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Connecting with the Water Element
On March 11, 2020 in
Whitney Reynolds
Of all the five elements, the element of water most represents coolness, being in a flow state, and adaptability. When water meets an obstacle, it doesn’t break, burn, or become stuck. When water meets an obstacle, it goes around that obstacle. It always finds another way. When we connect with the energy of water, we also connect with the receptive, yin-energy, and the sacred feminine within. Someone with a water-state-of-mind has less of a “go-getter vibe” and more of a natural attitude of acceptance. A person with a water-state-of-mind may not seem to be striving in the traditional sense, but in the end, they get the desired result. In a way, this mindset allows one to more easily “go with the flow” and allow the outcome to come without chasing or striving.
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Water Element Meditation
Water Element Practices
Water Element Yoga
Whitney Reynolds
Simple Things to Do to Believe In Yourself More
On March 3, 2020 in
Amy Booth
Sometimes in life we get knocked off center. We CAN begin to doubt ourselves and struggle to find ways to trust ourselves, our strengths, beliefs, our knowledge, and our power. We can get knocked off center because of things that came up unexpectedly, or something we tried that didn’t go according to plan. Maybe a harsh word from another or ourselves that allowed self-doubt to creep in. The causes can be endless, but regardless of any cause, any cause of imbalance always rests at home in our mind and our thoughts. It is in the mind where we can hide out in the past or false truths, instead facing the untainted present with clarity and confidence. We can know all of this and yet still feel challenged to find the confidence to give things another try, or step out of our protective barriers. An easy way to restore confidence is to do something you know you do really well.
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Amy Booth
Believe in Yourself More
Inspiration Blog
Simple Things to Do To Believe in Yourself More
Yes, What Goes Up, Must Come Down, But...
On February 25, 2020 in
Angela Droughton
Often times we hear the saying, “what goes up, must come down.” As someone who’s had their fair share of traumas, this phrase has been real throughout my healing journey. I call it, doom and gloom energy. It is a fear around things being good, and then not enjoying them when they are good, because you’re too busy waiting for what is going to go wrong and screw it all up! As I have explored this and still explore this within myself and clients, I have come to realize that yes, Newton was on to something when he said "what goes up, must come down", but no, what goes up doesn’t always need to come down with a crash landing. Transitions from one chapter or experience to the next, can be relatively smoothe and peaceful. Rather than a Newtonian approach, what if we looked at this concept in terms of airplanes.
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Angela Droughton
Change and Transitions
Positive Thinking
Fear of Failure vs. Fear of Success
On February 20, 2020 in
Amy Booth
Fear of failure vs. fear of success. In writing it looks clear, sure plenty of people understandably have a fear of failure, but looks ridiculous why anyone would have fear of success. And yet it is common. I for one can put both hands up to say success terrifies me way more than failure. In fact, I sit quite easily with failure. Perhaps it’s because my self doubt convinced me a long time again that I would fail, so then if and when it happens I am prepared and I can say “I knew this would happen!” The saying whether you “believe you can or you can’t, you are absolutely right” rings true.
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Amy Booth
Fear of Failure and Success
Fear of Failure versus Fear of Success
The Fear of Success
Chakra Colors Debunked: Healing with Colors
On February 11, 2020 in
Angela Droughton
If you google the word “chakra,” the first six images you see share the idea of chakras being seven energetic vortexes located on a person’s body, that correspond with regions of the body physically, spiritually, and energetically. You will also see that all six images consistently show the seven chakras are all the same colors in descending order from the crown chakra to the root chakra: Violet Crown Chakra Indigo Third Eye Chakra Blue Throat Chakra Green Heart Chakra Yellow Solar Plexus Chakra Orange Sacral Chakra Red Root Chakra
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Angela Droughton
Chakra Colors Debunked
Chakras and Colors
Healing with Colors
Simple Foods that Reduce Cholesterol
On February 7, 2020 in
Sumiya Shaw
Cholesterol has important functions in our body, but too much can cause harm. With proper nutrition, we stay healthy and have cholesterol under control and in balance. The cholesterol is a lipid insoluble, which, when excessive, is responsible for some cardiovascular diseases. This lipid performs important functions in our body, such as vitamin D manufacturing, sex hormone production, and participation in cell growth and regeneration. Types of Cholesterol Good cholesterol and bad cholesterol are the two different types of cholesterol. Good cholesterol also called HDL (High-Density Lipoproteins) is good for the body and protects it because it collects all the bad cholesterol deposited in the blood vessels and is then cleared out by the liver. Bad cholesterol also called LDL (Low-Density Lipoproteins), deposits in the artery walls, making them narrower, which makes it difficult for blood to pass through and may lead to clogging of the artery. This kind of bad cholesterol is associated with overweight, poor diet, diabetes, high blood pressure, and smoking.
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Foods that Help Cholesterol
Simple Foods That Fight Cholesterol
Sumiya Shaw
The Best 3 Ayurvedic Herbs for New Moms
On January 30, 2020 in
Brooke Nally
Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga, and has been used for thousands of years to heal the body. Ayurveda uses many ancient techniques, including herbs, panchakarma, and identifying the doshas in a person by taking their pulse and asking them a series of questions. Especially for postpartum moms, there are certain herbs used in Ayurveda specifically to increase breast milk. In addition, Ayurvedic herbs benefit mothers by also helping them balance their hormones and helping them with any post-partum depression. Unfortunately, many women experience post-partum depression, among many other not-so-pleasant symptoms coming after giving birth. Luckily, we have amazing Ayurvedic herbs to help!
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3 Best Ayurvedic Herbs for New Moms
Brooke Nally
Herbs for New Moms
Postnatal Yoga
Yoga & Ayurveda
Yoga for New Moms
10 Ways to Find Inspiration When You're Feeling Down
On January 14, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
When you’re suffering from a low mood, anxiety or depression, you can get stuck in a rut and you just can’t get out of it. You might have a to-do list that’s really long, but you’re struggling to even get out of bed. Things can pile up and can add to your low mood, when you’re finding it hard to get inspired about life. Your brain may feel overwhelmed and it’s hard to get excited about anything at all. But it’s not impossible to feel inspired again after being stuck in a rut. Here’s a few ways to get yourself back on track 1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help
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Amy Cavill
Depression and Anxiety Hacks
Find Inspiration When You're Feeling Down
When You're Feeling Down
To Force, or To Flow?
On January 10, 2020 in
Elise Fabricant
“Don’t write a book unless you just can not NOT write it.” – Maya Angelou I haven’t been writing much lately, in my blog, or anywhere, truly. My yoga dharma talks, which were once the effusive ideologues of youth, have been reserved and quiet. My energy has been taken up by personal relationships and by growing my coaching business, which takes me being more extroverted than is in my true nature. And now, at the end of the day, I find that there’s not a lot left over to give to writing or inspiring. You understand, right? Even if you’re not growing a business or doing the dance of an on-again-off-again relationship, you pour your energy out in so many different directions. In busy times like these, we can learn to prioritize consciously, rather than succumb to a haphazard whirlwind of to-do lists. We can sort by which activities have the most impact, which takes the shortest amount of time, and which brings us the most joy.
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Elise Fabricant
Flow State
Force or Flow
Productivity Hacks
Yoga Teacher
How To Start Meditating
On January 6, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
Meditation is a practice that’s open to anyone, and there are huge health benefits to be had from a simple and daily meditation practice - both physically and mentally. There are so many studies out there that have proven that mindfulness and meditation can have a positive impact to your mental and physical health. For example, meditation can reduce stress to the extent that it can help to reprogram your brain to increase your capacity to manage stress, and also reduce the stress hormone cortisol in your body and even strengthen your immune system. Meditation can also help to improve your concentration and focus. This is because meditation creates a mindful awareness in the brain, allowing it to be calm and in harmony with itself. Regular practitioners of meditation have shown a heightened attention and concentration span.
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Amy Cavill
Beginning Meditation
How To Start Meditating
Meditation Benefits
Meditation for Beginners
New Meditation Classes
5 Secrets to Living a Balanced Life
On December 30, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Having a balanced life can be a key for success. Keeping things in balance can lead to a stress free life, peace of mind and having a good life. We all have a manner of responsibility, and keeping these in balance with things that we enjoy doing can be hard. However, if things get off balance, stress can occur, as well as emotional or even physical health issues. Here’s our top secrets to maintaining a balanced life. Take care of yourself If you’re not healthy and living an unhealthy lifestyle, you’ll find it hard to get everything done. The first step to living a balanced life is to get enough sleep, eat nutritious food and exercise. You can’t function as an adult while not getting enough of these things. As well as taking care of your physical health, take some time to look after yourself mentally too - try to find time for activities you love, and help yourself unwind after a stressful day by doing something relaxing. This will put you in a great state of mind to lead a balanced lifestyle.
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Amy Cavill
Life Hacks
Live a Balanced Life
Secrets to Living a Balanced Life
11 Tips for Making New Year's Resolutions that Actually Stick
On December 23, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
It’s nearing the end of 2019 and it’s the time of year where everyone is thinking about the year ahead. Making New Year’s resolutions are an old tradition, however many of us struggle to keep them for 365 days! Here are our top tips for making New Year's resolutions that turn out to be successful, and how to make them stick. Make specific goals If you set big goals that are vague, they won’t last because they’re just too big! To achieve your goals, they have to be specific, and measurable. Break your big goals down to something more specific, which will be easier to stick to and track.
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Amy Cavill
Goal Setting
Life Hacks New Year's
Making New Year's Resolutions that Stick
New Year's Resolution Tips
Tips for New Year's Resolutions
Keys to Keeping Your Pelvic Floor Healthy After Childbirth
On December 19, 2019 in
Brooke Nally
For anyone who has given birth, a strong and supportive pelvic floor is crucial to overall health and vitality. Your pelvic floor is a thin layer of muscles that run from the pubic bone to the Coccyx. The pelvic floor plays an important role in many things, like supporting your body’s internal organs (bladder, intestines, uterus, etc.), enabling you to maintain urinary and bowel control, and providing support vital for reproductive and sexual functioning. Your pelvic floor supports your organs during activities that stress them physically, such as laughing, sneezing and coughing and also plays a vital role in supporting the spine. Unfortunately, many new moms are not aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy pelvic floor. Strong pelvic floor muscles are a crucial part of your body’s internal core stabilizers, so if you want to strengthen your core, you can’t ignore your pelvic floor.
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Brooke Nally
Pelvic Floor After Childbirth
Postnatal Yoga
Strong Pelvic Floor Pregnancy
Yoga for New Moms
Simple Solstice Ritual Ideas
On December 16, 2019 in
New Classes & Programs
Amy Cavill
Depending where you are in the world, you’re either in the midst of cold weather or gearing up for a hot summer. If you’re wrapping up warm and finding the days growing darker, the winter solstice is arriving, whereas if you’re in warmer climates, the opposite is true, and the summer solstice is growing near. The shortest and longest days of the year retrospectively, the solstice is a time to think inwards, reflect, and set intentions for the season ahead. Symbolically this is a turning point in the seasons and a powerful time to stop, reflect, and give thanks for what we each have in our lives. It's also a momentary step back from our day to day successes and trials, and remember and feel our place in the bigger picture and the cosmos. It is a powerful time to honor the sun, which gives all things on our planet life.
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Amy Cavill
Simple Solstice Ritual Ideas
Solstice Ritual Ideas
Summer Solstice Ritual Ideas
Winter Solstice Ritual Ideas
Yoga for the Solstice
11 Simple and Natural Cold Weather Allergy Remedies
On December 12, 2019 in
Healthy Recipes
Nicholas Parker
Allergies are a reaction of the body on getting in touch with the specific allergy initiating particulates called allergens. The two ways that these allergens enter the body are inhalation and direct skin contact. Allergies are mostly seasonal and cold weather allergies are the most common type of seasonal allergy. Some of the most common allergens that are responsible for cold weather allergies are snow dust, pollen, cold weather in general and some other unknown allergic agents. There are various tests to figure out what exactly is causing your cold-weather allergies. Some of the common symptoms of cold weather allergies are skin rash, reddening and inflammation of the skin, coughing, and eye dryness and irritation.
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Best Natural Allergy Remedies
Cold Weather Allergy Remedies
Natural Allergy Relief
Natural Allergy Remedies
Nicholas Parker
Winter Allergy Remedies
Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet
On December 9, 2019 in
"The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat." - Napoleon Hill Get fired up! Are you ready to tap into your innermost desires and stoke your motivation? Join us for our incredible 2020 challenge and we’ll be right there with you getting fired up for not just your best year ever, but your best DECADE ever. We’re going to give you every single little thing you need to help you kick off 2020 and manifest your desires for your best life. All you need to bring to the table is your Tapas… Tapas? If you aren’t familiar with this Sanskrit term, Tapas is one of the Niyamas or five internal practices from the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali’s Eight-Limb Yoga Path. This path outlines your journey through yoga and life. Cultivating these qualities before and during your time on the mat will lead you to success.
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2020 Yoga
20-Day Yoga Challenge
New Year's Resolutions
New Year's Yoga Challenge
New Yoga Challenge
Power of Desire
Yoga Challenge
15 Ways to Relax During the Holidays
On December 9, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and for some, that also means the most stressful. You know that feeling when you have holiday parties to plan for, gifts to purchase, dinner to host and it feels like you’re never ever going to stop? During the holiday season, it’s so important to find a way to relax and recharge. So here are a few quick ways to do just that, just in time for the holidays! Don’t strive for perfection Sometimes ‘good enough’, is just that! Don’t always strive to be best, or perfect, especially when you’re juggling a lot of tasks. When planning your holiday season, give yourself a break and let ‘good enough’ be good enough for you. After all, is anyone really going to notice the ‘perfect’ Christmas tree, when you’re having fun with your loved ones?
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Amy Cavill
Holiday Stress
Relax During Holidays
Ways to Relax During the Holidaus
Yoga for Holiday Stress
Working the Night Shift? Your Guide to Getting Enough Sleep
On December 5, 2019 in
Dana Brown
While most people are getting ready for bed, others are heading out the door for work. Not everyone is on a typical 9-to-5 schedule; according to the American Psychological Association, about 15 million Americans are on the clock for the night shift. Nurses, doctors, factory workers, and even employees in creative fields like radio and television are often hustling before the sun comes up. Working while the rest of the world is dozing off presents some unique challenges because this routine conflicts with the body’s natural circadian rhythm. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get quality sleep when you return home from your shift. Here’s how to create a cozy sleep environment and enjoy eight hours of sleep, even if you’re working from sunset to sunrise. Have a Good Mattress
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Dana Brown
Tips to Get Sleep Night Shift
Work at Night Sleep Tips
Yoga Benefits
Yoga for Better Sleep
Your Guide to Getting Enough Sleep
11 Easy and Simple Ways to Relax
On December 3, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
When you’re feeling stressed - and it happens so easily- it can be hard to relax. Getting rid of your day to day stress often seems really hard. However, there are a few simple ways to relax, which are especially useful if you can’t get away from the thing that's stressing you out! Relax Your Body A relaxed body equals a relaxed mind, according to Harvard Medical School. A relaxed body actually sends calming signals to the brain that can help to reduce mental tension. Working out can help to relax the body, as it releases endorphins, which can boost your mood. Exercise can also reduce stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. You can also relax your body by taking a warm bath.
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Amy Cavill
How to Relax
Relaxation Tips
Simple Easy Ways to Relax
Stress Relief Tips
7 Easy Tips To Stay In Shape As You Age
On November 28, 2019 in
Kelsi Burley
Do you get worried you might be getting out of shape as you move further into adulthood? We sometimes take for granted the beauty of having massive loads of energy experienced during youth. It's not uncommon for people to feel like they've let themselves go as they move into middle age, or that their midsection is getting more robust. However, it's never too late to turn things around, and even simple lifestyle changes can help keep you healthy and feeling in top shape, even if you've been feeling like you've gotten out of shape. The very fact that you’re scanning the internet for fitness ideas is an indication that you are on the right track. Be kind to yourself wherever you are on your fitness journey right now, and implement some of these simple tips to stay or get into better shape in the coming year. 1. Wake Up and Drink Warm Water
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Aging and Fitness
Health and Fitness Tips
Kelsi Burley
Tips for Aging
Tips to Stay in Shape as You Get Older
Ways Stress Can Impact Your Health and How to Fight It
On November 12, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
We’ve all experienced stress once or twice (or more) in our lives. It’s a natural physical and mental reaction to life's experiences. Anything can trigger stress, from work responsibilities to serious life events or external factors. For in the moment, short term experiences, stress can actually be beneficial to your health, by helping you cope with some potentially serious situations. Your body responds to feeling stressed by releasing stress hormones, which increase your heart rate, your breathing rate and gets your muscles ready to respond. However, as healthy as a good dose of stress can be - good things come in small packages. Feeling stressed for long periods of time - more than is necessary for survival - can take its toll on your health. Chronic stress and stress conditions can cause a number of physical symptoms, and affect your overall health. Here are just some of the ways stress can impact you and your health negatively. Central Nervous System
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Amy Cavill
How to Fight Stress
Stress and Health
Ways Stress Can Impact Your Health
Yoga for Anxiety
Yoga for Stress Relief
Yoga & CBD: Benefits, Precautions, and Everything You Need to Know
On October 31, 2019 in
Kimberly Torres
Yoga has long been known as an effective means of increasing mental and physical well-being. The focus on breathing and poses help increase one’s mindfulness and focus. Yoga has seen a recent surge of popularity in the West due to these mental and physical benefits. However, some are saying CBD can increase the benefits you can get from yoga. CBD yoga has become increasingly popular in recent years and combines the therapeutic effects of yoga with the therapeutic effects of CBD. Several anecdotal stories from users recount how CBD dosing has made their yoga experience more effective and beneficial. However, there is still a lack of clinical scientific evidence on the matter, so it's very important to educate yourself to understand if trying this combination is right for you. In this article, we will talk about how CBD and yoga can work together to relax the mind and body, precautions, and what CBD is.
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Ganja Yoga
Kimberly Torres
Yoga and CBD
Yoga and Essential Oils
Yoga and Marijuana
8 Magical Benefits of Turmeric You Never Knew!
On October 24, 2019 in
Brooke Nally
Turmeric, the powerful golden root that makes our favorite golden milk lattes, is most commonly known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Since I was a young child, my mom taught me how to replace taking ibuprofen and other pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs by instead drinking turmeric tea, or even soaking the desired body part in hot turmeric water. What I didn’t know my whole life, was that turmeric does so much more for the body than simply reducing inflammation and making delicious lattes. Here are 8 benefits of turmeric you might not have known before: Cures and prevents some cancers Could Turmeric be a new cure for cancer? Although there aren’t too many studies out there yet, Curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) has been shown to inhibit proliferation, invasion, angiogenesis, and metastasis of different cancers through interaction with multiple cell signaling proteins. Additionally, Turmeric has been shown to prevent the growth of cancerous cells and prohibit growth as seen in different testing.
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Brooke Nally
Health and Wellness
Turmeric Benefits
10 Reasons Why Fear Can Be Good for You
On October 22, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Many people shy away from fear and see it as a negative, a danger and something to be avoided. However, fear can sometimes be good for you! Fear can keep you on your toes and help you experience new things. Here’s our top 10 reasons why a dose of fear every now and again can be good for you. Fear keeps you safe The fear instinct is the bodies’ internal danger alarm. The feelings of fear compel you to take action against danger. Without the fear instinct, you wouldn’t have an awareness of threats around you - so you wouldn’t be around very long! Fear gives you the flight or fight reaction to make decisions when you may be unsafe - such as if a car drives towards you when you’re crossing the road. Without fear - you wouldn’t be able to make a decision to help you stay safe.
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Fear
Reasons Why Fear is Good
Why Fear can be good for you
Yoga for Addiction Recovery: How it Heals the Mind, Body & Soul
On October 17, 2019 in
Cassidy Webb
Addiction is a threefold disease. It affects the mind, body, and spirit in various ways. While there are many traditional methods of treating addiction with behavioral therapies, more and more programs are beginning to incorporate holistic methods into their treatment programs. By taking a holistic approach to treating addiction, the healing process occurs on the mind, body, and spirit. As a result, individuals in recovery are given tools to achieve and maintain lasting recovery. One holistic method that is becoming increasingly popular in the treatment industry is yoga. It is a safe, healthy, and natural medicine that can greatly enhance the recovery process. Since addiction affects the whole person, the whole person must be treated. Yoga allows people to learn how to connect the body, mind, and breath to focus their attention inward and gain self-awareness. Why Yoga?
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Benefits of Yoga
Cassidy Webb
Mental Benefits of Yoga
Yoga for Addiction Recovery
Yoga for Healing
Yoga for Recovery
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