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Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from YogaDownload.com
Yoga for a Healthy Back, Neck, & Shoulders
On February 21, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Stop what you’re doing for a moment and check-in to see how you’re feeling. Turn your head from side to side, perform a few shoulder rolls, and reach your arms overhead. Are you carrying tension in your neck or are your shoulders rounded forward? Mental and emotional stress often manifests as poor posture which impacts not just your muscles, tendons, and bones but also your subtle body. Read on to discover how yoga for your upper body can help.
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New Yoga Classes
Raspberry Cheesecake Bites
On February 19, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
What could be better than chocolate? Chocolate and berries! Desserts that combine berries with chocolate feel like the gold standard. These Raspberry Cheesecake Bites tick all the boxes. Raspberries give just the right amount of acidity and sweetness to the silky cashew-based filling. The luxurious texture and brightness of the tangy berries make this filling completely drool-worthy. And to top it all off, they have rich chocolate crusts that you’ll be tempted to eat all on their own.
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Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
8 Forward Folds to Get Grounded & Relieve Anxiety
On February 16, 2022 in
Every family of yoga poses has its own unique energetic benefits. While the musculoskeletal benefits of postures are more obvious, benefits like open hamstrings, strengthening the core, or opening the shoulders, the energetic and emotional benefits are more subtle but important and valuable in their own way. For example, backbends, are uplifting and energizing and a perfect remedy for sluggish depressed energy.
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Full Moon Astrology Forecast: February 16, 2022
On February 14, 2022 in
This Full Moon moves us into the culmination of healing, and self restoration. This self-awakening began in the Fall, and worked the subject and object of the individuated self within our inner constructs. It worked to prepare for new endeavors and the embodiment of self through an expanded view of the external. How you hold yourself and the external has been challenged. These challenges opened the consciousness into new possibilities. This Full Moon not only brings a full circle to self-awareness but also reflects and ends a cycle from 2018 (pre-pandemic).
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Find Your Power: Yoga for Physical Strength
On February 14, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.” -Sakyong Mipham Yoga is the perfect synergy between asana (posture), pranayama (breathwork), and meditation. When you develop a consistent yoga practice, you create a strong body and a centered calm mind. One effective approach to stepping into your personal power is to emphasize building physical strength through your yoga practice. These classes will help you strengthen bones and joints, increase endurance and stamina, and boost your mood with endorphins.
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New Yoga Classes
Simple & Delicious Brussel Sprouts
On February 12, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Not sure that today’s creation should be called a recipe because it literally is frying up a bunch of brussels sprouts, seasoning them with salt and lemon, and serving with sunflower seeds and cheese. But sometimes the easiest things are the best things in life, right! By the way, did you know that some people might have a true reason behind not liking brussels sprouts – some people have a heightened perception of the bitter taste and brussels have bitter notes and this is why they are not fans of these healthy nuggets.
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Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
The Power of Storytelling and Your Personal Story
On February 10, 2022 in
Amy Booth
Stories pass wisdom. Many religions base longevity and education on storytelling, as storytelling explains the unexplainable. We all have our own stories about our own journeys, and they are ongoing in nature. No finite end or distinctive start. Life goes on and so the story within us deepens, is added to and takes twists and turns. The style changes as romance, humor and thrill are added or removed. What is your story? What is the story of your friends, lover, family and peers?
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6 Powerful Backbends to Open Your Heart Chakra
On February 8, 2022 in
Your heart chakra is the place of love and connection. It is associated with the element of air. It is connected to your lungs, heart, chest, and upper back region. Emotionally, it is the place where we love.
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Good Morning! Start Your Day Right with Yoga
On February 7, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
What’s your morning ritual? Do you hit the Snooze button repeatedly and burrow under the covers or do you have a mindful routine that sets the tone for the rest of your day? How you begin your day influences the rest of your waking hours and your sleep too. Adding yoga to your morning routine will set you up for a great day. Here’s how unrolling your yoga mat at the start of your day can shift your perspective and improve your life. 1. Boost Your Metabolism and Immunity:
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New Yoga Classes
Superfood Cashew Clusters
On February 5, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
To this day, one of my favorite treats is my mom’s homemade chocolate peanut clusters. They’re made with all the ole fashion “good” (read bad!) stuff including sugar, dairy, and preservatives. They’re seriously addictive and cause me to break out in a sweat (that’s my response to sugar)! If you don’t know how to identify your response to sugar, be sure to check out our Sugar Sensitivity Quiz here. While I’m not shy about fully indulging my own personal 20% when mom busts out the peanut clusters at holiday festivities, I thought it would be fun to make a Conscious Cleanse-worthy chocolate cluster that would not only make mom proud but one that would also keep my body healthy at the same time.
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The Conscious Cleanse
Mantra Meditation for Resilience and Overcoming Obstacles
On February 4, 2022 in
Christine Bowden
When you're coming up against an obstacle, meditation can help you overcome anything. When you visualize yourself conquering a difficult task or hardship, you're able to access breakthroughs in your mind and in your life. This meditation offering for today is one of harnessing your inner warrior. We all have deeply-rooted courage and perseverance in us. It may not feel like it at this moment; if you are currently battling a personal storm. But, this meditation on confidence will offer up an opening for you to eventually recognize the warrior within. The mantra offered in this meditation is one to provide comfort, clarity, and confidence. These elements aid us in the journey of believing in our own self-worth and revealing hidden confidence that may be shadowed by trauma or distraction. This is not an easy road to travel. Some days will feel better than others.
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Yoga for Skiers and Snowboarders: 7-Class Winter Sports Package
On January 31, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
In the year of Snowmageddon––at least in Northern America––there’s no excuse not to head outside and play in the snow! Whether you’re a diehard skier or boarder or you’re a novice ready to conquer the bunny slope, you can elevate your experience with yoga. And if the closest you’ll get to snow is watching the Winter Olympics, you can still benefit from these classes! Winter sports require a strong core, powerful legs, exquisite balance, and focused attention. Enter our Winter Sports Package, with 7 classes created specifically for pre and post yoga to help you maximize your time on the mountain. Skiing and snowboarding both require a lot of muscular work, and your hips and legs can grow tight and sore after several runs down the slopes. Yoga counteracts all that effort and has a cross-training effect to enable you to recover faster and prevent injury.
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New Yoga Program
Yoga for Skiing
Asian Pomelo Salad
On January 29, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Even though it is winter here in Estonia, I somehow crave summer food. Maybe it is because I miss summer, long days and sun. Maybe it is because Estonian traditional Christmas food is very much on the heavier side (think pork, sausages, lots of potatoes, etc.) and the light salad is a nice change. Or maybe it is because this spicy, zingy, and fresh salad is just so good and simple to prepare. Whatever the reason – I have been eating this at least once a week for the last two months. It is so light but full of flavor. I love spice and this is definitely a salad for spice lovers. In fact, if usually, you can just choose to use less chili in case you don’t like heat then for this salad, I recommend just making something different if you don’t like heat as spiciness is essential for this dish.
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Healthy Recipes
Breathing Techniques to Stay Mindful at Work
On January 27, 2022 in
Emily Gibson
Breathing is a powerful tool. From relieving stress to improving lung health, breathing can have many positive health and emotional benefits for those who devote time to focusing on it and making it part of their daily practice. Getting into the habit of mindful breathing can be positive for anyone. As more people take on remote work or deal with the strain the pandemic has put on the workday, breathing can help negate feelings of burnout, stress, and anxiety that may arise while working. So next time you start to feel anxious or stressed during the workday, put on comfortable clothes and focus on your breathing to help expel some of that negative energy from your body.
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10 Ways to Set Intentions that Stick
On January 25, 2022 in
Amy Cavill
The New Year is a great time to set intentions for the year ahead, and set intentions for success. Intentions are a great way to tackle areas of your life that you would like to improve. It’s important to spend some time thinking and setting intentions with purpose, as this helps in ensuring that they’re successful. Here are our top 10 tips to set intentions that will actually stick: Think about what isn’t working
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Yoga on the Go
On January 25, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Raise your hand if you committed to a consistent yoga practice in 2022 but now, you’re having a challenging time stepping onto the mat regularly. You aren’t alone. We get it––life is busy. Despite our best intentions, sometimes our healthy habits are the first item dropped from our schedule. But self-care is essential to our well-being and the more energy we dedicate to our yoga practice, the more energy we have for everything else in our lives. We’re here to save the day with condensed classes that pack in all the yoga benefits you crave in half the time.
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New Yoga Classes
Passionfruit Jelly Squares
On January 22, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
These squares are a nice sour pop to finish dinner. Do you know these fancy restaurants where at the end of the meal they bring you petit fours? These squares would be perfect there, so if you wish to feel fancy or surprise your dinner party guests with something extra – make these! They don’t take too long to make, but they definitely impress! I served them along pistachio-filled chocolates and tahini truffles to finish Christmas dinner extra fancy, but they are enough on their own for sure.
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Healthy Desserts
Kadri Raig
4 Powerful Benefits of Meditation
On January 21, 2022 in
Elise Fabricant
Alleviates Stress and Anxiety: Stress, pressure, fatigue, poor diet, alcohol, and drugs damage neural connections between the brain’s prefrontal cortex and the rest of the brain. When you are fatigued or under intense mental or physical stress, the brain bypasses its rational frontal executive circuits. This respectively causes you to respond to daily tasks impulsively with shortsighted decisions. Emotions, such as fear and anger, are heightened and take over.
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Elise Fabricant
What is Jalandhara Bandha?
On January 18, 2022 in
The bandhas are energetic locks in the body that help control of the flow of energy, prana, or life force, in your body. Engaging the bandhas creates more depth and richness in your yoga practice. They can help you get into postures more deeply, and in a safer way, as well as improve the function of energy throughout your entire body. Jalandhara bandha – the throat lock
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10-Day Detox Immersion with Pradeep Teotia
On January 18, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
Align with nature and detox with Pradeep Teotia! One of the most powerful ways to feel your best is to align with nature. Instead of swimming against the current, when you go with the flow, it’s easier to lighten up. We’ve just experienced a Full Moon, which symbolizes the beginning of a period of releasing feelings of heaviness and stagnancy, inside and out. It’s the perfect time to join our 10-day Detox Immersion with Pradeep and shed what’s no longer serving you. Now that we’re three weeks into the new year, take a moment to contemplate how you’re feeling. Are you ready to pause and assess exactly what you’re ready to release to create space for something fresh? Whether you’ve got some repetitive negative thoughts, unpleasant emotions, or tight hips that are preventing you from feeling content, it is time to purge.
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Fried Goat Cheese Balls
On January 15, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Here is a unique little snack for your next celebration! Everybody knows regular cheese balls, but these are 10 times better! Goat cheese balls! I rarely eat deep-fried food, especially homemade deep-fried food as the amount of oil used is crazy. But these balls are an exception and totally worth it! The zinginess of goat's cheese cuts through the deep-fried fattiness and the balls end up being highly addictive.
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Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: January 17, 2022
On January 14, 2022 in
Geenie Celento
The Full Moon moves goddess consciousness towards the initial framework for new creative expression. This is the first layer awakening beyond previous boundaries. We enter the phase of creating new reference with the outer world from the soul self. Consciousness is always testing and recreating its ‘known’ spaces through the push and pull of divine feminine and masculine. And this Full Moon the push and pull of forces shifts, marking a new feminine creative outpouring. The Full Moon will rise in her own house of Cancer at an exalted point within the cosmos.
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Benefits of Yoga During Pregnancy
On January 12, 2022 in
Amy Cavill
Prenatal yoga is a healthy practice to pick up during your pregnancy, but you might be wondering what specific benefits practicing yoga during pregnancy can give you - read on for our top benefits of prenatal yoga and some tips to get you started, so you can see a positive difference during your pregnancy! Supports the changes in your body
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Postnatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Celebrating New life: Pre & Post-Natal Yoga
On January 10, 2022 in
New Classes & Programs
It’s a new year and a wonderful time to celebrate new life, so if you’re anticipating the birth of your child or recently had a baby, this week’s classes are for you. Pre-natal and post-natal yoga can support you on your mother’s journey by helping manage stress, maintain strength and flexibility, and encourage overall well-being. Because your body is different during this important time, it’s important to practice yoga in a safe and effective manner that meets your specific needs. Whether you’re an experienced yogi or a newbie, there are classes that will work for you. This week’s pre- and post-natal practices are designed by teachers experienced with working with all phases for expectant mothers and new moms. If you’re looking for a studio near you, make sure the instructor has a special certification for pre-natal and post-natal yoga, because additional considerations are involved!
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New Yoga Classes
Green Curry Noodles (& Homemade Green Curry Paste)
On January 7, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
I love curries! All kinds – fresh and zingy ones like they usually make in South-East Asia and also the heavier ones as they make in India. I understand that this is a serious simplification, but in my mind, the South-East Asian ones are brighter and Indian ones heavier. Of course, there are thousands of curry recipes in the world and every family has its own tricks and secret recipes. Here is one of my recipes that is leaning towards Thai green curry, but it is definitely not an authentic one being prepared in Estonia with the ingredients I can get my hands on. But it is delicious for sure! I add my curry paste recipe below but feel free to use a store-bought one or make adjustments.
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Healthy Recipes
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