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6 Tips to Stay Positive This Year
On February 2, 2021 in
Amelia Ma
Now that 2020 is behind us and we're settling into 2021, it’s time to start looking ahead to the future, even though we're still living in a pandemic. Given how difficult the past year has been for all of us around the world, if you’re having a hard time thinking positively, you’re not alone. There’s no guarantee 2021 will be perfect, but with the right attitude, you can still make the most of the year ahead. Here are 6 simple tips to foster and maintain a positive outlook throughout the year: 1. Commit to Positivity Life is full of challenges and the only thing that really matters is how you respond to them. Instead of reacting to difficult situations with negativity or fear, embrace the opportunity to rise above.
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Julia Buencamino
Tips for Positivity
Yoga for Mental Health
Alone Together. Re-Defining Friendship in a Pandemic
On January 28, 2021 in
Gaillane Grosso
The yoga sutras say “Through transgression of the original rules there is non-attainment of the goal.” So what are the rules—or even the goals-- in life as we know it and live it now in the midst of a pandemic? Many of us are still looking back at how it was a year ago, putting everything in our lives on lockdown as we wait, and wish and hope life will be ours again in three months, six months, or a year. Even our friendships are affected and changed. Suddenly they feel distant, uncertain—practically unknowable.
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Friendship in a Pandemic
Gaillane Grosso
Redefining Friendship
Balance Your Solar Plexus Center: The 3rd Chakra, Manipura
On January 21, 2021 in
Angela Droughton
The Third Chakra, Solar Plexus (also called Manipura Chakra), relates to the region of the body that goes from the navel to the lower third of the rib cage. If the physical body were a cell, the third chakra would be the mitochondria. The solar plexus creates our relationship with what we are physically able to achieve. The third chakra may also correspond with our to-do list and the expectations we have on ourselves for what we want, or may not want to get done on a physical level. While anxiety and burn-out may have a way of creeping into any chakra, I often see those frequencies manifest within this region of the body. We can do energy work on “burn out” until the cows come home, but often the body desires much more than meditation to refresh, restore, and transform the body’s longing for relief, space, and nourishment.
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Angela Droughton
Anxiety Relief
Manipura Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Third Chakra
10 Ways to Stay Positive During the Pandemic
On January 13, 2021 in
Amy Cavill
Around the world, the current global pandemic has changed our lives. Although we might be getting used to this new normal way of living, we are all still affected in 2021 by the COVID-19 pandemic. Isolation, social distancing, and ill-health can all be tough on our mental health, and many of us might be feeling anxious, scared, and lonely. It’s important to have some ways to manage any negative mental health effects the pandemic might be having on you, to help keep feeling positive when things get tough. Here are some ways you can try to keep your head afloat during the pandemic, to give you a boost of positivity. Allow Yourself to Feel Anxious
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10 Ways to Stay Positive During the Pandemic
Dealing with the Pandemic
Pandemic and Mental Health
10 Tips to Detox from Social Media
On January 7, 2021 in
Keith Allen
The irony of reading this on a screen and possibly linked from a social media post is obvious. Social media is not all bad, and in fact, allows us to access a vast array of useful information and connection with one another. However, many of us have become unknowingly addicted to social media, our devices, and endless browsing, to which there are real downsides. Like anything else, the key is balance. The purpose of these tips is not to villainize social media, or torture ourselves by abstaining from things we like or disconnecting people we love. It's about leaving room to be more present, and in the moment, versus always thinking ahead to how you're going to share something with your audience, being distracted by your phone all the time, or stuck in loops of comparison.
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Keith Allen
Mental Health
Social Media Detox Tips
Love Your Body & Stop Obsessing Over Your Weight
On January 5, 2021 in
Amy Booth
Here is a novel idea – What if we measured our weight by laughter and contentment instead of pounds and kilos? If we stopped obsessing about how much we weigh and lived more by our worth as a person. If the saying – you are worth your weight in gold became a marker of our potential to live to. Wouldn’t our world be a better place and wouldn’t we each live a brighter existence? In a morning conversation about how we did not value our bodies when we were younger, I was thinking how can we instill value to our youth, where they grow up loving and appreciating their bodies for what they do and feel, over how they look. How can we gift this to our sons and daughters, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren?
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Amy Booth
Body Positive Yoga
Love Your Body
Stop Obsessing Over Your Weight
Slow Down, Check In, & Chill Out
On January 1, 2021 in
Elise Fabricant
Can I be honest with you? Sometimes I get burnt out, grumpy, and in a funk. Just like many of you, I fall into the trap of the glorifying of busyness. Subconsciously I believe that I’m not doing a good enough job if I’m not running from one thing to the next, crossing things off my list, working late into the night and then rising in the wee hours of the morning to work again. As much as it benefits others, my career of massage and yoga education is not immune to stressful deadlines and schedules. Today a friend innocently asked me “so, how are you?” When I paused long enough to bypass the automatic answer of “fine,” I realized that I don’t know how I truly am doing. I haven’t made enough time to check in and listen lately.
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Elise Fabricant
How to Chill Out
Slow Down
The Courage to Stand Still
On December 23, 2020 in
Gaillane Grosso
"One hundred actions are not worth as much as one moment of stillness" - Xiang Zhai Standing still is perhaps the most contradictory activity in which we can engage. While we are seemingly doing “nothing” in fact we are challenging ourselves both physically and mentally, using every muscle in our bodies, strong, deliberate breath and an iron-willed focus. All to do that which our culture regards with little respect. To many, to stand still is to stagnate. To lose momentum. Not to keep up with progress. The truth is, many consider standing still as actually falling behind. Yet standing still has taught me valuable lessons. It allows me to be inside myself. Instead of always wanting to be the busy one, the active one, the catalyst, standing still allows me to watch.
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Be Still
Gaillane Grosso
Power of Stillness
Small Changes to Make for a Happier 2021
On December 22, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
2021 is around the corner, and not a moment too soon. It’s been a tumultuous year for many of us, so New Year's resolutions probably haven’t even crossed your mind. Big changes and new challenges may be a little too much to take on after the year that we’ve had, but there are plenty of small changes you can make that will help bring you a little more joy in the year to come. Here’s our list of small changes to make for a happier 2021. Start reading Many of us would have spent more time than ever this year watching shows or movies at home.
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Amy Cavill
Happiness Tips
Life Hacks
Small Routine Changes
Manifestation: A 3-Step Testable Guide
On December 18, 2020 in
David Williams
We are all manifesting our realities all the time, whether we realize it or not. Conscious manifestation, though, takes some understanding and practice. These techniques are 100% testable. I encourage you: don’t just take my word for it, try it out for yourself! Step 1: Get clear on what you want Conscious manifestation requires your imagination. And to imagine something, you must get a clear picture of what you want. This can be a stumbling block if you are unsure of exactly what you want, or you just don’t even know where to start. Plus, it’s common for some to fear wasting time and making the wrong decision.
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David Williams
How to do Visualization
How to Manifest
Manifestation and Visualization
Manifestation: A 3-Step Testable Guide
Kali Yuga: Invoking the Divine Feminine in Challenging Times
On December 15, 2020 in
Jeanie Manchester
The ancient yoginis understood the concept of time and cycles they called yugas. Presently, we are living in a time of great intensity: the Kali Yuga. The Kali Yuga is a period of hundreds of thousands of years, and it shows a progressive decline in true spiritual connection. We see this readily in many yogic myths where the feminine (Shakti) embodied conscious-ness is repeatedly disrespected and, as a result, leaves her human form. When she goes away, the demons take over the world creating environmental degradation as they pillage the Earth without a care or sense of responsibility. The world falls apart; the oceans fill with plastic; the air is unbreathable, and the respect for fellow humans is diminished.
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Invoking the Divine Feminine in Challenging Times
Jeanie Manchester
Kali Yuga
Yoga Mythology
10 Ways to Give Back
On November 25, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
Giving something back, aka philanthropy, isn’t a new concept. Being generous has been a part of our everyday lives for decades, and is an integral part of our modern society. However, giving back doesn’t have to be hard. Yes, there are those that dedicate themselves to philanthropy, but you can also do something as simple as carrying groceries for a neighbor. Any act of kindness, big or small, can have a positive impact on social issues, wellness, and community spirit. Isn't that the world we want to live in in 2020? Here are some small ways you can give back. 1. Volunteer Your Time
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Amy Cavill
Ways to Give Back
10 Free Ways to Chill Out Right Now
On November 19, 2020 in
Nicki Mateo
It's too easy to be on edge all the time these days. Technology addiction, political tension, being busy all of the time. Many of us are plagued with some or all of these things on a daily basis. More and more of us are reporting feelings of anxiety regularly. It's important we do things regularly to counteract feelings of tension, and let our minds and bodies unwind, chill out, and relax. We're all unique, so it's important we search around for things that work for us. However, it doesn't always have to cost a therapy session, or big trip to allow yourself to relax. There are things you can do, right now, that are completely free, that can help you relax and chill out. Here are 10 free ways to relax, right now:
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Anxiety Relief Ideas
Free Ways to Chill Out
Mental Health
Nicki Mateo
Ways to relax
How to Incorporate Self-Care into Your Daily Life
On November 16, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
Self-care is an all-encompassing term that we tend to hear a lot, but what actually is self care, and why is it important? Self-care means taking care of your body, mind and soul - every day, not just when you’re feeling run down. This can include eating healthy, doing positive activities, and taking some time out for yourself, in order to stay happy and healthy. Sounds easy enough right? However, it’s not always as straightforward as it seems.
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Amy Cavill
How to Add Self Care into Your Daily Life
Life Hacks
Self Care
Why Mental Toughness Is Your Most Valuable Asset & How to Strengthen It
On November 9, 2020 in
Alina Burakova
It was Henry Ford who said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you right.” The quote alone shows that whatever plan we have, whatever dreams we wish to aspire to, and the position we aspire to reach begins with the mind. That’s how critical our mind is. When people count their assets, they often think of their bank accounts, real estate holdings, stocks, and tangible assets that they have acquired over the years, and yet, they forget to add their mental toughness to the list, which can be more important than all of these other external things.
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Alina Burakova
Mental Toughness Benefits
Value of Mental Toughness
Exploring Common Sanskrit: Om, Spanda, Sutra, Dharma… WHAT?
On November 5, 2020 in
Elise Fabricant
This month I have the pleasure of taking part in a writing experiment. Susanna Harwood Rubin, a yoga teacher and writer on the East Coast, is prompting students every day with a new Sanskrit word to explore with a few of their own words. I’m less than a week into this experience, and am already surprised how it has enabled me to look inward and apply the words and concepts to my life personally. Following are a few of my word explorations, with more to come. OM
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Basic Sanskrit
Elise Fabricant
Understanding Common Sanskrit
What Does Om Mean
What does Shakti Mean
10 Small Ways to Add Mindfulness Into Your Daily Life
On November 2, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
Mindfulness is a great way to keep calm and happy in today's world. The mental state of mindfulness can help to reduce anxiety, and keep your mind healthy through an awareness of your own thoughts. While it might be the ‘buzzword’ of the year, mindfulness has been practiced for over 2000 years, and it’s now seen as a medically recommended technique to reduce depression. Want to get in on it? Here’s a few small ways you can bring mindfulness into your daily life. Try it for one minute
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10 ways to bring mindfulness into your daily life
Amy Cavill
Life Hacks
Mindfulness Tips
Yoga for Mindfulness
The Inspiration Download: Interview with Iana Velez, Publisher of NY Yoga Life Magazine
On October 15, 2020 in
The Insight & Inspire interview series feature different people who are bringing ideas to life and sharing something with the world that they are passionate about, whether it's through teaching yoga, creating a business, doing work in their community, creating art, hosting events, bringing to life new wellness products, or more. These interviews highlight real people who have brought ideas to life and give real-life insight and inspiration on their processes and journey. This session is with the Publish & Editor-in-Cief of NY Yoga Life magazine, Iana Velez. What are you passionate about sharing with the world? Why does this motivate you?
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The Inspiration Download
Yoga Industry
Perfectionism On & Off the Yoga Mat
On October 2, 2020 in
elise fabricant
Do you long to perform better on your yoga mat? Maybe you’ve seen an impressive peacock pose on Instagram and feel shameful that your pose doesn’t look nearly that graceful? Well, I know the feeling; I’ve been there, too. But listen up, y’all. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is NOT about how flexible you are, your cute leggings, or your ability to stand on one hand. Everybody is built differently, and in an ideal world, each pose would be specifically instructed to fit each body. For example, the shape of my particular hip sockets will never ever – not even after twenty MORE years of practicing yoga – allow me to come into a safe lotus pose. And currently, my massage practice takes all I’ve got out from my wrists and leaves nothing else for arm balances.
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Elise Fabricant
Perfectionism and Yoga
Yoga & Perfection
Surround Yourself with People Who Fill You Up with Happiness
On September 17, 2020 in
Amy Booth
Surround yourself you people who top you up. Fill your friendship bag with the people who are there in an instant when you need them. The people who you laugh the loudest with and those that you laugh along, with even when they are laughing at you! The friends who make you realise and feel just how special you are.
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Amy Booth
Surround Yourself with Positive People
Tips and Ideas for Healthy Habits at Home
On September 14, 2020 in
Lorena Romo
A nutritious diet and plenty of exercise can undoubtedly promote good health, but what about the daily habits you practice at home? From your everyday routine to getting the proper sleep, there are several things you can do to promote and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. It's said that good habits begin at home, and this is absolutely true whether it relates to your career, your relationships, or your physical health. Read on to discover some things you can do to start practicing smarter, healthier habits while at home. Why Healthy Habits are Important
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Healthy Habits at Home
Ideas for Healthy Habits at Home
Lorena Romo
Tips for Healthy Habits at Home
The Inspiration Download: Interview with The Founders of Moon Bath
On September 11, 2020 in
The Inspiration Download interview series feature different people who are sharing something with the world that they are passionate about, whether it's through teaching yoga, a business or product, putting on events, doing work in their community, or more. These interviews highlight real people who have brought ideas to life and give real-life insight and inspiration on their processes and journey. This session is with the founders of Moonbath, Sierra Brashear & Dakota Hill. How did Moon Bath come to be?
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Entrepreneur Interview
Moon Bath Ritual
The Inspiration Download
10 of the Best Places In The World To Do Yoga
On September 4, 2020 in
Rebecca Siggers
We, humans, live in an age of physical and mental stress. Body inactivity, past ailment, and genetic traits make our bodies lose flexibility and strength. Mild to chronic health problems are the consequence. Yoga is one of the top ways to de-stress and rejuvenate the body to wellness and immunity. This physical practice is world-famous since times immemorial. With yoga cities getting back to the new normal, fitness rainbow is brightening up for health and strength seekers. Let us look at the world's most popular places to take your yoga practice to new heights.
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Best Places in the World To Do Yoga
10 Ways You Could Be Hurting Your Posture
On August 31, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
While a lot of people could definitely improve their posture, you might think that it’s going to be a hard and arduous journey to a straighter spine. However, it can be the small things that you might not notice that are actually causing your bad posture. Luckily, once you notice these behaviors, it becomes very easy to change and adapt, and improve your posture. Here are some of the ways you could be hurting your posture, without even realizing it. Slouching
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10 Ways You Could Be Hurting Your Posture
Amy Cavill
Improve Your Posture
Yoga for Better Posture
Tips for Bringing Zen & Mindfulness to Your Workspace
On August 28, 2020 in
Jayce Lambert
Mindfulness is a stress-buster that’s becoming more popular, and for good reason. Practicing mindfulness in your day to day life can help you be more relaxed, happy, and kind. For many, their work-life can be a source of stress. It doesn't need to be and for those fortunate enough, work is something that brings joy. Whether it's work or other things in your life that cause you stress, it's important you do your best to reduce the effects of stress. Stress can kill. That’s no overstatement — it’s true. Mounting stress increases your blood pressure and releases cortisol into your bloodstream. You can become more prone to heart attacks and strokes. But you don’t have to let chronic stress defeat you.
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Being Mindful At Work
Jayce Lambert
Mindfulness in Your Workspace
Zen in Your Workspace
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