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10-Day Pranayama Immersion: Just Breathe
On November 1, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a seminal text on yoga, states that “when the breath wanders the mind is unsteady. But, when the breath is calmed, the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.” The practice of controlling or extending your breath is called Pranayama, one of the eight limbs of yoga. In Sanskrit, the word Pranayama consists of “prana” and “ayama”. “Ayama” means to stretch or extend, and “yama” means to regulate and direct. Prana is life force or energy that consists of the three gunas, or nature’s building blocks.
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Mark Morford's Yoga Alchemy - The Collection
On September 13, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Yoga is a path of self-improvement and self-discovery, where through practice and discipline, we can transform ourselves. Renowned ParaYoga founder and Tantra Yoga scholar Rod Stryker teaches, “We’re not transforming into something we aspire to,” he says. “We’re transforming into the very thing that we are innately: our best Self.” We are all in different stages in our lives and our personal development is an individual process. Yoga gives us tools to shed the habits and patterns which may be holding us back from being our best selves. This week’s Yoga Alchemy Program with Mark Morford is a deep dive into your own personal physical, mental, and emotional metamorphosis.
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Ten Benefits of Yoga for Men
On August 16, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Amy Cavill
When you think of yoga, you might not necessarily think of it as a masculine activity. Calming music, oils, soft speaking - yoga has traditionally been seen as a more feminine activity, while men’s sports were seen as more extreme types of exercise. But actually, there are very many powerful benefits of yoga for modern men that you can get from spending some time on the mat. We’ve listed the top ten here, to try and show you how a yoga practice can bring some positive change to your body and mind. Increased Mobility
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5-Day Yoga 101 for Men Series with Robert Sidoti
On August 16, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s, there are few.” ― Shunryu Suzuki Did you know that up until the early twentieth century, yoga was only taught by and to men? T. Krishnamacharya is considered the “father of modern yoga” with such illustrious students as Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar, who both helped bring yoga to the West in the twentieth century. It wasn’t until 1937, that Krishnamacharya agreed to teach Indra Devi, a Western woman who became a renowned teacher.
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14-Day Self-Love Yoga Challenge
On June 27, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Shout loud ‘I am lucky to be what I am.’” – Dr. Seuss Don’t you love how wisdom can come from just about anywhere and who doesn’t count on Dr. Seuss? One of the most important qualities to cultivate to live our ideal life is self-love. If we cannot look inside ourselves and accept and love our light and our shadow sides, we’ll never truly be happy. Yoga is rooted in learning to reveal, accept, and love who we are. Through consistent practice, we can create patterns of self-acceptance and self-love and shine our brightest. Or shout out “I am lucky to be what I am.”
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1-Week Meditation Immersion with Keith Allen
On June 21, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
What do Lady Gaga, Lebron James, and Paul McCartney have in common? They are all dedicated to daily meditation and expound on the positive effects it has on not just their careers but on their entire lives. You don’t need to be a superstar to benefit from a daily meditation practice, but you might feel like one after you immerse yourself in this 1-Week program with popular YogaDownload instructor Keith Allen. If you’ve tried to meditate and given up in frustration after a few weeks, or days, or even minutes, you aren’t alone. Learning to meditate isn’t easy but it’s worth the effort. Your guide through this week meditation program, Keith Allen, says, “Meditation is something that becomes easier and more enjoyable the more you practice it, even if it seems impossible and hard at first. It's also something that one benefits from, from not trying too hard to be good at it.”
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Nothing but Core! 6-Day Bootcamp with Claire Petretti Marti
On April 25, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Who is ready to release their personal power and feel stronger physically and more self-assured? By focusing on our power center, by building a strong core and spine, we naturally increase our confidence levels and live our lives from a positive perspective, no matter external circumstances. This week, we’ve got the popular Nothing But Core series with instructor Claire Petretti Marti, which will give you six quick and varied programs to have you feeling your best.
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Yoga for Weight Loss: 14-Day Bootcamp
On March 29, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
We are often a reflection of the world around us and world events. If you’ve been feeling heavy, you’re not alone. We are living through a time filled with an excess of tamasic energy. Many external circumstances are beyond our control, but yoga can help us manage our behavior and perspective. Different situations call for shifts in our yoga practice, so we can maximize the benefits of our time on the mat to match how we are feeling. Many students shared with us that they’d gained weight and were interested in a yoga program that would help them in their quest to burn calories and lose weight. We’re excited to share we’ve got a new two-week Yoga for Weight Loss Bootcamp designed to help you push your physical limits to beat stress and help you tone your muscles, strengthen your bones, and feel lean and luminous.
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3-Class Yin Yoga 101 Program with Caitlin
On March 1, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Why we need Yin yoga now. We are all living at a pitch point in history and these last few years have been challenging on every level––individually and collectively. From living through a pandemic to times of war and strife, how can we find a balance inside and out? While yoga can’t solve all these major issues, it can help us create more space in our reaction time to find reserves of inner strength to handle the external events we cannot control. Yoga’s many benefits, from increasing physical strength and flexibility to quieting the mind and balancing the emotions, come with consistent practice. Many forms of yoga, from the more active Yang practices like Ashtanga and Vinyasa to more passive styles like Yin and Gentle Hatha nourish us. But sometimes, when the world has so much active Yang energy, a more pacifying Yin practice helps us slow down and soothe our nervous systems.
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Yoga for Skiers and Snowboarders: 7-Class Winter Sports Package
On January 31, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
In the year of Snowmageddon––at least in Northern America––there’s no excuse not to head outside and play in the snow! Whether you’re a diehard skier or boarder or you’re a novice ready to conquer the bunny slope, you can elevate your experience with yoga. And if the closest you’ll get to snow is watching the Winter Olympics, you can still benefit from these classes! Winter sports require a strong core, powerful legs, exquisite balance, and focused attention. Enter our Winter Sports Package, with 7 classes created specifically for pre and post yoga to help you maximize your time on the mountain. Skiing and snowboarding both require a lot of muscular work, and your hips and legs can grow tight and sore after several runs down the slopes. Yoga counteracts all that effort and has a cross-training effect to enable you to recover faster and prevent injury.
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Yoga for Skiing
10-Day Detox Immersion with Pradeep Teotia
On January 18, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Align with nature and detox with Pradeep Teotia! One of the most powerful ways to feel your best is to align with nature. Instead of swimming against the current, when you go with the flow, it’s easier to lighten up. We’ve just experienced a Full Moon, which symbolizes the beginning of a period of releasing feelings of heaviness and stagnancy, inside and out. It’s the perfect time to join our 10-day Detox Immersion with Pradeep and shed what’s no longer serving you. Now that we’re three weeks into the new year, take a moment to contemplate how you’re feeling. Are you ready to pause and assess exactly what you’re ready to release to create space for something fresh? Whether you’ve got some repetitive negative thoughts, unpleasant emotions, or tight hips that are preventing you from feeling content, it is time to purge.
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3-Week Hips and Low Back Therapy Program
On December 13, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. IF it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” - Joseph Pilates How old do you feel today? Most people experience tightness or pain in their back at some point. Whether you’ve been sitting too much or ran too many miles or overdid it in the back yard, you stand up and––ouch! Whether you simply need to stretch and strengthen the muscles surrounding your spine or it’s time to address chronic physical pain, yoga is a powerful tool.
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7-Class Gentle Hatha Series with Jackie Casal Mahrou
On November 22, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
Can you believe it’s almost the final month of 2021? Life can often feel like a juggling act between active vs. passive, yang vs. yin, and busy vs. idle. From now until the end of the year, life grows more hectic. If you’re feeling the sense of busy-ness, one way to find balance is by shifting to a more mellow yoga practice. If you’re accustomed to faster or more power style yoga classes, don’t worry because you’ll receive all the same benefits for your body, mind, and heart.
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What is Iyengar Yoga?
On August 16, 2021 in
Amy Cavill
Iyengar Yoga is a style of yoga that was developed and named after someone called B.K.S Iyengar, in the 1960s. This style of yoga is very meticulous and places importance on precision and alignment. Iyengar yoga is about breath control and posture and is great to build strength and flexibility, as well as teaching the correct alignment of the body. B.K.S Iyengar was born in 1918 in Bellur, India. He studied and practiced yoga for over 85 years. He studied under T. Krishnamacharya - who is often referred to as ‘The Father of Modern Yoga’. He brought his style of yoga to the west in the 1970’s and wrote his book: Light on Yoga, which has been a source for yoga students all over the world. B.K.S Iyengar taught for over 75 years in the 5 continents, bringing yoga to many people around the world. He even invented a lot of the yoga props we still use today and helped explore how yoga can treat medical conditions.
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Amy Cavill
Iyengar Yoga Benefits
Iyengar Yoga Immersion
Iyengar Yoga Program
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Everyday Iyengar: 7-Class Immersion with Dana Hanizeski
On August 16, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
“It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self, and intelligence.” -B.K.S. Iyengar Are you ready to immerse yourself and learn all about Iyengar yoga from expert teacher Dana Hanizeski? We are delighted to share this new 7 class program which will leave you feeling energized, calm, and knowledgeable. Before we dive into a deeper description of Iyengar yoga, here’s a little history about the man who created this unique style. B.K.S. Iyengar was one of T. Krishnamacharya, the Father of Modern yoga’s, most famous students in Mysore, India. Other prominent Krishnamacharya disciples include Pattabhi Jois and Indra Devi. Iyengar is one of the teachers who introduced his style of yoga and interpretation of the Eight-Limbed Yoga Path to the Western world.
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Everyday Iyengar: 7-Class Immersion
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga Program
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The Joy of Practicing Yoga for Longevity
On July 19, 2021 in
Caitlin Rose Kenney
With curiosity, I applied a new lens to my Yoga practice — is it good for my longevity? It’s a wonderful puzzle to consider the arcs of Now, the Future and the possibility of an Elder Future and how every moment I am planting seeds, or making choices, that impact all three of these stages of life. What does a yoga practice look like that is an offering to all three of these versions of me? Before I share what I’ve found to be true for me, let me share a bit about my existing framework.
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Caitlin Rose Kenney
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The Joy of Practicing Yoga for Longevity
Yoga Benefits
Yoga for Aging
Yoga for Longevity
Yoga for Longevity: 7-Class Program with Caitlin Rose Kenney
On July 19, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
If we asked you to share your number one reason to practice yoga, what would your response be? Answers run the gamut from spiritual enlightenment (Samadhi) to physical mastery of asanas like handstand or Hanumanasana, to mental health benefits like stress relief. Whether you step onto the mat for the spiritual, physical, or mental aspects of yoga, you are receiving all the benefits. What if we suggested you regard yoga as life insurance? Consider your yoga practice through the lens of preventative healthcare, a tool to ensure you’ll continue enjoying a long life to the fullest. Yoga helps keep our bodies strong and supple, our minds alert and open, and our hearts softer and more compassionate. To sustain a lifelong yoga practice, check in with yourself. Are you doing the same things out of habit, but it no longer gives you the same joy or energy?
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Yoga for Aging
Yoga for Longevity Program
5-Day Quick Energy Flow Challenge
On June 28, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
Welcome Summer! Anybody else savoring the sense of freedom in the air these days? Now that most of the world is opening and travel is a possibility again, you aren’t alone if all you are ready to shake up your regular routine. Whether that means going on vacation or simply enjoying visits with friends and family, your dance card may be so full, you have less time for your yoga practice. Nobody wants to sacrifice all the benefits of a consistent yoga practice, right? Sometimes when life shifts into high gear, it can feel we’re too busy to fit in our yoga and end up skipping it altogether. Then, all the hard-won benefits like physical flexibility, strength, and balance can diminish. The clear calm mind and softer heart that comes from mindful breath and movement can devolve into stress and anxiety. Don’t stress––we’ve got the perfect solution to keep you in the flow.
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5-Day Quick Energy Flow Challenge
5-Day Vinyasa Challenge
Claire Petretti Marti
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Vinyasa Yoga Challenge
Why Morning Rituals are a Powerful Start to your Day
On May 3, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
Depending on your schedule and your natural rhythm, practicing yoga first thing in the morning might already be part of your routine. If you’re on the other end of the spectrum and the idea of pairing your yoga practice with the rising of the sun makes you roll over and hit the snooze button, please hear us out and consider trying something new. We promise everyone will love this five-part series of quick Vinyasa classes from expert yoga teacher Jackie Casal Mahrou. Here’s why a morning ritual is a powerful way to start your day! Set a Positive Intention for Your Day
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Morning Ritual Benefits
Morning Yoga Benefits
New Morning Yoga Program
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5-Part Metamorphosis Series: Transform & Evolve
On April 12, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
When we hear the word metamorphosis, often it conjures an image of the caterpillar pausing and withdrawing from the world for a period of time and emerging as a beautiful butterfly. One way to visualize it is an incubation period, where you focus on rest and renewal in order to become your best self. Metamorphosis doesn’t necessarily mean you are changing into someone different; rather it means you are transforming into the highest version of yourself. In other words, the butterfly was always inside you, but it may take time and effort to fly free. Renowned ParaYoga founder and Tantra Yoga scholar Rod Stryker teaches, “We’re not transforming into something we aspire to,” he says. “We’re transforming into the very thing that we are innately: our best self.”
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Hatha Yoga Program
Inspirational Yoga Program
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Fitness 'n' Yoga 7 Day Bootcamp with Ben Davis
On March 1, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
Are you ready to kick off March with a 7 day fitness and yoga bootcamp designed to have you feeling at the top of your game? If you struggle to fit in workouts and yoga, but don’t want to miss any of the physical, mental, and emotional benefits from both, this week’s program is for you. And if you’re simply feeling bored with your current routine, try this package as an adrenaline boost to spark your motivation. Here are 3 reasons not to miss this bootcamp:
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Fitness and Yoga
Fitness 'n' Yoga 7 Day Bootcamp with Ben Davis
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Quest for the Press: 4-Part Handstand Workshop
On February 15, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
Which handstand camp do you belong to? When it comes to handstands, there is no middle ground, it’s either: I love handstands and press up every chance I can or no way can I balance on my hands. Whether you love them or hate them, this week’s special Quest for the Press Program can benefit you. Now, if you’ve never been able to do a handstand or you’ve tried but been unable to achieve one, this program provides a methodical, intelligent, progressive method. Each class builds upon the prior sequence. You’ll work toward overcoming fear and press up with confidence. And if you are already a handstand aficionado, it never hurts to review technique and maybe even learn some new tips and tricks!
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Advanced Yoga Program
Angela Kukhahn Handstand Program
Handstand Program
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Quest for the Press
Quick Yoga Breaks at Your Desk: 16-Class Package
On January 18, 2021 in
New Classes & Programs
We’ve all been living in a time of major global stress and transition. A consistent yoga practice is vital to stay balanced and manage the shifts occurring around us on a daily basis. We’ve got good news––even on the days where you’re really busy, you can sneak in a ten-to-fifteen-minute yoga break. A consistent daily practice can keep you grounded––just remember quality over quantity. Many of us used to head into an office, but now work from home. While you’re saving time because you don’t have to commute any longer, somehow it still feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to practice yoga. Distractions abound at home, right? Everything from dishes, to walking the dog, to family demands, to the temptation of a catnap can pull you out of your resolve to move and breathe and meditate.
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New Yoga Program
Quick Yoga Breaks at Your Desk: 16-Class Package
Yoga at Your Desk
Soothe Stress and Manage Anxiety Naturally with Yoga
On December 7, 2020 in
New Classes & Programs
What is your go-to coping mechanism when you feel overwhelmed or can’t control your reactions to anything and everything? Does heading outside into nature help reduce your blood pressure or a phone call with your best friend do the trick? Did you know one of the best ways to manage stress and anxiety is through a balanced yoga practice? Mindful movement and controlled breathing patterns positively affect your nervous system. Yoga helps us shift from fight or flight, a reactive state, to rest and digest, a receptive state of being. Through physical asanas and Pranayama breathing techniques you can lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. With an intelligent combination of active practices, passive practices, and meditation, like our new one-week Anxiety Relief program, you’ll feel more calm, energized, and balanced.
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Yoga for Anxiety Relief
Yoga to Unwind & Destress
Heal Your Shoulders, Neck, & Upper Back: 2-Week Program
On October 5, 2020 in
New Classes & Programs
It’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced pain in our shoulders, neck, and upper back at some point. Tension in your shoulders and neck is one of the most common complaints with just about everyone! Whether you spent too much time in front of the computer or slept wrong and woke up with a crick in your neck, having pain in your upper body can truly ruin your day. The physical causes can develop from heredity, injuries or accidents, or poor posture. But for many of us, the manifestation of pain in this area of the body stems from issues beyond skin deep. We’ve got an amazing new program to address these issues and prevent further discomfort. The variety of classes over the next two weeks will not only help you relieve stress and tension in your physical body, but dig beneath the surface into your emotional and mental states. The root of the problem is often predominantly emotional and upper back issues often relate to experiencing a lack of emotional support from significant people in your life.
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2-Week Yoga Program for Shoulder & Neck Pain
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Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief
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