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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Herb Crusted Lamb Roast
Herb Crusted Lamb Roast
Summer is in full swing here, and we hope you’re enjoying the warmer weather. You may be planning your menu for get-togethers with family or friends still. If so, we’re sharing this recipe with you in mind! If you’re looking for a healthy but show-stopping centerpiece, we’ve got you covered. Our Herb Crusted Lamb Roast is perfect for your big dinner. Lamb is a cleanse-friendly alternative to beef or ham, plus the fresh herbs make it packed with rich flavor. Lamb is also a nutrient-dense meat; it’s a great source of protein, healthy fats, and iron. It’s also rich in essential B vitamins like B12 and B6, which promote a healthy nervous system, and zinc, which supports a healthy immune response.

Ten Benefits of Yoga for Men
Ten Benefits of Yoga for Men
When you think of yoga, you might not necessarily think of it as a masculine activity. Calming music, oils, soft speaking - yoga has traditionally been seen as a more feminine activity, while men’s sports were seen as more extreme types of exercise. But actually, there are very many powerful benefits of yoga for modern men that you can get from spending some time on the mat. We’ve listed the top ten here, to try and show you how a yoga practice can bring some positive change to your body and mind. Increased Mobility

5-Day Yoga 101 for Men Series with Robert Sidoti
5-Day Yoga 101 for Men Series with Robert Sidoti
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s, there are few.” ― Shunryu Suzuki Did you know that up until the early twentieth century, yoga was only taught by and to men? T. Krishnamacharya is considered the “father of modern yoga” with such illustrious students as Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar, who both helped bring yoga to the West in the twentieth century. It wasn’t until 1937, that Krishnamacharya agreed to teach Indra Devi, a Western woman who became a renowned teacher.

Coconut Rhubarb Parfait
Coconut Rhubarb Parfait
Here is a super light summertime dessert for you to enjoy. In fact, it is light enough to enjoy as a breakfast, but for breakfast, I would substitute the coconut shavings with granola and add more fresh berries. Did you know that parfait means two different things – it is a classical French dessert meaning a frozen treat that is super similar to ice cream. And it also means a layered dessert like this one here. I like both of them, but as my freezer is usually fully stocked with all kinds of things there is usually not enough space to place a whole loaf tin there to set the frozen parfait. But I always have space for layered desserts that feature coconut and rhubarb! I love all kinds of food served in tiny jars so much that last summer during my travels in France when I discovered they sell yogurt in cute glass jars I knew I needed those jars at home so I brought back 6 of the little jars. You can bet that airport security had a few questions to ask about them, but here they are at my home and being used almost every week.

16 Benefits of Yoga Backed by Studies
16 Benefits of Yoga Backed by Studies
While modern media and advertising may have us think that yoga is all about physical poses, the entirety of yoga includes a wide range of contemplative and self-disciplinary practices, such as meditation, chanting, mantra, prayer, breath work, ritual, and even selfless action. The word “yoga” comes from the root word “yuj,” which means “to yoke” or “to bind.” The word itself has numerous meanings, with the underlying theme being connection. Yoga asana is the physical practice and postures. 1. Yoga improves flexibility In 2016, two of yoga’s leading organizations, Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance, conducted a worldwide survey looking at a variety of statistics about yoga in an attempt to quantify its value amid ever-increasing popularity.

National Relaxation Day!
National Relaxation Day!
What if we told you that there’s a day dedicated to slowing down and chilling out, with zero guilt and zero regret? National Relaxation Day on August 15th is all about hitting the pause button on your busy schedule and putting your feet up. See if choosing to focus on doing less actually helps you create space for more joy and peace! Many of us complain that there isn’t enough time in the day. We’re constantly too busy and too committed to checking off item after item on our never-ending to-do lists. We forget that rest is just as important as work. We lose appreciation for experiencing the here and now. When we fall into a pattern of constantly “doing” instead of being, we can burn out and lose that sense of santosha or contentment in our lives.

Chickpea Sesame Cookies
Chickpea Sesame Cookies
If there was a competition for a healthy, yet delicious cookie, these here would definitely be in a running. They are not too sweet, they are gluten-free and completely vegan, and they contain a good amount of protein thanks to using chickpea flour. I sometimes call these hummus cookies as chickpeas and sesame (in a form of tahini for hummus) are the main components for both snacks, but in reality, they don’t taste anything like hummus. Luckily. I know that sweet hummus exists, but it is really not my thing. Now, of course, I started wondering if savory hummus cookies could also be a thing. I think they could, but this needs some extra exploring from my side first. I will keep you posted if my trials turn out to be a success!

Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Practice
Tips to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Practice
The Bhagavad Gita says that “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”. But what do you do when that self is struggling to get itself on the mat? We’ve all been there. Even the most ardent yogis sometimes struggle with a lack of motivation or a feeling of just not getting what they need from a practice. The truth is, staying active on your own is hard, and from time to time you need a little push in the right direction. Luckily, there are many ways you can spice up your practice and keep enjoying the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual benefits yoga provides. And you don’t need to attend a class or find the perfect instructor to ensure your surya namaskar sets the tone for a scintillating workout! Here’s how to make sure your workout works for you. Challenge Yourself

Yoga for a Healthy Body and Mind Connection
Yoga for a Healthy Body and Mind Connection
Whenever we step onto the yoga mat, we’re beginning the process of healing our bodies, our hearts, and our minds. These intertwined benefits serve to not just make us stronger and more flexible in tangible ways but also intangible ones. This week’s classes will invigorate and replenish your mind and leave you feeling more clear, calm, and happy. Through well-sequenced and planned classes focused on Pranayama (mindful breath work) and Asana (Physical postures), you’ll experience adjustments to your state of mind and create shifts in your perspective. We live in a world where many external events are out of our control and if we don’t work to keep our mental state balanced, we can internalize those events, causing stress and unhappiness.

Pineapple Smoothie with Oats
Pineapple Smoothie with Oats
Drinking from a hollowed-out pineapple (or any other fruit for that matter) instantly makes me feel like I am on vacation. But instead of a rum-based drink, today my pineapple was filled with a super healthy oat-pineapple smoothie. Still felt like a vacation drink to me, but this might be enhanced by sunny weather. Of course, if you have something better to do with your time than spend 20 minutes carefully taking the flesh out of a pineapple trying to not pierce the skin, feel free to drink from a glass. This is also a good option if using frozen pineapple cubes and the smoothie will be just as delicious, but you just need to get into the vacation mode some other way.

New Moon Astrology Forecast: July 28th, 2022.
New Moon Astrology Forecast: July 28th, 2022.
This New Moon in Cancer, at Pushya is in the star of Asellus Australis. At this juncture, we move psychological balance within the physical structure. Currently in formation are the visions, ideas, and mental impressions of one’s desires, goals within the reflective now. This moon will refine the image and bring the embodiment of self to bloom, full circle. Moveable energy works to attract and draw unto itself that which it is. (Like attracts Like) Consciousness can only be what one sees of themselves. Materiality shifts and disallows the reliance of pleasure attachment.

Practices for Challenging Times and Obstacles
Practices for Challenging Times and Obstacles
“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” - Haruki Murakami A broken heart, a car accident, a death of a loved one, a cancer diagnosis: any one of these can occur and knock us off of our feet. We all experience pain. Suffering is the identification with the pain. Or, as Judith Lasater states in her book Living Your Yoga, suffering is the personalization we bring to our difficulties.

Watermelon Salad with Strawberries, Herbs, and Feta
Watermelon Salad with Strawberries, Herbs, and Feta
I love this time of the year when all the fresh produce is available at the farmers' market. In this salad here, the watermelon is from the market (growing watermelon on the terrace in the city center is too much even for a loco person like I am), and all the herbs, cucumber, and strawberries are from my terrace. I just love going out and picking a little something from one pot and another thing from another. Pure luxury and it does not get any fresher. This salad is something I could eat every day right now. I almost do eat it every day. So light, refreshing, sweet, and also slightly salty from the feta. I do play around with different seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds) instead of pine nuts and different herbs, but the combination I bought out in the recipe is my absolute favorite.

9 Ways to Stay Consistent In Your Yoga Practice
9 Ways to Stay Consistent In Your Yoga Practice
Do you often start practicing yoga but then find yourself stopping after a few days or months? This is a very common occurrence for people starting out in their yoga journey - it starts out strong and then yoga can take a backseat to other requirements in life. Here are some top tips for staying consistent in your yoga practice. 1. Set an intention Intentions are things that you want to cultivate more of or amplify - basically like your ‘why’ or your purpose. If you’re finding it hard to stay consistent with yoga, think about why you want to practice it in the first place.

Consistency is Key: Short Practices to Keep Showing Up
Consistency is Key: Short Practices to Keep Showing Up
“Practice and all is coming.” -K. Pattabhi Jois One of the most common pieces of advice you’ll receive from yoga teachers is to make time for your practice––daily if you can. What you usually don’t hear is for how long, when, or where to practice. The key element is to be consistent with your yoga. We’re here to encourage you to release the attachment to believing you must spend a certain amount of time on your mat to “make it count.” There’s an element of freedom and surrender when you recognize that you:

Zucchini Fries
Zucchini Fries
I don’t know who said it, but I really like the quote “if cauliflower can be pizza, then you can be anything you want!”. It is pretty much the same story here with these fries. Of course, they do not taste like potatoes and this is also not a goal, but they sure are delicious and crunchy (well, for a while at least) and I like them much more than french fries. I don’t know what it is like where you live, but here in Estonia at one point in the summer, we all have way too many zucchinis. This is one of the ways to eat them!

8 Benefits of a Full-Body Workout
8 Benefits of a Full-Body Workout
Choosing a fitness or yoga routine is very important if you want to maximize results and make the most out of your time. Sometimes people quickly start working out without thinking through what they are looking for from exercise. A full-body workout or yoga practice is a great way to get results all over and maximize the time you have. Here are 10 benefits of doing a full-body workout: Less time commitment

Full Body Tone & Tune-Up
Full Body Tone & Tune-Up
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” -Jim Rohn Close your eyes and take a quick scan from the crown of your head to the base of your feet. How do you feel? If you’re not feeling your best on every level, consider why not and consider what you can do today to attain ultimate well-being. We live in a stressful world, where we’re constantly bombarded with difficult challenges. Stress wears not just our minds and hearts down but weakens our physical vitality. There’s an important reason that asana or physical postures are the gateway to a deeper and more meaningful yoga and meditation practice.

Fish Tacos
Fish Tacos
Tacos are definitely on the top of my all times favorites list. They have so many different versions, but for me, they always need to be spicy, tangy, and fresh. And these fish tacos here cover all the points. I have given you a simple recipe to prepare the actual tortillas from scratch too. I recently got myself a tortilla press and have been making my own little tortillas at least once a week. For me, it is so satisfying to see how two simple ingredients make something so wonderful. Before I had a tortilla press I once organized a taco party and hand-rolled 80 little tacos. After that, I took a long break from any homemade tortillas, but once I got the tortilla press, the break is over. So much easier than hand-rolling. And they look prettier too. Not all the kitchen gadgets I get end up being used much, but it seems that the tortilla press is here to stay. That all said – if cooking is not something that you voluntarily spend much time on – just get the tortillas from the shop and the rest of the recipe is easy-peasy!

Improving Rheumatoid Arthritis With Yoga
Improving Rheumatoid Arthritis With Yoga
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not a condition of aging or the ordinary wear and tear your musculoskeletal system experiences over the decades. Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious, sometimes debilitating, disorder of the immune system. It’s often associated with severe pain, joint damage and deformity, and loss of mobility. In severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to life-threatening complications, including lung inflammation, heart attack, and stroke. What this means, ultimately, is that this condition is a fierce adversary, one not to be taken lightly. The good news is that there are things you can do to support your health, reduce your symptoms, and improve your overall quality of life while living with rheumatoid arthritis. One of the most beneficial of these self-care measures is the integration of yoga into your daily routine.

Yoga for Your Heart!
Yoga for Your Heart!
This week is the perfect time to renew your commitment to living life with a loving, open heart, regardless of external circumstances. Yoga can help you create openings in your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Everything is connected so physical activity creates emotional releases and purposeful words and mantras create physical strength. One of the most powerful mantras you can tap into is Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

Sesame Soy Cabbage
Sesame Soy Cabbage
For most of the year, I don’t care much for the cabbage. I do eat it in stews, soups, and salads, but I rarely make a main meal out of it. But the fresh spring and early summer cabbages are something else. So juicy and tender, bursting with freshness that I often end up eating the whole thing raw, before I even get a chance to make something out of it. But I also love all cabbages roasted. I am also convinced that roasting cabbages are how you make cabbage-haters like them! Brussel sprouts, kale, cauliflower – in Estonian they are all called cabbages and they are all wonderful roasted! This time, inspired by a recent Masterchef Australia episode, I added a slightly Asian touch to the cabbage. It is not the same recipe they did in the show, as some internet gods have decided that the content of some Australian websites should not be visible in Estonia, so I don’t even know the exact recipe, but it sure looked amazing on TV.

10 Ways to Love Yourself
10 Ways to Love Yourself
We’ve all heard the phrase - in order to love others, you first of all need to love yourself. And, it’s actually true. It’s so important to show unconditional love to yourself, without that you can’t allow others to truly love you back. The problem - these days our lifestyles are so focused on achievement and comparing ourselves to others and a motivation to push ourselves constantly to do more. The result of this is that we’re so critical of ourselves these days, and we focus on the things we’ve done wrong or haven’t done rather than our successes and achievements.

14-Day Self-Love Yoga Challenge
14-Day Self-Love Yoga Challenge
“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Shout loud ‘I am lucky to be what I am.’” – Dr. Seuss Don’t you love how wisdom can come from just about anywhere and who doesn’t count on Dr. Seuss? One of the most important qualities to cultivate to live our ideal life is self-love. If we cannot look inside ourselves and accept and love our light and our shadow sides, we’ll never truly be happy. Yoga is rooted in learning to reveal, accept, and love who we are. Through consistent practice, we can create patterns of self-acceptance and self-love and shine our brightest. Or shout out “I am lucky to be what I am.”

Bloody Mary Smoothie
Bloody Mary Smoothie
Who said that smoothies need to be sweet? I highly recommend giving this one a try. It is also a good way to get in your recommended vegetable portions for a day and you could even blend in some lettuce or spinach leaves to make it extra nutritious. I always find that smoothies need some kind of a creamy element. In sweet versions, I usually use banana for that. In savory versions, avocado works well, making this smoothie creamy and luscious. As tomato is rather watery, I recommend preparing this smoothie right before enjoying it as otherwise, it will split. If you need to prepare it in advance, make sure you shake it well before drinking!