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8 Ways to Be Strong and Healthy Like a Tree

8 Ways to Be Strong and Healthy Like a Tree

Trees are symbols of long life and strength. One of the oldest forms of life on the planet, they are not only well-grounded but flexible. Without trees, we could not live.

Modern medicine tends to separate the mind and body, but trees with their roots firmly planted in the ground and their branches reaching up to the sky, remind us of how connected we can be to both.

These eight lessons, are things we can learn from trees, and beneficial ways, we as humans, can embody their strength, power, and health.

1. Nourish Your Roots

Not having enough water and nutrients stunts the growth of a tree. Like trees, what’s going on inside us reflects on the outside. Healthy nutrition, hydration, and digestion are vital to our health and wellbeing.

A healthy approach to eating includes savoring flavors, eating only until we’re satisfied and a focus on increasing our energy, rather than on our weight. We need to make sure we drink enough water and have a balanced diet, cutting out unhealthy fats and refined foods.

2. Get enough sunlight

Trees need sunlight to survive. Some need less than others, but they still need some form of sunlight because they use photosynthesis to create the nutrients they need to survive.

When we do not get enough sunlight, we are not able to make the Vitamin D we need to absorb calcium. We can take calcium supplements but they won’t help unless we have Vitamin D.

Calcium is very important for building bones and general good health since it’s important for muscle contraction and nerve function. Low levels can result in muscle weakness, bone pain and soft, brittle bones. Getting some fresh air and sunlight also makes our mood positive and exuberant.

3. Breathe Deeply

Trees not only absorb greenhouse gases but they breath out life-giving oxygen. Oxygen is fundamental to life on earth. We need to learn how to slow down and breathe it in.

Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to our brains and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. It decreases our metabolism, our heart beats slower our muscles relax, and blood pressure drops.

Stimulating the body’s natural relaxation response by deep breathing helps us to effectively combat stress and feel calm. When we breathe deeply, we focus on the present and take our minds away from our worries and fears.

4. Have a strong support network

Researchers are finding that trees can help one another to survive. In forests, they can grow their branches in ways to help other trees get sunlight. If a tree gets sick, other trees can provide it with nutrients through the underground root network to help it recover.

Trees can share nutrients, water, and even special sugar solutions. This is what Peter Wohlleben brings to light in his book “The Hidden Life of Trees.”

When our basic physiological needs are met, we need to fulfill our social needs. Different people bring out different aspects of our personalities and fulfill distinctive roles in our lives. For example, family members or friends can encourage us to achieve our health goals by exercising with us and encouraging us to eat more healthily.

Writer, Sarah Mitchell, found that despite trying to become healthier, having relationships with people who did not have her best interests at heart made it an uphill battle. When she started building a positive, support group of people to help her succeed in her goals, it made all the difference.

5. Bend with the Wind

Trees grow on the highest peaks of mountains, in the desert, and in extreme weather conditions. They grow regardless of difficulties, in the wildest places and face the roughest weather. They are flexible, allowing them to bend in severe wind rather than break.

When our bodies become inflexible, we start experiencing physical problems such as knee, neck and back pain. The practice of Yoga is widely known in making our bodies more flexible and gives our muscles and joints a wider range of motion.

When our bodies are supple and flexible, they are less prone to injury because they can withstand physical stress.

6. Maintain a strong core

A tree has a strong trunk to support its branches and leaves. In humans, daily exercise can normalize blood pressure, improve lean muscle, lower cholesterol, improve bone density and reverse many of the effects of aging. If we want to live longer and be healthy, we must exercise.

Even ten minutes of exercise a day can make a difference. Start with this and create a healthy habit where one didn’t exist before.

When we have a strong core, we stand tall. Practicing the Tree Position in Yoga improves our balance, stretching our shoulders, torso, groin, and thighs. It tones the abdominal muscles and strengthens the ankles.

The regular practice of Yoga provides many physical and mental health benefits. It not only increases muscle tone, flexibility, improves respiration and helps maintain a balanced metabolism but helps us to manage stress.

7. Respond to the seasons

Trees may become even more beautiful as they mature. They adjust to every stage and season. We need to be strong and confident in every season of our lives, adjusting our nutrition and physical activity levels accordingly.

When we are calm and full of inner peace, it’s reflected in our health. Total wellbeing comes when we nurture ourselves, find balance in our lives and embrace change.

8. Regenerate and self-heal

Trees have the ability to heal themselves from disease and accidents. When it is injured, the cells will create a knot around the wound. By changing course, the cells continue to supply water and nutrients to other parts of the tree.

We will always face adversity and illness. It is how we react to it that matters. We need to be willing to adapt if we want to heal. When we adapt and allow ourselves to heal, we can move forward.


Trees have many lessons to teach us –stay grounded, stand tall, adapt to change, allow yourself to heal and always reach for the sky. They have also discovered they need one another to survive and thrive. These lessons from trees can help us to stay strong and healthy in body and in mind. Notice from this list, where you could benefit in being more like a tree!

By Scott Matthews

Scott Matthews is an expert writer in the fields of management and marketing. After graduating from the University of Queensland, he worked with online essay companies like , Assignment Holic and GradeMiners. At this time, he works as a project manager at and  Resumes Planet His hobbies include surfing and reading pre-Socratic philosophy, as well as long-distance running. With his consulting, Scott has aided many companies and brands to accomplish their business goals.

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