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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Katie Brenneman
Katie Brenneman
Katie Brenneman's Blog

Mindfulness in Motion: Yoga's Impact on Cognitive Function
Mindfulness in Motion: Yoga's Impact on Cognitive Function
Unlike other forms of exercise, yoga has existed for centuries. It’s not difficult to see why. With regular application, even short yoga sessions can impact holistic wellness. This makes it perfect to incorporate into a busy lifestyle. For a lot of people, yoga’s primary benefits relate to physical or psychological health. Its focused poses can boost aerobic ability, while its promotion of a sense of calm can reduce stress. However, one of the perhaps under-explored benefits of yoga is that it can positively impact cognitive functioning.

The Benefits of Yoga in Stress Management
The Benefits of Yoga in Stress Management
We can all count on stress to make a constant appearance in our lives. Anything that threatens our physical, mental, or emotional health can trigger our body’s sympathetic nervous system and the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Then, we go into fight or flight mode to escape the danger. We can’t escape stress completely. But stress management is crucial because chronic stress can lead to serious issues like high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Symptoms of various mental health conditions can worsen. Isolation and low-self esteem are common. And it can lead to destructive behaviors like substance abuse. With the harm stress can do to your mental and physical health in mind, combating it is crucial. That’s where yoga can help.

Want to Be a Fitness Influencer? Here's What You Should Know
Want to Be a Fitness Influencer? Here's What You Should Know
Influencers have become a familiar part of the fitness industry. They tend to be considered some of the most important marketing tools for businesses in a landscape dominated by social media. Not to mention that this can also be a viable career choice for talented content creators with fresh perspectives on physical, mental, or holistic wellness. This isn’t the same as saying that success as a fitness influencer is necessarily guaranteed. If you choose to follow this path, you will in effect be setting up your own fitness marketing business. There are also a variety of challenges to navigate if you’re to break through in a healthy, successful, and sustainable way.

Ways Yoga Can Increase Your Time in Nature
Ways Yoga Can Increase Your Time in Nature
Yoga continues to play an invaluable role in many people’s lives. It can present significant health benefits and tends to fit well into many routines. Not to mention that it can be adapted to fit into a range of spiritual and secular practices. One of the ways that yoga can have a positive influence in your life is by enhancing your relationship with the natural world. While it may not currently be a part of your regular routine, establishing a regular outdoor yoga practice can present significant holistic benefits.

The Easiest Ways to Show Yourself Compassion
The Easiest Ways to Show Yourself Compassion
As the old saying goes, you are your own worst enemy. When something in your life goes wrong, it’s easy to blame yourself, or drown yourself in sorrow. But, think about how you would treat a friend or loved one in the same situation. You wouldn’t berate them or be cold. Instead, you would show compassion and be empathetic to their feelings. When you adopt a more realistic, kinder view of the problems in your own life, it leads to self-compassion. That can be easier said than done for some people, but it’s not impossible for anyone. Self-compassion is essential. It doesn’t mean you never acknowledge your faults – just the opposite. It’s about acknowledging your failures and struggles, and being kind to yourself as you work through them without judging yourself along the way.

Taking an Accessible Vacation for Your Health
Taking an Accessible Vacation for Your Health
The summer is quickly approaching, and that means it’s time to take a relaxing and accessible vacation to your favorite domestic or international destination. If you’re a person with a disability, you may need to make some extra arrangements to ensure that your trip is fun and successful and that you can stay healthy along the way.

Connection Between Your Clothes and Your Body Image
Connection Between Your Clothes and Your Body Image
The way you present your body has a massive impact on your mental health and overall well-being. Even subtle changes to your wardrobe can help you feel confident and content in your own body. A positive body image can help you appreciate your flaws, too. This is important if you’re trying to better manage your weight or are partaking in yoga to improve your overall health. Wearing the right clothes at the right moment will allow you to breathe deeply into your poses without worrying about what other people think.

The Real-Life Struggle of Seasonal Affective Disorder
The Real-Life Struggle of Seasonal Affective Disorder
According to the AAFP, about 4-6% of people struggle with seasonal depression. Another 10-20% have mild cases of Seasonal Affective Disorder. If you tend to get the “winter blues” or feel down this time of year, it’s important to know the difference between depression and SAD, and how you can combat either one. Let’s take a closer look at some of those differences, as well as the common symptoms of SAD. When you have a better understanding of what you’re dealing with, it’s easier to take charge of your well-being and fight back against it.

How Yoga Can Benefit Those With Stressful Careers
How Yoga Can Benefit Those With Stressful Careers
If you work as a manager, firefighter, nurse, police officer, or anything that is fast-paced and comes with high stakes, then you know what it is like to have a stressful job. While you may be honored to have your career and know that you are making a difference, it can still be hard to wake up every day and face another tough shift. Instead of turning to unhealthy behaviors to put your mind at ease, you should consider practicing yoga. Yoga is a great way to settle your mind and get the exercise that you need to take on each new day with gusto. To help you out, we will talk about the effects of stress at work and why you need to make a change today.

Clear Body, Clear Mind: Using Yoga To Fight Brain Fog
Clear Body, Clear Mind: Using Yoga To Fight Brain Fog
Do you ever feel like you are losing focus or having trouble thinking clearly? If so, it may be the result of stress and burnout, and these factors can contribute to the condition often referred to as brain fog. This mental fuzziness can be frustrating, especially when your focus needs to be on your life, work, and family. The good news is that you can remedy this issue by staying active and practicing yoga. Today, we will talk a bit about the reality of brain fog and how you can use yoga to clear your mind and get back to life as you know it.

Benefits of Yoga for Different Athletes
Benefits of Yoga for Different Athletes
The art of doing yoga provides many benefits for the human body, from improving our flexibility and strength to how we relax and breathe. While yoga may not always be easy, it is a good idea to implement yoga into your exercise routine every week. Doing so is especially important if you are an athlete because you will learn the skills necessary to be stronger and perform better so you can master your craft. Let’s talk about the importance of yoga for various types of athletes and how it can improve your performance. Yoga For Equestrians

Improving Rheumatoid Arthritis With Yoga
Improving Rheumatoid Arthritis With Yoga
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not a condition of aging or the ordinary wear and tear your musculoskeletal system experiences over the decades. Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious, sometimes debilitating, disorder of the immune system. It’s often associated with severe pain, joint damage and deformity, and loss of mobility. In severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to life-threatening complications, including lung inflammation, heart attack, and stroke. What this means, ultimately, is that this condition is a fierce adversary, one not to be taken lightly. The good news is that there are things you can do to support your health, reduce your symptoms, and improve your overall quality of life while living with rheumatoid arthritis. One of the most beneficial of these self-care measures is the integration of yoga into your daily routine.

Why Yoga is Even Better At Home!
Why Yoga is Even Better At Home!
Home workouts grew in popularity during the pandemic and continue to be a great alternative to going to a gym or class at a studio. While not everyone has the resources to build a home gym, yoga is a highly accessible form of exercise that anyone can implement — no matter your age, gender, or body type. In fact, doing yoga at home can be just as effective as going to a studio for your practice and in some ways even better than going to a public class! Here are five reasons why yoga is the perfect at-home workout and some tips to help you reap these benefits as you practice yoga at home. Practice with little to no financial investment

Hydration Tips for Hot Yoga Enthusiasts
Hydration Tips for Hot Yoga Enthusiasts
Hot yoga isn’t necessarily new, but it’s increased in popularity over the last few years for a variety of reasons. It increases the intensity of traditional yoga by using a heated room that can range from 90-108 degrees. Some of the biggest benefits of hot yoga include reduced stress, greater calorie burn, and improved flexibility. People try out these classes for different reasons and can experience various perks. However, one thing almost everyone experiences is sweat. A lot of it.