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Lower Body Love: Balance Your Lower Chakras

Lower Body Love: Balance Your Lower Chakras

One of the beautiful things about practicing yoga is that often we start out viewing it as a physical practice but we quickly learn how much deeper yoga goes. Yoga links the body, mind, and spirit and whether you’re focused on all three or not, you reap all the benefits. This week, we’re focusing on the lower body, which is comprised of your legs, hips, and core as well as your Muladhara (Root), Svadhistana (Sacral), and Manipura (Navel) chakras.

If you’re interested in stoking your senses of stability, security, creativity, and passion, these classes offer external and internal benefits you’ll feel right away. The subtle body is a blueprint of the physical body––although you cannot see your nadis (energy channels) or chakras (energy centers), they exist within you.

The seven main chakras run along the Sushumna Nadi, which correlates to your spine. This primary energy channel starts at the Muladhara (Root) Chakra at the base of your spine and runs up through the Sahasrara Chakra at the crown of your head. Each chakra is an energy center with correlating color, essence, sense, gland or organ, karmic relation, and physical issues. These three chakras are in your lower body.

Mulahdhara Chakra is located at the base of your spine, is associated with the color red, the essence of earth, the sense of smell, and the testes and ovaries. 

Muladhara is concerned with satisfying basic needs such as food, shelter, safety, in other words, survival. The karmic relation is to parents, home, money, employer/employee and those people involved in life’s basic necessities. Often, if you’re dealing with issues with these areas, problems can arise in the feet, legs, sacrum, and base of the spine. 

Asanas to balance Muladhara include standing poses like Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I) and seated poses like Lotus or easy pose. 

Svadhisthana Chakra is in the pelvic region, is associated with the color orange, the essence of water, the sense of taste, and the adrenal glands. It’s referred to as “Great goddess” or “Her favorite standing place.” 

Svadhisthana is concerned with emotions, dreams, creativity, and relationships. The karmic relation is to people you’ve had sex with and/or been romantically involved with, creative or business partners, children, trust, addictions, and personal boundaries. If you’ve experienced issues with pleasure/pain, anger/jealousy, lack of intimacy/creativity or dreams fulfilled, you’re dealing with the second chakra. When you’re out of balance here, problems with the reproductive organs and digestive/elimination issues can manifest. 

Asanas to balance Svadhisthana: Forward bends, Baddha Konasana (butterfly), Paschimottanasana (seated forward fold), Virasana (hero’s pose.

Manipura Chakra is in your solar plexus or navel, is associated with the color yellow, the essence of fire, the sense of sight, and the pancreas. It is called the “Jewel in the city.” This chakra is the line between your lower and higher consciousness. 

Manipura is concerned with your ego, personality, gut feelings, and all activity motivated by the desire to be seen and acknowledged. The karmic relationship is to others who you’ve hurt to increase yourself––criticism, judgment, gossip to make yourself feel better. Physical issues with your stomach, digestion, and assimilation can arise when out of balance.

Asanas to balance Manipura: Twists like Parivritta Trikonasana (twisting triangle) and Ardha Matseyandrasana (seated half-lord of the fishes.)

This week, remind yourself that when you’re stretching your hips and hamstrings, you’re also balancing your sense of stability and personal boundaries. Try this week’s classes and see you feel––inside and out. 

Erin Wimert - Lower Body Release

Desiree Rumbaugh - Strengthen, Protect, & Heal the Lower Back

Cicily Carter - Sacral Chakra Flow

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