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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


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5 Yoga Poses to Make Your Heart Happy
5 Yoga Poses to Make Your Heart Happy
"The more you open your heart to others, the more your life becomes joyful." One who is open and balanced in their chest area and heart space is more open to freely give and receive love to others and have a more loving relationship with yourself. When we are depressed or closed off, our posture reflects it with a more hunched over and closed off posture. More of us are increasingly spending hours upon hours every day staring at our mobile phones, with our heads bent, eyes down and our posture like a croissant. This is a similar stance we adopt when we are sad, depressed, or disappointed. We make ourselves appear small because we are sad – yet it’s also true we can feel sad because we’re making ourselves appear small. Social psychologists call it embodied cognition. This basically means our mind influences our body, but our body – especially our stance – greatly influences our mind too.

10 Free Ways to Chill Out Right Now
10 Free Ways to Chill Out Right Now
It's too easy to be on edge all the time these days. Technology addiction, political tension, being busy all of the time. Many of us are plagued with some or all of these things on a daily basis. More and more of us are reporting feelings of anxiety regularly. It's important we do things regularly to counteract feelings of tension, and let our minds and bodies unwind, chill out, and relax. We're all unique, so it's important we search around for things that work for us. However, it doesn't always have to cost a therapy session, or big trip to allow yourself to relax. There are things you can do, right now, that are completely free, that can help you relax and chill out. Here are 10 free ways to relax, right now:

Want Happiness? Focus on Solutions, More than Your Problems
Want Happiness? Focus on Solutions, More than Your Problems
Want to feel like life is easy and good? Then focus on that desire, more than anything else that might seem in the way of it. While it is easy to focus on one's shortcomings, like anxiety, depression, and things that feel real and impossible to overcome, the truth is we will never overcome them by focusing on them. Where the attention goes, the energy flows. Sure, it might be easy for someone not experiencing any specific issue to say, 'just ignore it', but on some level, we all have the power to choose what we focus on.

8 Reasons Why Yoga Makes You Better at Sex
8 Reasons Why Yoga Makes You Better at Sex
There are many benefits to practicing yoga regularly. Some are more obvious than others, like more flexibility, strength, and balance. However, yoga’s benefits can also extend off of the mat, and into other areas of our lives as well. For example, yoga can make you more productive and better at your job. Yoga can also increase your energy levels throughout the day. And yoga can also make you better in bed, whether you’re gay, straight, or anywhere in-between. Really? Yes really, and here’s why: