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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from's Blog

Mindfulness, Meditation, Mastery: Welcome To Your Mind
Mindfulness, Meditation, Mastery: Welcome To Your Mind
Meditation teaches us how distracted we really are. We just don’t usually notice because we are so distracted. Most of us generally have the same series of redundant thoughts circling around in our mind, over and over and over again. In our society, we are so focused on getting somewhere, getting what we want, the “if only” syndrome so to speak. If only we can just get this job, this house, this person, fill in the blank, then we’ll be happy. When we are operating from this mindset, we aren’t focused on the here and now.

Celebrate Simplicity: Achieving Balance Through Hatha
Celebrate Simplicity: Achieving Balance Through Hatha
Do you ever get confused with all the labels attached to yoga practices today? There is hatha yoga, kundalini yoga, power yoga, yin yoga, vinyasa yoga, flow yoga, hot yoga— and the list seems to keep growing. For starters, classic hatha yoga is often referred to as the umbrella under which any practice that includes physical postures resides. 'Ha-' is Sanskrit for sun and '-tha' means moon. Thus, hatha yoga is based on creating balance between our masculine qualities—active, hot, sun—and feminine ones—receptive, cool, moon.

A celebration in embodiment evolution
A celebration in embodiment evolution
Yoga can be the practice of discovering your own inner state of joy, so how will you achieve your yoga high today? Embrace what calls to you! Yoga doesn’t have to be so serious or complicated. It’s truly a simple practice, but as Patanjali states in the Yoga Sutras, it isn’t easy. There isn’t an identical path for any of us. We’re all unique. Individually perfect or perfectly imperfect. What really matters is how you feel during and after your yoga practice.

#GoYourOmWay and Share Your Photo
#GoYourOmWay and Share Your Photo
If you’re reading this, you #GoYourOMWay. You are not restricted by class times, work schedules or even walls. You have followed your heart (and our mobile app) to discover new teachers, styles and inspiring places to take your yoga. If you are reading this, you are part of a community that decided to throw away the script, think outside the studio and build the yoga practice that works for you.

Cooling Practices to Beat the Heat
Cooling Practices to Beat the Heat
Summer is winding down and as the season starts to shift, it’s a perfect time to integrate some more calming practices to not only beat the last hot days of summer, but also to remind ourselves how important it is to chill out in our busy, high-tech world. Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, offers advice on how we can acclimate to the heat and balance it out through both diet and our asana, pranayama and meditation practices. When we align ourselves with nature, we learn to live in balance no matter what’s happening externally or internally. Without launching a dissertation on Ayurvedic principles, we’ll give you the quick basics on how Pitta energy can be exacerbated in the summer and provide some practices that will help you stay calm, cool, and collected no matter how steamy it gets.

Featured Pose: Warrior II
Featured Pose: Warrior II
Practice our Featured Pose of the month, Warrior II, to fuel your flow. Warrior II / Virabhadrasana II symbolizes strength and victory.

Jump Into the Flow and Let That Sh*t Go!
Jump Into the Flow and Let That Sh*t Go!
One of the most powerful benefits of practicing yoga is that it creates space for you to work through negative emotions and the drama that might be weighing like an anvil on your shoulders. We all have samskaras or karmic tendencies and energy patterns and often we can get stuck in obsessing about the same few thoughts. Over and over again. Usually the thoughts that hold us back—you know those with self-doubt and self-pity? By practicing yoga with an emphasis on flow, vibration, dissolution, you can fire up your tapas and alchemize all that sh*t into positive energy.

Victorious is Glorious! Carpe Diem!
Victorious is Glorious! Carpe Diem!
We don’t know about you, but we find watching the Olympics to be an incredibly inspiring experience. Seeing the athletes who have dedicated their lives, sacrificed so much for the opportunity to compete at the highest level on the globe have the opportunity to shine is powerful. Are the Olympics just about being the best? Winning the gold at all costs? Is it about the outcome? Or, is it more than that? Is it truly about the journey?

Gold Medal Classes for Your Home Practice
Gold Medal Classes for Your Home Practice
With the world’s drishti turned to Rio this week, we’ve been asking ourselves, what if yoga were a global competitive sporting event? Yogis would be judged in categories like compassion, presence and breath - they would be judged on their non-judgment. Yoga will likely never join the 28 sports that earn gold medals (and if they did what version of yoga would that be?), but with over 36 million Americans practicing everyday, we still feel a patriot-like sense of pride and community. Many global athletes embrace a yoga practice to enhance their athletic performance. In addition to physical conditioning and strength training, yoga helps build mental agility – in short, it connects brain and brawn for a higher purpose.

Move Your Asana at the Office
Move Your Asana at the Office
You began your workday with the best of intentions. Quite virtuous intentions, actually. But, your job is hectic and deadlines loom. Despite planning on attending a yoga class at the studio down the street or even in your office wellness center, you find yourself trapped at your desk working overtime. Again. If this happens to you on a regular basis, don’t despair. You can squeeze in time for yoga at the office, even if it’s at your desk with no sticky mat or stretchy pants in sight.

Deepening My Practice with The Kaivalya Yoga Method
Deepening My Practice with The Kaivalya Yoga Method
Dear fellow yogis, When I started the The Kaivalya Yoga Method Teacher Training with in January 2016, I had no idea or conception of what the ride would be like.  Wow, that was a training above all trainings imaginable!  It certainly took lots of energy, effort, focus, and strong perseverance! I found the beginning modules more challenging for me personally, and as I continued on, I felt like I was opening up a genie (a.k.a. Alanna Kaivalya) bottle that I found on the beach. And, out of the genie bottle continued to arise more and more intrigue, more and more heartfelt information, more and more myths and depth.

Sutra Yourself: New Classes for Yoga's Core Teachings
Sutra Yourself: New Classes for Yoga's Core Teachings
Hello from YogaDownload! We have 4 exclusive new classes to share with you, going back to the core teachings of yoga. The 2000 year-old Sutras (Sanskrit for “threads”) are timeless truisms that brings you closer to your practice. The classes are all offered by the same teacher – and you need to meet this person. She gives us butterflies. Everyone from Ana Forest to Rodney Yee to Yoga Journal has sung her praises. Her books are bestsellers, her workshops sell out all over the world and millions of people adore her music. She is a true yoga scholar, an expert on the sutras, mythology, the anatomy of the body and the creative expression of the practice.

Twist and Turns in Yoga
Twist and Turns in Yoga
When you’re practicing yoga, do you ever wonder why you’re doing a particular asana or pose? Why the teacher emphasizes alignment in a particular way? What the benefits are?

Empower Your Awesome, Love Your Core
Empower Your Awesome, Love Your Core
You are awesome! Yes, you. If sometimes you doubt yourself and question whether you’re strong enough for whatever you’re facing in your life, you aren’t alone. We’ve got some suggestions for you about how loving and strengthening your core will empower you. Our core is our center—physically, emotionally and mentally. It is vital to keep our spine healthy, our abs strong and learn to cultivate our prana or life force energy from our navel center. Remember that when we create strength in our physical body, it translates to strength in our heart and mind as well.

Find Your True Self
Find Your True Self
Intuition is a phenomenon of mind, where the mind acquires knowledge without a use of reason. Intuition is seen as greater knowledge, knowledge beyond intelligence, opposite to our rational thinking. It is the ultimate state of humanity, as animals rely on their instinct, we humans have intuition. In Hinduism, intuition is referred as the glimpse of higher and wider self-knowledge. Connecting with our intuition, is an experience of coming into contact with Brahman, the ultimate reality in the universe. The eternal truth and bliss.

Celebrating Moksha and Freedom
Celebrating Moksha and Freedom
As we approach Independence Day in the Unites States, we here at felt it was a great time to explore the concept of what true freedom and independence means to us, in general and also in the yogic sense. The Fourth of July is a time to celebrate our country’s freedom. We celebrate with vacations to the beach, barbecues with family and friends and fireworks. It’s a time to shake off work, duties and responsibilities and instead embrace joy and light-heartedness.

The Practice of Freedom: Taking Flight in Crane Pose
The Practice of Freedom: Taking Flight in Crane Pose
You’ve probably practiced Bakasana (crane pose) in class before and most likely the version you learned was actually Kakasana (crow pose). Whaaaat? Isn’t Bakasana synonymous with crow? Well,, it is not.

Trust More, Fear Less: Arm Balance + Inversion Classes are Here
Trust More, Fear Less: Arm Balance + Inversion Classes are Here
Let’s not make today about fear. Quiet the naysayer in your mind and do something new and unexpected. You’ll be so glad you did.

Fuel Your Body, Pre and Post Yoga Eats
Fuel Your Body, Pre and Post Yoga Eats
We don’t know about you, but here at YogaDownload, if we haven’t fueled up properly before yoga, we’re not happy. You’ve probably heard that you should practice yoga on an empty stomach. Yoga has lots of twists and forward folds; so you don’t want to feel heavy or bloated. But, ensuring you have the requisite energy and stable blood sugar levels is vital to getting the most out of your time on the mat.

Yoga Pose of the Month: Downward-Facing Dog
Yoga Pose of the Month: Downward-Facing Dog
When you’re practicing yoga, do you ever wonder why you’re doing a particular asana or pose? Why the teacher emphasizes alignment in a particular way? What the benefits are?

Yoga to Detoxify and Rejuvenate
Yoga to Detoxify and Rejuvenate
Spring is approaching! It’s the time when our homes feel lighter and brighter after we purge all the junk and unnecessary clutter we tend to amass over the winter months.

How Yoga Improves Your Relationships
How Yoga Improves Your Relationships
Often, yoga is described as a journey for self-understanding-- a process for uncovering your true nature. Once we maintain a consistent yoga practice, we change—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Change is good! If we are different, we interact with others in a different way as well. Yoga can help us resolve issues in our relationships--past and present and future.

5 Ways to Bring Some Sunshine into Winter
5 Ways to Bring Some Sunshine into Winter
During the winter months, the opportunity to play outside is limited by shorter days. Some of us are in the office all day and by the time we leave; the sun’s already set. Whether you’re in a brisk climate or a mild one, you may feel stuck inside more than you’d prefer. If you’ve got a case of cabin fever, try one or all of these five simple ideas to infuse some summer sunshine into your day.

Yoga Certification Online: Using Technology to Enable Everyone. A conversation with Alanna Kaivalya
Yoga Certification Online: Using Technology to Enable Everyone. A conversation with Alanna Kaivalya
One of my core beliefs is that yoga is for everyone. It’s the cornerstone of The Kaivalya Yoga Method. There are a lot of people in the world who are prevented from participating in an in-studio training for many reasons; they live too far away, they have very demanding jobs that don’t let them take an in-studio training at the times they are offered, they’re busy caring for children or relatives. We wanted to be able to bring them a training that would remove the boundaries of distance and scheduling constraints.

Yoga for Being Snowed In
Yoga for Being Snowed In
Hello from underneath 3 feet of snow! We’re stuck at home. The plows are probably another day or two out. The drifts are so deep that it’s hard to take a few steps beyond the house, let alone get to the yoga studio. This is YogaDownload weather.