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4 Excellent Reasons to Renew Yourself with Twists!
4 Excellent Reasons to Renew Yourself with Twists!
Are you ready to refresh and rejuvenate physically, emotionally, and mentally? A well-rounded yoga practice emphasizing twists will leave you feeling your best on every level. Here are 4 ways twists help clear out your system and create the space to welcome in fresh energy and light. Keeps Spine Healthy: Twists help restore and maintain your spine’s range of motion, improve flexibility and mobility, and encourage proper posture. Most of us aren’t consistently moving our spines through the three ranges of motion necessary to keep the spine in ultimate condition.

Benefits of Advanced Yoga Twists & How to Get There
Benefits of Advanced Yoga Twists & How to Get There
Yoga twists can have a wealth of benefits for your core, posture, and organs. These yoga poses can vary from the simple to the advanced variations, and although advanced twists can be difficult to work up to, they’re worth it for the health benefits alone. Twists are yoga postures that move the shoulders to face the opposite direction of the hips. Different twists target different areas, such as the upper, middle or lower sections of your torso, and each advanced twist has their own benefits. Here’s a low down on the benefits of advanced twists, and some tips on how to get there. Improves digestion