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Yoga for the Lower Chakras

Yoga for the Lower Chakras

Whether you are familiar with how balancing your seven main Chakras can improve how you feel physically, emotionally, and mentally or you’ve got no idea what these subtle body energetics are, we’re here to help you get the greatest benefits from your yoga practice. Basically, the subtle body is a blueprint of the physical body.

When you practice yoga asanas, there is always a corresponding impact on your subtle body, which holds your emotions and life patterns or Samskaras.

This week we’ve got new classes that focus upon the first three Chakras:  Muladhara or Root Chakra, the Svadisthana or Sacral Chakra, and the Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra.

By working on balancing our subtle body energy from the ground up, we can create a solid foundation upon which to bring our dreams into day-to-day reality. To maximize the impact of yoga’s impact on your brain, nervous system, and nadi system, we’ll share a brief review of each chakra’s energetic powers.

The Muladhara or Root Chakra at the base of the spine represents the earth element, and the color red. The karmic relation is to your family of origin, home, and money. Think of satisfying basic needs such as food, shelter, safety, and survival. Physically, Muladhara is associated with the legs, feet, base of spine, and sacrum. Standing poses like Warrior I and Mountain are excellent to enhance your connection to reality and practical matters.

The second chakra, Svadisthana or Sacral Chakra, located between the hipbones, represents the water element, emotions, and dreams, and the color orange. Known as “Great Goddess” or “Her favorite standing place,” karmically, this Chakra is the doorway to relationships, including romantic and sexual ones. Think creative partners, personal boundaries, trust issues and unfulfilled dreams. Physical issues associated with reproductive organs, the lower abdomen, and elimination can be manifestations of imbalances. Asanas like forward bends and virasana can help balancing your energy.

The Manipura or Navel chakra represents fire, the ego identity, and the color yellow. It’s often referred to as the Jewel in the City and is considered the line between the lower and higher consciousness. All of the activity motivated from our solar plexus is associated with ego, personality, attachments, motivated by the desire to be seen, acknowledged as unique and individual. Self-confidence is wonderful, but too much appears as arrogance. Physical issues that are a sign of an out of balance Manipura are generally stomach, digestion, and assimilation. Twists are excellent asanas to balance this energy and harness your inner fire.

Yogis believe you’ve got to balance these first three chakras before moving up to more advanced and enlightened states.

There’s power in changing how you feel based on how you move––maximize it!

1. Dana Smith: Yoga for Healthy Feet (FREE CLASS)

2. Desiree Rumbaugh: Yoga for Lower Body Strength

3. Pradeep Teotia Core: Concentration Flow

4. Bhavani Maki:Mulabhanda: Checking The Downward Pull

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