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Manifestation: A 3-Step Testable Guide
Manifestation: A 3-Step Testable Guide
We are all manifesting our realities all the time, whether we realize it or not. Conscious manifestation, though, takes some understanding and practice. These techniques are 100% testable. I encourage you: don’t just take my word for it, try it out for yourself! Step 1: Get clear on what you want Conscious manifestation requires your imagination. And to imagine something, you must get a clear picture of what you want. This can be a stumbling block if you are unsure of exactly what you want, or you just don’t even know where to start. Plus, it’s common for some to fear wasting time and making the wrong decision.

Easy Ways to Get Started with Manifestation
Easy Ways to Get Started with Manifestation
Manifestation works on the principle that the thoughts we have can attract desires we have. The idea is each thought we have then creates an energy flow around our bodies. The energy flowing around us attracts similar energies. So, for example, if you’re thinking negative thoughts, your energy will be negative and you’ll attract negative experience. However, we can harness this principle to bring positive vibes into our lives. When we realise we’re in control of the experiences we manifest, we can in turn, think positive thoughts and attract positive experiences. Each thought we have influences the energy we exude, and this energy manifests into our life experiences. Here’s some easy ways to get started with manifestation. 1. Stay General