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Benefits of Nadi Shodhana: Alternate Nostril Breathing
On January 4, 2022 in
Breathing exercises can have a huge impact on your mental, physical, and emotional health. Pranayama practices of controlled yogic breathing, are an important part of the yoga practice. Yoga is really a practice of breathing and we most commonly practice ujjayi pranayama during a yoga class. Aside from practicing pranayama while doing asana, it is important to have even a basic understanding of standalone pranayama practices you can do while seated. Different techniques have different energetic effects on the practitioner. Some are energizing, some are calming, some are in between. Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), is a common technique that brings about focus and overall balance. Here are some of this technique's profound benefits, as well as how to practice it.
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Start 2022 Strong: Physically, Mentally & Emotionally
On January 3, 2022 in
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Happy New Year! It’s time to close the book on 2021 and embark on the next chapter in 2022. But, where to begin? We’ve got so many choices and possibilities that sometimes it’s hard to get focused on what we really want to manifest. This week, we’re here to help you visualize, clarify, and implement your personal journey for your best life. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali often spoke of yoga as a process of planting seeds for the future. Each thought and emotion and action have immediate impact but also will either bloom or wither in the future. Using the ancient wisdom of the Yoga Sutras aids us on our journey. Yoga Sutra 1.2: Citta Vritti Nirodaha, is the pillar around which the entire text is built. This translates as yoga is the ability to direct the mind without distraction or interruption. Sounds simple, right? Just filter out all those external and internal distractions and focus on what you want to.
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What is Uddiyana Bandha?
On December 30, 2021 in
The recent article on Mula bandha goes into more depth on what the bandhas are. In a brief review, the bandhas are energetic locks in the body. They are utilized to gain control of the flow of energy, prana, or life force, in your body. Understanding and engaging the bandhas creates an added depth to your yoga practice. What is Uddiyana bandha? The second bandha is Uddiyana bandha. Uddiyana bandha engages the diaphragm and inner organs. It is also beneficial for digestion and detoxification and strengthening and toning the abdominals. This bandha also creates an upward pull of energy, similar to Mula bandha, but with a little more intensity.
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The Power of Intention
On December 27, 2021 in
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“Commitment is the ultimate assertion of human freedom. It releases all the energy you possess and enables you to take quantum leaps in creativity. When you set a one-pointed intention and absolutely refuse to allow obstacles to dissipate the focused quality of your attention, you engage the infinite organizing power of the universe.” - Deepak Chopra If you’re ready to leave 2021 in the rear-view mirror and manifest the 2022 of your dreams, it’s vital to have a clear vision of what you want and where you want to go. This week, we’ve got some excellent classes designed to help you get centered, visualize, and set in motion the life you want.
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Pre-Holiday Yoga for Relaxation
On December 21, 2021 in
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Are you feeling joyous and peaceful or off-balance and fatigued? Even though you might be busier than usual or traveling for the holidays, it’s more important than ever to carve out some time to relax and recharge with yoga. And for some of us, this time of year might be tough and not feel festive at all. Yoga can help you build a sense of happiness and calm from the inside out. This week’s classes will help you replenish your energy, no matter what’s going on in your life. Here are a few ways relaxing yoga benefits you:
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3-Week Hips and Low Back Therapy Program
On December 13, 2021 in
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“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. IF it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” - Joseph Pilates How old do you feel today? Most people experience tightness or pain in their back at some point. Whether you’ve been sitting too much or ran too many miles or overdid it in the back yard, you stand up and––ouch! Whether you simply need to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding your spine or it’s time to address chronic physical pain, yoga is a powerful tool.
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What is Mula Bandha?
On December 7, 2021 in
The bandhas are energetic locks in the body. They are utilized to gain control of the flow of energy, prana, or life force, in your body. Understanding and engaging the bandhas creates an added depth to your yoga practice. The bandhas can be extremely beneficial for the brain, the Nadis (energy channels), and the chakras. They purify, remove blockages and harmonize and balance the self.
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Manifest Your Intentions with our 22-day 2022 New Year's Yoga Challenge: Begin Again
On December 7, 2021 in
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Anybody else ready to manifest their best life? We’re finishing out 2021, so be present and savor these last few weeks. If you’re ready to shift your focus forward, check out what we have in store for you on January 1, 2022. Whatever your goals and desires to live your best life are, a consistent yoga and meditation practice will help you set clear intentions and help you identify your personal life vision. “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions,
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Yoga for Optimal Health
On November 29, 2021 in
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Self-care is so important, especially around the holidays. Whether you love this time of year or find it overwhelming, there’s no denying that the pace of life accelerates. Luckily, yoga helps you maintain optimal health––inside and out. One of the best aspects of stepping onto your yoga mat is that whether you’re seeking a physical outlet or an emotional boost, yoga delivers it all. This week’s classes have varying focuses, so choose what resonates most for you at the moment, and know you’ll receive all the benefits. If you’re feeling stiff or out of balance physically, yoga can provide the gateway to more openness in your bones, joints, and muscles.
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7-Class Gentle Hatha Series with Jackie Casal Mahrou
On November 22, 2021 in
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Can you believe it’s almost the final month of 2021? Life can often feel like a juggling act between active vs. passive, yang vs. yin, and busy vs. idle. From now until the end of the year, life grows more hectic. If you’re feeling the sense of busy-ness, one way to find balance is by shifting to a more mellow yoga practice. If you’re accustomed to faster or more power style yoga classes, don’t worry because you’ll receive all the same benefits for your body, mind, and heart.
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Yoga for Healthy Digestion & Gut Health
On November 15, 2021 in
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Come on yoga, light my fire! No, we’re not about to break into a classic rock tune from The Doors, but we are launching a discussion on how yoga helps stoke your agni or digestive fire. Over seventy percent of your immune system is in your gut and optimal digestion is key to improving and maintaining your vital health. A direct connection exists between the brain and the gut, and many diseases start in the digestive system. Yoga can play a pivotal role, along with proper nutrition, in keeping you strong, healthy, and happy. Yes, digestion impacts your emotions too! Just think about how you feel after you’ve over-indulged in foods that make you feel lethargic, heavy, and bloated. Or, if you’ve received bad news and suddenly you experience nausea and cramping.
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Yoga for Healthy Digestion & Gut Health
Yoga to Take Action
On November 9, 2021 in
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"Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda said it best in Star Wars. If we want to manifest the life of our dreams, it isn’t enough to visualize and plan. You must act. You must do. There is power in movement and this week’s classes are designed to assist your launch into action and your manifestation of change. Our thoughts and emotions hold great power. Yoga and meditation help us quiet our mind and tune in to our inner desires––what will bring us true contentment or Santosha. But identifying and visualizing the life we want is only the beginning. You are what you do. Each action we take creates a new pattern inside and out. It is vital to practice with purpose and follow up your intentions with action. “Do your Practice and All is Coming”- Sri K Pattabhi Jois.
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Relax: Yoga & Breathwork to Soothe your Nervous System
On October 30, 2021 in
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Do you need a little helping hand to calm down right this moment? If you missed YogaDownload.com’s two October yoga retreats in Spain and Portugal, you may not be as relaxed as those lucky students (and teachers!) For the rest of us at home––don’t worry! We’ve got some classes designed to bring your nervous system back into balance and help you unwind. One of the greatest gifts yoga offers is its profound impact on the brain and the nervous system. The sympathetic or “active” nervous system governs our fight or flight response.
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Yoga for Resilience
On October 25, 2021 in
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“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” - Nelson Mandela Being graceful and strong when life is flowing along smoothly is one thing. Maintaining that grace during difficult times is a different proposition. We’ve learned this lesson on a global scale over the last eighteen months. Our lives are different, and we’ve all had to tap into our inner strength and resiliency, often to levels we’ve never imagined accessing. Life is a rollercoaster and how well you navigate the twists, drops, and 360-degree loops is an indicator of your resilience. Yoga can help you empower yourself and tap into your inner resiliency and strength in such a way you can continue moving forward in your life despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Learning to bend before you break is vital.
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🥳 15 FREE Top-Rated Classes to Celebrate Our 15th Birthday!
On October 17, 2021 in
This week we are thrilled to celebrate the 15th year of YogaDownload! This site and community would not be continuing to grow if it wasn't for all of you showing up regularly on your mats from across the globe for the past 15 years! Thank for you logging in to take care of yourselves, while also supporting this global community and resource for online yoga.
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Happy 15th Birthday YogaDownload!
On October 17, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
Who wants to celebrate our birthday with us? We here at YogaDownload are celebrating 15 years of sharing yoga online! Whether you’ve been with us from the beginning, when the classes were audio or you practiced your first class this morning, we are thrilled you are here. Without you wonderful subscribers from around the globe, we couldn’t have expanded from audio classes, to streaming videos, to programs ranging from meditation to power yoga, to offering one of a kind yoga retreats around the world.
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Forward Folds: A Remedy to Relax
On October 11, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
“By drawing our sense of perception inward, we are able to experience the control, silence, and quietness of the mind.” B.K.S. Iyengar Hey, anybody out there need to relax? If you’re waving your hand wildly, join us this week for some yoga sequences that soothe your nervous system, reduce anxiety, and lengthen the entire posterior side of your body. Forward folds are introspective postures that will help you quiet your mind’s chatter and relax. During a well-rounded yoga practice, you move your body throughout a range of positions including forward folds, back bends, spinal rotation, and lateral movement. By choosing to emphasize forward bends in a practice, you’ll primarily cool your system down, inside and out. A few key pointers will make sure you maximize the benefits of this family of asanas and avoid injury to your lower back and hamstrings.
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Lean and Limber: Yoga for Weight Loss & Core Strength
On October 5, 2021 in
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“A healthy body is a platform for flourishing a healthy mind.” -Pawan Mishra We only get one body in this lifetime, and we have a responsibility to take care of it to the best of our ability. Some days, yoga is spiritually focused, taking steps on the path to enlightenment through meditation and mantra. Some days yoga satisfies the need to work through complicated emotions or break some unhealthy thought patterns. And some days, yoga can be purely focused on getting strong, lean, and powerful.
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Yoga Flows to Let Go
On September 27, 2021 in
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One of the most profound gifts we received from our consistent yoga practice is a shift in perspective. We learn to experience life in the present moment without clinging to the past or the need to attach ourselves to an outcome. Attachment and aversion are two sides of the same coin and vital yogic principles that can teach us to release what is no longer serving us in order to be our best selves. Our bodies are storehouses for life experiences––the good, the bad, and the ugly. We often shape our inner narrative and make choices for our future based upon our emotional wounds. Sometimes it is more comfortable to hold onto the painful stories, like a tough childhood, a horrific break-up, getting fired from your dream job, or losing a friend. The same concept applies with our triumphs and joys. We hold a lifetime within our tissues and sometimes, these things become what in the Yoga Sutras Patanjali called Kleshas or the fundamental obstacles to yoga and Samadhi.
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Yoga for the Energetic and Subtle Bodies
On September 20, 2021 in
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If you’ve been practicing yoga for any length of time, you’re aware the practice works in ways that aren’t linear, aren’t clear-cut, and aren’t often explainable. Even though yoga is a science and a philosophical system, its benefits go much deeper than what can be seen by the naked eye. Yoga impacts us on the level of our subtle body, which expands beyond Western understanding of anatomy and physiology. Each of us is made up of three bodies: the gross or physical body/ Stula Sharira, the subtle body/ Sukshma Sharira, and the causal body/Karana Sharira. The physical body consists of what we can touch and see: our muscles and skeleton. It forms the Annamaya Kosha, the coarsest of the five sheaths. It is vital to craft a yoga practice which benefits our entire system.
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Yoga Benefits
3-Week Challenge: Detox & Destress
On September 13, 2021 in
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The challenge begins on October 4th! The seasons are shifting, and it is the perfect time to align with nature and release whatever is weighing us down. If you’re feeling stagnant or heavy in your mind, heart, or body, we’re here with a 3-week plan to make it easy to hit the reset button. As a global community, we’ll practice a variety of yoga classes designed to detoxify and destress. In the Heart of Yoga, T.K.S. Desikachar wrote that one of yoga’s primary functions is to help burn off the “rubbish” or toxins that can build up in our systems. Whether that means learning to shed a series of repetitive negative thoughts, recover from heartbreak, or lose a few unwanted pounds, the practice of yoga provides a framework for us to release extra baggage and shine our inner light. Sometimes life simply bogs us down and a periodic challenge or program can help set us back on track.
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Benefits of Yoga
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Yoga to Detox
Get Grounded: Benefits of Standing Poses
On September 6, 2021 in
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This week is all about reminding yourself that true wellness begins with a stable foundation. Establishing alignment from the ground up is key to being stable and powerful––inside and out. Whether both feet are planted on the earth or you’re balancing on one leg, you are building strength and fortifying your mental and physical awareness. Yoga classes focused on standing asanas help you embody a sense of profound connection with yourself and the world around you. Physically, standing poses cultivate proper posture, including aligning your bones and joints from the feet to the crown of your head. Standing asanas from the simple Tadasana or Mountain Pose to the more complex Virabhadrasana or Warrior poses and to Vrksasana or Tree pose, develop both muscular and bone strength. Whenever you’re practicing standing yoga poses, you’re also working your joints through their full range of motion, enhancing mobility and flexibility. Standing poses assist in building core awareness and power, which are required to maintain excellent posture and prepare the body for deeper poses.
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Get Grounded
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Stand Up and Stretch
Standing Yoga Poses
Yoga to Fire Up Your Manipura Chakra
On August 31, 2021 in
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Who needs to cultivate a stronger sense of self or perhaps tone down an ego that is slanting more toward arrogance than confidence? Finding the balance between inner strength and insecurity takes effort but is vital to living the life you love. This week, we’ll focus on the Manipura or navel chakra, which yogis identify as the source of our self-confidence, willpower, and inner fire. Your personality and personal power stem from the “fire in your belly” or “tapas.” At different points in our lives, like starting a new job or ending a personal relationship, our self-confidence may need a boost or a reality check. When the Manipura is in over-drive, it manifests as arrogance or ego. A lack of navel chakra energy can fill us with insecurity and self-doubt. Know that no matter what stage you’re in, focusing on your Manipura chakra can bring you back into balance.
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Solar Plexus Chakra
Yoga for Manipura Chakra
Yoga for the Third Chakra
Yoga For All of Us
On August 23, 2021 in
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“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” - Bhagavad Gita Every single one of us is unique. No identical fingerprints exist. Nobody can feel your feelings, think your thoughts, or experience the physical sensations you have. This week we are celebrating the differences between us––while keeping in mind what connects us––with yoga practices designed specifically for certain populations. No one size fits all yoga practice exists. The considerable benefits for the physical, mental, and emotional bodies are available to everyone regardless of age, current health, and energy levels. We all progress through different seasons of our lives and our needs and desires change. Your yoga practice at age 21 is and should be different than your experience when you are 71. We are constantly evolving and so should our yoga practice.
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Yoga Benefits
Yoga for All Body Types
Yoga for Everyone
Yoga for Men
Everyday Iyengar: 7-Class Immersion with Dana Hanizeski
On August 16, 2021 in
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“It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self, and intelligence.” -B.K.S. Iyengar Are you ready to immerse yourself and learn all about Iyengar yoga from expert teacher Dana Hanizeski? We are delighted to share this new 7 class program which will leave you feeling energized, calm, and knowledgeable. Before we dive into a deeper description of Iyengar yoga, here’s a little history about the man who created this unique style. B.K.S. Iyengar was one of T. Krishnamacharya, the Father of Modern yoga’s, most famous students in Mysore, India. Other prominent Krishnamacharya disciples include Pattabhi Jois and Indra Devi. Iyengar is one of the teachers who introduced his style of yoga and interpretation of the Eight-Limbed Yoga Path to the Western world.
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Everyday Iyengar: 7-Class Immersion
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