion, breathing and how well we move? That’s not to mention the ways it can boost your confidence. However many of us lack a good posture. It can be easy to slip into bad posture habits, through weakness, pain, and routine. There’s many ways you can be adding to bad posture without knowing it. Here’s some of the common causes of bad posture, as well as some tips to counter them. 1. Slouching While you may be comfortable slouching in a chair, over time this can strain your muscles and lead to bad posture. This can also increase tension and cause pain. Try to get in the habit of not slouching and sitting up correctly. Sitting on the edge of your chair will help to fix this, as it will cause your core muscles to activate, keeping you straight. While this might be uncomfy at first, this is because your muscles need to be conditioned to support you. Exercises like planks and bridges that strengthen your core and your glutes will help you to stop slouching.
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Amy Cavill
Causes of Bad Posture
Common Causes of Bad Posture
Tips to Improve Posture
Upper Back Pain
Ways to Improve Posture
The Idea of "Should" & How to Stop Feeling Guilty
On March 28, 2019 in
Erin Wimert
should / verb 1.used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions. ”he should have been careful” It’s just an idea, right? A concept? A word in the dictionary? I’m not sure what sparked my interest in how “should” or “shouldn’t” plays a role in my life, but it crosses my mind daily now.
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Erin Wimert
How to Stop Feeling Guilty
Overcoming Guilt
Stop Saying Should
The Idea of Should
8 Tips to Form New Habits (& How Long it Takes)
On March 26, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
If you look at the lifestyles of highly successful people, you’ll realise that they’re not that way by accident, or by luck. They’ve learnt to make all those successful, proactive and useful behaviours a habit. Whether it’s waking up early to have more hours in the day, getting a work out in each day, taking the time to focus on self improvement, reading more, drinking less… the list can go on, but the one thing all these healthy habits have in common, is that it takes time for them to become a daily aspect in your life. If you’re thinking of making a small change to take on a healthy habit, or you’re thinking of something a little more life changing, hard work, effort and dedication are the things you need to achieve your goal. But just how long does it take to form a new habit - or stop a bad one? A quick internet search, will tell you it takes 21 days to form a habit. This is a popular myth that still rings in people’s brains today.
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8 Tips to Form a New Habit
Amy Cavill
How Long Does It Take to Form a New Habit
New Habits
5 Simple Tips for a Healthy & Happy Life
On March 22, 2019 in
Marquis Matson
Some people feel as if there is nothing that can be done when faced with certain difficulties. However, there are those of us that only search for solutions when the going gets tough, and, eventually emerge as winners to whatever obstacles life puts on their path. Modern life pushes us to fulfill different challenges. Things like creating a successful career, having a happy marriage, maintaining solid friendships, good health, and a positive outlook are things most of us would like to achieve and experience. Oftentimes however, we give priority to certain parts of life at the expense of others. The goal then, is finding balance and live in an energy of joy, regardless of the circumstances. The ones who are brave and persistent enough, can cope with the sometimes rapid rhythm of life, and compose a happy melody through which they dance throughout their lives.
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5 Tips for a Healthy & Happy Life
Happiness Tips
Marquis Matson
8 Best Places to Visit to Watch the Season's Change
On March 19, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Both the Spring and Autumn equinox signify great change. Our clocks change, the weather changes, and we’re getting prepared for summer or winter. While the equinox signifies the start of hot weather, or cold winters, don’t forget to take in the beauty of the season, rather than looking further ahead. There’s plenty of beautiful sights to take in around spring and autumn, especially in nature. We’ve put together a list of the best places to take in the seasonal changes this year, wherever you are in the world. Tokyo, Japan
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Autumn Travel
Best Place for Spring
Best Places to Visit for Change of Seasons
Yoga and Travel
Yoga Equinox
Yoga Retreats
Yoga Travel
Ayurvedic Tips for a Deep and Restful Sleep
On March 12, 2019 in
Manmohan Singh
After a night of improper sleep, how do you feel in the morning? Groggy, tired, irritated and dazed? Well this comes as a no surprise since sleep is essential to recharge the mind and body after a hard day’s work. And when there is improper sleep, the mind and body both feel down and less eager to go about with the activities of the day. Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal practice that originated in India classifies sleep disorder based on the dosha types – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each of the doshas has a significant impact on the sleep preferences and patterns of an individual. Similar to most of the things associated with Ayurveda, the present balance and body constitution of an individual influences sleep imbalances. In order to treat the issue of sleep imbalance effectively, it is important to know the present state of balance and the body constitution.
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Ayurvedic Tips for Deep and Restful Sleep
Deep Sleep Tips
Manmohan Singh
Sleep and Ayurveda
Sleep Hacks
What are the 7 Chakras?
On March 7, 2019 in
Aimee Hughes
What are the chakras? According to yoga, our inner bodies are full of subtle energy. This energy moves along a central channel called the sushumna nadi, These centers are thought to be doorways into the depths of awareness – awareness that is within the body, outside the body and also that can expand in such depth that we come to realize the innate vastness of our true nature. When the chakras are aligned, we are centered, balanced and healthy. When they’re out of alignment, illness is more apt to manifest in the body and mind. This is why it’s necessary to understand what each chakra represents, so that we can do proper chanting, pranayama and asana to support the balanced nature of each one. Here is a thorough overview of each of the 7 chakras, and how they relate to your well-being, as well as information so you can keep them each in balance. Root Chakra Also known as the muladhara chakra, is connected to our sense of foundation and being deeply rooted or grounded.
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7 Chakras Overview
Aimee Hughes
Guide to the Chakras
What are the 7 Chakras
What is Chakra
12 Tips for an Instant Confidence Boost
On March 5, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Feeling low in confidence is a feeling many of us have experienced before. During work, amongst peers, maybe even with a loved one - there are many situations that can challenge our confidence and leave us feeling doubtful. But no one is naturally self-confident. Self confidence is a skill that builds up over time, and is something that you can use against the daily grind. To get you started in building up your self confidence, here’s our top quick tips for an instant boost of confidence - perfect for that next big presentation at work, mustering up the courage to ask your crush out, or just to feel more powerful in your day to day life. 1. Prune yourself If you look your best, you’re likely to feel your best too. It’s incredible how a shower, a haircut or a shave can make you feel absolutely amazing, and do wonders for your self-image. This will boost your self confidence by miles, and can be achieved by just waking up a little earlier to give your image a little more TLC than usual.
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12 Tips for an Instant Confidence Boost
Amy Cavill
Instant Confidence
Tips to Boost Confidence
8 Fun and Healthy Activities for Couples to Deepen Bonding
On February 28, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Being loved up and part of a couple is a great thing, especially when you start to share parts of your life together. However, after a few years - you might find yourself grabbing the remote and binge-watching Netflix instead of getting out and doing new and exciting activities as a couple. It’s important to give the time to come up with fun and exciting date ideas, and do things together to strengthen your bond and keep your romance exciting. Here’s our top 8 ideas of activities to do as a couple, to deepen your bond, instill healthy habits together, and keep things fresh! Yoga We may be biased, but we think yoga is a great activity to share with your loved one to deepen your bond.
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8 Fun Activities for Couple's
Amy Cavill
Deepen Bonding
Fun Activities for Couples
Healthy Activities for Couples
Partner Yoga
Things for Couples to Do
10 Tips to Be More Productive
On February 26, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
With today’s technology and modern life, there are more distractions than ever getting in the way of having a productive work day. From the moment you sit down at your desk, there can be 101 things that steer your attention away from your to-do list. If you’re finding that you tasks just aren’t getting done, here’s some tips to make your day more productive. 1. Start the morning right for you A healthy breakfast, an early workout, time spent getting yourself looking professional… Sometimes there’s just not enough time before sitting down at your desk at 9am to get absolutely everything done - especially if you want your eight hours of sleep too! Starting your day on a high note can set the tone for the rest of the day, so think about what your priority is.
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10 Tips to Be More Productive
Amy Cavill
Life Hacks
Morning Routine
Productivity Tips
Tips to be more Productive
6 Ways of Coping with Anxiety that Actually Work
On February 21, 2019 in
Adela Belin
Do you constantly get worked up about something or the other – be it a work presentation, your relationship or even about a party you need to attend? You have days when you find your heart pounding while you sweat profusely and wonder what is it that you’re really experiencing – is this an anxiety attack or am I just stressed, you may wonder. While both stress and anxiety have similar mental and physical symptoms, the difference lies in the fact that stress is short-term whereas an anxiety disorder is a sustained state of mind which tends to remain even in the absence of a triggering situation. If you find yourself experiencing the latter, you might be suffering from some form of an anxiety disorder. Before you panic or shun this thought, understand that you are not alone in this battle. As per a recent study, anxiety has become the number one mental health issue in North America, with one-third of the North American adult population experiencing anxiety issues.
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6 Ways of Coping with Anxiety that Actually Work
Adela Belin
Anxiety Relief Techniques
Coping with Anxiety
8 Morning Routine Ideas for Happiness and Success
On February 17, 2019 in
Leif Harum
A good morning, can make it more likely you’ll have a happy and productive day. Fortunately, you can set yourself up for success each morning and some form of a somewhat consistent ritual or thing you do, that you enjoy and can look forward to. This can make all the difference in putting yourself on a positive course for the day ahead. These 8 morning routine ideas are a mix of movement, mindfulness, reflection, and others. Experiment with a few until you find one from this list (or perhaps another not listed), that you’d be excited to practice each day. If you begin to notice even slight improvements in your energy levels, productivity, and overall happiness, from any one of these ideas, stick with it, so it becomes second nature and a healthy habit. Here are 8 morning routines to to be happier and successful. Treat yourself to start each day! 1. Yoga Movement after a night’s sleep can wake everything up. Yoga designed for a morning practice,
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Healthy Morning Routines
Leif Harum
Life Hacks
Morning Routine Ideas for Happiness and Success
Morning Yoga Routine
Why Exercise Benefits the Aging Process
On February 14, 2019 in
Eric Leader
Have you ever envisioned your life 30 years from now? What do you look like? How do you feel? Are you able to play with your grandchildren and enjoy everyday activities? These are common questions among most in regards to their future and quality of life as they evolve through the aging process. The question remains how we can slow down the aging process and ensure that our future is bright and fruitful? As a personal trainer, I have had the good fortune and pleasure to work with many seniors over the course of my 20 years in the fitness industry. Through my very own hands-on experience, I have been able to witness the physical benefit of exercise and healthy nutrition can yield a higher quality of life and sense of well-being among the senior population. So what exactly are the benefits of exercise as we age?
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Eric Leader
Exercise and Aging Process
Exerice Benefits for Seniors
Fitness and Aging
Senior Mental Health
Yoga for Seniors
Meditation for Productivity: 3 Reasons Why it Works
On February 7, 2019 in
Martina Sanchez
Meditation has now entered the public consciousness as something less mystical and more practical. Far from the romantic notion of the mystic on the mountain, meditation has always had its practical uses. Increasingly, the benefits of meditation are becoming apparent in modern life and well-being. There is increasing research that practicing seated meditation has the power to make us more alert, energized, creative, clear in our thinking, and productive. Whether you're craving a boost in productivity, or just want to feel better in at work, meditation has real potential to help. Here are a few ways meditation it can boost personal productivity and focus, whether around the house, in the workplace, or working on a creative project.
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Martina Sanchez
Meditation Benefits
Meditation for Productivity
Meditation for Workplace
Finding Resiliency
On January 24, 2019 in
Susy Giddy
When I was 17 years old, the most unthinkable of events of my life took place on a Saturday in January. One that started out like any other Saturday, but would change my life and the lives of the rest of my family forever. After arguing over Saturday morning chores, I zipped off to the local mall, more of a leisure activity with girlfriends, rather than a shopping expedition. When a couple of hours later I returned, I knew immediately that something was radically wrong. The minister was walking down the path in front of my parents house. "What happened? Is it my father? Is it my Mother?” No said, the grim and paled face minister, "It is Chris, he is dead.” This would be the beginning of a whirling, incredibility, that would last for many years, and maybe does even to this day, as I tried to comprehend the “unthinkable”.
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autoerotic asphyxiation
Being Resilient
Finding Resiliency
Healing 101
Resiliency Blog
Resilient Blog
Susy Giddy
Yoga for Grief
Yoga for Grief Trauma & Loss
The Psychological Benefits of Yoga
On January 14, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
We all know that practicing yoga can have great physical health benefits, but it can also benefit your psychological and mental health state. There’s no denying the high that you get after a successful yoga class or practice, and that zen-like state of feeling calm, grounded and centered. Yoga is a great practice if you’ve been feeling down, negative, or scattered with your thoughts. Practicing yoga has a way of subsiding those negative emotions, bringing you into a state of calm and peace. Yoga also helps you feel a connection to your body, and helps you become more aware of any thoughts, emotions and physical feelings around your mind and body. This sensation of mindfulness can help improve our emotional health, and lead into a calm state. The psychological benefits of yoga have lead to the practice being regarded as a great practice for those suffering from stress, anxiety, and other mental health problems. Yoga changes your brain.
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Amy Cavill
Psychological Benefits of Yoga
Yoga for Anxiety
Yoga for Depression
Yoga for Your Brain
Yoga Mental Health Benefits
Yoga Philosophy: A Roadmap of the Yoga Sutras
8 Ways to Be Strong and Healthy Like a Tree
On January 10, 2019 in
Scott Mathews
Trees are symbols of long life and strength. One of the oldest forms of life on the planet, they are not only well-grounded but flexible. Without trees, we could not live. Modern medicine tends to separate the mind and body, but trees with their roots firmly planted in the ground and their branches reaching up to the sky, remind us of how connected we can be to both. These eight lessons, are things we can learn from trees, and beneficial ways, we as humans, can embody their strength, power, and health. 1. Nourish Your Roots
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How to Be Like a Tree
How to Be Strong and Healthy Like a Tree
Scott Mathews
Tree Symbolism
Tree Wisdom
A Complete Guide to the Lower Chakras
On January 7, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
The lower Chakras consist of the Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra and the Power Center. These three chakras look after your physical and emotional identity, as well as your self image and your relationship to the physical world. The lower chakras are the chakras that keep you grounded, and connected to the world. They connect to the feet, legs, hips, lower back and core. Here’s a guide to the three lower chakras, and how you can balance them for a more productive life. The root chakra is the first chakra, and is your foundation. This Chakra connects your body to the earth, and draws energy to give you strength. If you’re looking for stability in life, a strong root chakra is key.
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A Complete Guide to the Lower Chakras
Amy Cavill
Lower Chakras Guide
Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
What are the Lower Chakras
Yoga for the Lower Chakras
Going Vegan: It Doesn't Have to be Weird
On January 4, 2019 in
Shannon Connell
Eating raw or vegan doesn’t have to be lonely, or obsessive, or weird to our friends, co-workers, or loved ones. It can be very inclusive and non-judgmental. If you find you are getting made fun of or teased, just hold your head up and keep your heart strong. If you find yourself getting emotionally engaged with animal rights and activism while your co-worker or lover is eating a turkey sandwich, relax! This is not the way to approach our meat eating loved ones. Let go of the judgement. It will just cause discomfort, disconnection, and turn others off. It is hypocritical, if we are choosing this diet to become more peaceful and then allow ourselves to get all worked up. Yes, going vegan is great for the environment and sustainability. Yes, it is a more peaceful lifestyle. Yes, being vegan can provide the body detoxification. It is also a yogic path. Yet, eating raw vegan, vegan, vegetarian, organic doesn’t have to come with the stigma that intimidates our meat eating loved ones. It is all about how we present it. Stay positive and excited when going vegan. It is not our business to judge or preach to others. If they ask about it, great! Tell them how you feel, and offer to share your raw vegan meal with them. Step by step, without any judgement ever. When going to a dinner party, you can bring a colorful fruit salad, or a raw corn and sauerkraut salad, which will be great at the pool party or somewhere fun to share with your friends. People may ask you questions but how we answer them doesn’t have to be stoic talks about factory farming, pollution, or the chronic disease epidemic. Just share with them how good you feel, or better yet bring extra to share, or invite them over to share a meal with you.
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Being Vegan Weird
Going Vegan: It Doesn't Have to be Weird
Shannon Connell
Social Vegan
Vegan Diet Benefits
10 Habits to Help You Sleep Better
On January 2, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Keeping to healthy sleep habits can be one of the best goals to give yourself for the new year. A good night’s sleep can improve your physical and mental health, reduce stress, improve weight loss and much more! It’s one of the basic human needs that a lot of us don’t get enough of. If you’re finding yourself perma-tired, here’s a few habits to help you sleep to pick up in 2019, so that you can start to get a good night’s sleep. Here are 10 effective habits to help you sleep better! 1. Keep a consistent sleep schedule Your body’s circadian rhythm is it’s 24hr cycle, and it functions on a set loop based on when the sun rises and sets. If you keep a consistent schedule with your sleeping and waking times, your sleep quality will improve. An irregular sleeping pattern can cause long-term sleep problems, and can also affect your body’s natural circadian rhythm. This helps signal your brain to sleep too. If you’re struggling to drop off at night, or waking up throughout your sleep, an easy habit to help you sleep better is to start waking and sleeping at the same times.
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10 Habits to Help you Sleep
Amy Cavill
Habits to Help you Sleep Better
Sleep Better
Sleep Hacks
Yoga for Better Sleep
8 Ways Being Healthy Saves Money
On December 27, 2018 in
Jennifer Bennet
It isn’t hard to see that a healthy diet and exercise can help a person look and feel better, but did you know that being healthy is also a great way to save money? If you have been thinking about hitting the gym, practicing yoga, walking more often or making a lifestyle change so you can feel better, no time is better to do so than right now. Think about all the ways that a healthy life can improve your financial status by saving money. Here are 8 ways that being healthy saves money. 1. Family Outings Being healthy saves money when it comes to family outings. There is nothing wrong at all with taking your family out to see a movie or to sit and watch a ball game. When you’re working on leading a healthier life however, you may want to ditch the expensive movie tickets and opt for a walk in the park, a hike to a waterfall or taking a swim in a nearby lake. The average cost of a movie ticket for one person is nearly $10 and that adds up when you take your whole family. Once you figure in the cost of popcorn and drinks along with the tickets, a family movie night can cost upwards of $100. Heading to the great outdoors is FREE to do and guaranteed to be fun. 2. Medical Expenses
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8 Ways Being Healthy Saves Money
Being Healthy Saves Money
Health and Financial Well Being
Healthy People Save Money
Jennifer Bennet
Life Hacks
6 Steps to Setting & Achieving Your Goals
On December 24, 2018 in
Amy Cavill
It’s the time of year when many of us will be thinking about the year ahead, and setting some goals and resolutions to achieve in the next twelve months. It can be easy to just think “I want to achieve…”, but if you want to actually succeed in your resolutions, you need to set achievable goals. If you don’t have a goal to work towards, you can lose focus and direction, and be further from achieving the challenges you set yourself. Goals also help you set a benchmark for determining your success! There are steps you can take to help you set and achieve your goals. It takes some careful thought into what it is you want to do, and how you’re going to go about achieving it. Here’s our top tips for setting and achieving your goals. 1. Set yourself a motivational goal It’s very important that your goals are motivational to you.
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Amy Cavill
Setting and Achieving Goals
Setting Goals
Steps to Achieving Goals
Steps to Setting and Achieving Goals
Writing Down Your Goals
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