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9 Reasons Yoga Really Is For Everyone
On August 23, 2021 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga is an extremely popular practice around the globe, and that’s because it was made to be accessible to everyone, to heal, strengthen, calm and empower whoever wants to try it, regardless of age, gender, race, size, shape, background and fitness level! Everyone should try yoga at least once in their life, and here are just a few reasons why this practice is for everyone. Stress Relief Yoga relieves stress for everyone from any walk of life. Yoga helps to bring attention to our breath, which is the quickest and easiest way to change our mindsets and emotional states. Deeper, fuller breaths help to relax our parasympathetic nervous systems, which in turn helps to alleviate anxiety and tension. Whoever you are, once you try connecting and controlling your breath through yoga, you will notice your stress levels reducing. The mind-body practice of yoga allows for meditation and relaxation and gaining some knowledge of how your mind works is a great long-term stress management technique.
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Amy Cavill
Body Positivity Yoga
Yoga Benefits
Yoga Benefits for Everyone
Yoga for All
Yoga is for Everyone
Yoga for Weight Loss: Flow and Let it Go
On February 18, 2020 in
New Classes & Programs
Have you ever felt out of balance: bloated and cluttered, without a clear mental focus? Yoga can help you lighten up and feel more energized and productive. Louise Hay, best-selling self-help author, connects all physical symptoms in the body to underlying emotional causes, and says weight-gain or excess weight, is symbolic of clinging to what no longer serves us. A regular yoga practice doesn’t simply make you look lean and flexible, but also helps you feel that way from the inside out. Don’t worry, we’re not here to tell you to strive for a “yoga body” like the images splashed all over social media. Yogis come in all shapes and sizes. Yoga is for every body and there’s a style and type of practice that works for each individual.
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Body Positivity Yoga
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New Yoga for Weight Loss Classes
Weight Loss Emotions
Weight Loss Mental Benefits
Yoga for Weight Loss
Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Body Confidence
On February 18, 2020 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga has a lot of benefits, from the physical to the mental. But did you know it can also boost your self confidence? Body confidence is something everyone should have. It helps you to be happy in life and with yourself, and be proud of yourself and the body you inhabit. Body confidence is believing in yourself, and not having self-doubt about your image. Yoga is one of the best ways to boost your body confidence. Here’s the ways in which it can improve how confident you feel in your body: Yoga boosts your focus
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Yoga for Body Image and Confidence
Body Positivity Yoga
Yoga Benefits
Yoga Body Image Benefits
Love Your Body, It's the Only One You Have
On November 30, 2018 in
New Classes & Programs
Dana Smith
Embrace and love your body. it's the most amazing thing you'll ever own. -Anonymous It has been some time since I've taken the time to muse online. Even though things are expanding beautifully at the studio, and my 3 little angels are keeping my husband and I on our toes, I still find time to write in my journal each and every day. Inspiration to write hit during a quiet moment at the studio and I decided to take full advantage! While sitting at the front desk I noticed that someone put a copy my book Yes! Yoga Has Curves to the side in order to purchase it after class. Immediately I was taken back to the great times I spent with all the beautiful women in both volumes. Even though many didn't know me they trusted me to share their story and beauty with the masses. The book not only serves as inspiration for yogis of ALL beautiful sizes to practice yoga but also as a personal reminder for me to stay the course. Seeing the book was no coincidence. A few weeks ago I found myself feeling disconnected from my asana practice.
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Body Positive
Body Positivity Yoga
Dana Smith
Postnatal Yoga
Radically Inclusive Yoga Program
Yes Yoga Has Curves
Body Positive Yoga | Radically Inclusive Yoga Program
On November 27, 2018 in
New Classes & Programs
News alert: If a yoga instructor reprimands you because you don’t look a certain way in an asana or physical pose, that teacher may be in the wrong profession. A good teacher will emphasize that how you feel in a pose is what’s important, not what shape you are creating on the mat. If you are finding sensation and breathing fully, then you are in the right place. Despite the barrage of Instagram filtered images crafted by tall thin yogis in advanced yoga poses, you do NOT need to be a skinny pretzel to be a “real yogi.” We’re here to tell you there is no such thing as a yoga body. With the explosion of yoga’s popularity in the Western world over the last few decades, a huge focus on appearance has overshadowed what yoga is truly about. Yoga is for every body and there’s a style and type of practice that works for each individual. It’s adaptable. Accessible. Don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t. No matter who you are, whether you are thin or heavy, tall or short, in a wheelchair or an Olympic athlete, yoga is for you.
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Body Positivity Yoga
Body Positivity Yoga Program
Dana Smith
New Online Yoga Program
Radically Inclusive Yoga Package
Yoga Yoga has Curves
5 Ways to Practice Body Positivity on the Yoga Mat
On November 26, 2018 in
Amy Cavill
We all have our own body hang ups, that can be hard to get past. The great thing about yoga is how it relaxes you, and lets you focus on your breath, and how your body is moving. This makes it a great practice to boost your body positivity. Yoga is a practice that all body shapes and sizes can take part in, however it can be hard sometimes to focus when we’re thinking about our body hang ups. Here’s our top tips for practicing body positivity when you’re on the yoga mat. 1. Channel Your Strength Feeling strong is a great way to instantly reap the benefits of body positivity.
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Body Positivity Yoga
Plus Sized Yoga
Radically Inclusive Yoga
Ways to Practice Body Positivity
Yes Yoga Has Curves
Yoga for All Body Types
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