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A Complete Guide to the Lower Chakras

A Complete Guide to the Lower Chakras

The lower Chakras consist of the Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra and the Power Center. These three chakras look after your physical and emotional identity, as well as your self image and your relationship to the physical world. The lower chakras are the chakras that keep you grounded, and connected to the world. They connect to the feet, legs, hips, lower back and core.

Here’s a guide to the three lower chakras, and how you can balance them for a more productive life.

The root chakra is the first chakra, and is your foundation.

This Chakra connects your body to the earth, and draws energy to give you strength. If you’re looking for stability in life, a strong root chakra is key.

The Root Chakra influences parts of the body including the spine, reproductive systems and bladder, as well as giving energy to the legs and feet.

Emotionally, the Root Chakra (Mulhadara) deals with the sense of self-preservation, and other issues that involve feeling secure, such as work, home, money and family.

How strong your survival instinct is depends on the health of your first chakra. This chakra manages your fight or flight instinct, as well as your ability to recognise danger. You root chakra can be caught off balance through trauma or conflicts.

Signs of a healthy root chakra include; feeling satisfied with life and your well-being, feeling safe, acceptance that your basic needs are being met, physical health and strength, and feeling of being grounded. However, if your root chakra is imbalanced, you may feel anxiety and unsettled, reckless, disconnected from your physical self, and resistant to change. Physical issues could include spinal and back pain, leg issues, and irregular bowels.

You can balance your root chakra by regular exercise and movement, including grounding practices. Floor based yoga can be a good practice for this. Also try meditation that connects with your body and the earth, and physically connect your body to the earth by walking barefoot. Emotionally, practice gratefulness and self-reliance in your day to day life.

The second of the lower chakras is the Sacral Chakra.

Svadisthana chakra is associated to the emotional senses, and creativity. Located around your lower belly and back, the sacral chakra is linked to your emotions, as well as your relationships and sensuality. It’s the center of our feelings and is active in sexuality. The sacral chakra is key in how we enjoy life through sense, and a strong sacral chakra allows you to feel the world around you.

Associated with water, the second chakra is defined by the flow of emotions running through our bodies. When this chakra is strong and balanced, your relationship with others and yourself is nurturing, and pleasant. If you have imbalance in this chakra, you may notice issues with dependency on others or substances, your emotions may take over your actions, and as such, you may tend to overindulge - or even the opposite, you may feel out of touch with your emotions and a lack of desire.

Yoga poses to open the second chakra include hip openers, and a slow and relaxing practice such as Yin yoga, rather than challenging flows. Meditation can help heal the Sacral chakra, as well as external factors.

Foods such as sweet fruits can help heal the sacral chakra, as well as the use of aromatherapy. Try Sandalwood, orange, or patchouli oils alongside your meditation practice. As this chakra is associated with water, getting in water can also help balance it. A relaxing bath or going swimming can help with the flow of emotions, and to heal your energy.

The final of the lower chakras is the solar plexus chakra, or the power chakra, Manipura.

This is the chakra associated with the ego, the source of personal power, self belief and self worth. It’s located above the navel and just below the sternum. This chakra is activated with you have the courage to speak up, or do something that scared you.  

When this chakra becomes blocked, you can see yourself as a victim. You can become pessimistic and have low aspirations, and not see yourself as a leader. This lack of self confidence and self worth can lead to a frustrating and dull life. Things like lack of affection, criticism and rejection can lead to a blocked power chakra. If you feel ignored and unappreciated you may have an imbalanced solar plexus chakra. This can lead to manipulative and selfish behaviour, as well as physical and mental issues.

You can heal the power chakra by taking small steps towards your goals. Try a ‘fake it till you make it’ approach, standing taller and speaking up to overcome fear. This behaviour and attitude will influence your chakra. Other ways to open the chakra are to seek out new and exciting experiences, practice yoga, drink herbal teas, and most importantly, stepping out of your comfort zone. Trying to find the balance between being a pushover and being domineering, is the key to a healthy solar plexus.

By Amy Cavill

If you’re interested in balancing your lower chakras more, try out these practices, which focus on the three lower chakras to help you feel more grounded.

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