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Pranayama16 mins

Pranayama and Visualisation

Joanna McEwen

Part 1 of the Post Illness Recovery Series
This lesson focuses on the basics of the 3 Part Yogic Breath and body visualisation. It can be used as a standalone session or completed before the physical asana class in this series. It is designed to support you in your wellness journey when perhaps the thought of getting back to any form of physicality may feel daunting. It will support you in using the breath to relax and re-energise in a simple yet profound way.


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Bolster, Blankets, optional Block
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Hatha Yoga39 mins

Gentle Yoga for Post Illness Recovery

Joanna McEwen

This Hatha yoga class is designed specifically for those who have been through a health challenge or may still be feeling ill but want to keep their bodies moving. It is mat based with no standing postures or inversions/semi inversions. It is part of the the post-illness recovery series - the first video focuses on the breath with this physical posture class building upon that. The intention of this class is to give you courage and and comfort in your wellness journey, supporting you towards a level of strength that allows you to move back to your usual yoga class.


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Blocks, Strap, Bolster, Blanket
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Hatha Yoga30 mins

Chair Yoga for Everyone

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Take time out of your day to nurture and integrate your mind, body, and spirit. This slow-paced, seated chair yoga class is an adaptive yoga practice that is for anyone who needs or wants to practice seated, regardless of physical ability. In this class you will be guided through gentle yoga postures and given options/suggestions throughout so that you can adapt postures to fit the needs of your own body.

Props such as a yoga block and 2-3 folded blankets (or folded towels) are recommended to help you find comfort and stability, but if those are not available you can still practice this class. All are welcome!


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1 block and 2-3 folded blankets (or folded towels)
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 11 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga58 mins

Dynamic Power Flow

Kylie Larson

This class is all about moving your body so you can get out of your mind. We flow breath to movement through an energizing Sun A, dynamic Sun B and challenging Sun C, I even added a special boat series to really fire up your core.

The flow builds layer upon layer and includes balancing poses designed to challenge your mind and body.

We utilize all of the heat built through the class to move deeper into our yin poses on the ground before enjoying a much needed savasana.



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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga24 mins

Flow for a Better Mood

Lila Whiting

This flow is designed get you out of your head & into your body. Seamless sequences are a beautiful way to get into a flow state & boost your mood. With this feel good flow you will leave practice feeling alive & open. Expect a fun but also active sequence that will build your strength & flexibility in equal measures. We get into your hips, shoulders, spine & core. A full body & mind reboot.



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Blocks (Optional)
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Hatha Yoga16 mins

Myofascial Release- Shoulders, Chest, & Neck

Gemma Celento

Specific modified yoga poses target kinetic (movement) lines and deep muscles to promote mobility, healthy flexibility and prevent injuries. This class focuses on opening up the myofascial tissue connections from: chest to armpit, wrists to shoulders, and, neck to shoulders to promote healthy posture and mobility in neck and upper back.

Great class to support healthy mobility in joints and restore muscular imbalance.


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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Hatha Yoga16 mins

Neck Release

Erin Wimert

Feeling stiff? Grab a bolster or block to sit on and join me for a short 15 minute class. Through gentle movement, we’ll release tension and enhance range of motion through the sides of the neck, the upper back, and the muscles of the upper arms. Come back to this class again when you need a sweet release.


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Block, Blanket or Bolster ( optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Abs / Core Strengthening19 mins

Core & Low Back Stability

Mary Baker

Low back feeling unhappy? A strong core is key to a happy and healthy low back and spine. This focused class is a perfect daily routine to keep your abs and back feeling strong and stable. Using a combination of abdominal strengthening and low back stretching, this quick practice is efficient and effective for anyone living with low back stress and strain.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Iyengar Yoga43 mins

Backbends With Props

Dana Hanizeski

This class moves at a slow and deliberate pace, in order to work on proper engagement in your Backbends. You will mindfully move through Locust, Cobra, Warrior 1, Downward Dog, and a couple variations of Upward Dog. All of these poses will guide you toward a final variation of a deeper backbend over a chair, Upward Facing Bow. If you do not have an actual Yoga specific chair; you can try using a sturdy folding chair.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Blocks, Strap, Blanket, Sturdy Chair, Wall
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga29 mins

Moon in Sagittarius

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Sagittarius. It works to empower direction, and self-assurance. This is the foundation of how we maneuver within the world and propel our objectives. Postures will work the feet, and the inseam of the legs. These forces strengthen inner directive, will-power from self-assurance, and provide a stable footing to seek greater purpose.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Sagittarius, each month, or if your birth moon is in Sagittarius, or if you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga32 mins

Daily Flow

Jessie Fuller

An accessible vinyasa flow to stretch into your body glove rhythmically; moving the spine in all planes and getting the prana flowing. We warm up on the ground with some easy pranayama to balance the nervous system; roll out the neck, shoulders and ankles; stretch into our side, back and front body and engage the core. We move through a few rounds of sun salutation, opening into the hips and grounding through our legs and enjoy a short relaxation to close.



Everyday Namaste

Block (optional)
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga36 mins

Moon in Scorpio

Gemma Celento

This class is a part of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Scorpio. It works to connect to the depths of self, and latent energy harbored in the hips and pelvis. These postures will work to open to the unseen, and help with deep breath work (pranayama) or kundalini practices. These forces open to release both what is unseen and unknown, and equally open up to the unknown potential of the self.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Scorpio, each month, or if your birth moon is in Scorpio and you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.94
based on 17 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Good Morning Flow 3: Tune In

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This morning vinyasa flow class will give you an opportunity to turn inward and gather energy for your day. You will flow through warming Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations, balance in Eagle Pose (Garudasana) and twists, and finish with grounding postures to help you feel balanced. Take this time, first thing in the morning, to mindfully move your body, center your mind, and connect to your spirit.

There is no music in this class so you can enjoy the silent background, use your own playlist, or play Jackie's Spotify Playlist.

Spotify playlist for Good Morning Flow 3: Tune In



Everyday Namaste

Block (0ptional) and Folded Blanket
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga20 mins

Power up your Chaturanga!

Mary Baker

Is your chaturanga feeling a bit sloppy? This class begins by helping you create a strong foundation and proper alignment for mastering chaturanga flow. We then move into an energetic vinyasa practice perfect for any time of day. You'll feel stronger, more focused and capable. (and maybe a little sweaty, too!)


Adv. Beginner & Up

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2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 14 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga34 mins

Katonah Inspired Flow

Caitlin Rose Kenney

Drawing inspiration from some creative aspects of Katonah Yoga, Caitlin Rose offers a unique Flow class that improves strength and flexibility. Warm-up in strengthening variations of Downward Dog and Gate Pose. Go deeper in standing poses and generate stability in your legs and hips. Unwind with twisting and hip releases.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Yoga With Weights34 mins

Weight It Out

Erin Wimert

Join me for this short and sweet Yoga Sculpt class, incorporating lights weights with your yoga practice.

Enjoy a slow build as we warm up the body before we UP the intensity and explore repetition of movement with our 3-5 pound weights.

This full-body workout is perfect if you have limited time, but want to break a sweat!


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2 light weights
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Fusion Yoga19 mins

Fusion Flow: Upper Body

Annie Coyle

Grab some weights, and join me on your mat for this upper body focused fusion flow class. This class weaves together elements of yoga, barre, and pilates, paired with hand weights to gain greater control and strength through the arms, shoulders, chest and core. You can expect an upper body burn as we work through full range of motion, and small range pulses, all the while creating a deep sense of intentionality through movement and breath. This quick 20 minute upper body class is designed to help you gain upper body strength to support the functionality of your life, as well as other areas of your yoga practice.



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2 or 3 lb weights
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.75
based on 10 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga27 mins

Full Body Loosen Up

Lila Whiting

This practice will create space & freedom in all the major joints of your body. We start with a spine & shoulder activation, then build into a flowing Jivamukti style Sun Salutation to get us warmed up. Next we open up the hips in both lunge & straddle variations. Concluding with some glute & abs work.

This short but juicy sequence will leave you feeling free & open in no time at all. A wonderful option to wake you up or wind you down depending on what time of day you are craving to loosen up.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Blocks (optional)
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga19 mins

Lower Body

Denelle Numis

This lower body practice is the perfect combination of strength and stretch exercises. Enjoy one of my go-to warm ups to strengthen your legs, stretch your hips and protect your lower back.



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga37 mins

Spicy Vinyasa

Mary Baker

Ready to spice things up and feel the heat? Then join Mary Baker for this vinyasa flow with a little extra to warm you up and leave you feeling energized! Class begins with some simple movements to warm up the muscles then get ready to turn up the dial as we move into a breath to movement flow style class. Get ready for a few of Mary's favorites for a little extra burn like chair pose and a few variations on boat pose. Are you ready? Grab a towel – things are about to heat up!



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Blocks (optional)
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 14 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga37 mins

Practice Not Perfect Vinyasa Flow

Claire Petretti Marti

Perfect is boring! There is no perfect pose or practice. This Vinyasa flow practice will help you release attachment to outcome and settle into the strength and softness of YOUR body, mind, and heart. You'll flow through an invigorating combination of twists and balances and play with Crow pose, if you want. Let go of of judgment and choose the joy of feeling fully present. Enjoy!



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Blocks (Optional)
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Hatha Yoga41 mins

Downward Facing Dog

Sarah Shannon

In this Beginners Yoga Series, we focus on stretching the back of the body with this stretch for your spine, shoulders and hamstrings. The pose strengthens hands, wrists and lower back.



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.75
based on 4 reviews

Hatha Yoga31 mins

Yoga for Complete Beginners

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Are you ready to try yoga? This is a perfect class to help you begin your yoga journey with confidence and support. You will be gently guided through foundational yoga postures, with options and suggestions provided to help you adapt each posture to meet your body’s needs.

You do not have to be flexible to practice yoga, or any different than you are! Yoga is not about bending like a pretzel; instead, it's a practice focused on nurturing your mind, body, and spirit.

Note: Yoga props such as a mat, one or two yoga blocks, and a folded blanket (or two folded towels) are recommended, but if you do not have these props available you can still do this class.




1 or 2 Blocks, Blanket (if Available)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga38 mins

Beginner Flow

Erin Wimert

This vinyasa class is for beginners who are looking to flow through accessible shapes and transitions without a lot of description and break down of alignment. Modifications are offered as we move, allowing you to feel safe while also building a little bit of heat. Some yoga experience required.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.86
based on 7 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga13 mins

10min Pre/Post Workout Yoga Stretch

Kierstie Dolezal

Need a quick stretch? This class is a perfect segway to warm up the body for any type of workout, it is also great to add onto the end for a nice cooldown. We target all of the areas of the body that get worked throughout your fitness routine and hope to improve your overall well being by helping align your mind, body, and spirit. This short flow can also be used at any part of your day to get you up and moving.



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.67
based on 9 reviews

Hatha Yoga22 mins

Post Workout Stretch

Lila Whiting

This class is ideal for post-workout or runners, a self-care practice with gentle movements for a full-body stretch to release tension. With a series of floor-based hip-opener stretches, this recovery practice also involves twists to find gentle extensions for the spine. Finish with wall-assisted stretches for quadriceps and hip flexors flexibility.


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2 Blocks / Blanket / Wall Space
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Hatha Yoga16 mins

Yoga for Cross Training - Pre/Post Stretch

Mary Baker

Love your cross training sessions but hate the daily struggle with tight, sore body parts? Add this simple routine to your pre and post workout and your body will definitely thank you. You can make this practice as quick as 10 minutes or add longer holds if you have a little more time to linger and enjoy. Feel free to press pause and take a few extra-long breaths when you find the poses your body is really needing today.


All Levels


2 Blocks, Blanket(otional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 4.75
based on 4 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga47 mins

Moon in Libra

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Libra. It works to balance the dual nature of the self-positive and negative. This is the equilibrium of desire vs devotion, postures will work to strengthen the lower and upper back and work the kidneys.These forces create balance through presence and help to neutralize external seeking, while stabilizing the regenerative pranic (lifeforce) line (meridian).

It can be practiced when the moon is in Libra, each month, or if your birth moon is in Libra or if you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 15 reviews

Fusion Yoga34 mins

Balancing Yin & Yang

Caitlin Rose Kenney

This class offers a balance of yin and yang with both Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga. Begin standing to build strength and grace then slow down in longer holds to release your fascia. Feel the power of both yang and yin practice in this class and promote balanced wellbeing.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Meditation10 mins

Tapping for Happiness

Ali Duncan

Unlock your inner happiness and emotional freedom with our EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) meditation class. Discover the power of tapping into your emotions to release stress, anxiety, and negativity, allowing joy and contentment to flow freely. In this transformative session, you'll learn simple yet effective EFT techniques that harness the body's energy meridians to alleviate emotional blockages and enhance your overall sense of well-being. Ali will guide you through the process, helping you create a life filled with more happiness, positivity, and emotional balance. Join her and experience the profound impact of EFT meditation on your journey to greater happiness and emotional freedom.


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