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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Top 15 YogaDownload Classes for Better Sleep
Top 15 YogaDownload Classes for Better Sleep
Sleep problems are all too common for many adults. While there is not one universal cause or fix for everyone, yoga and meditation can certainly help calm your mind and nervous system to help you better prepare for a night of sound sleep. Amongst YogaDownload's vast collection of 2400+ online yoga classes, are many practices that are specially designed to help you you doze off to sleep more easily. Here are 10 of the top-rated yoga classes for more sound sleep.

9 Ways to Improve Your Mental Strength
9 Ways to Improve Your Mental Strength
If you want to lift heavy things physically, you need to increase your physical strength. Strong, big muscles go a long way in helping you to be able to carry more. Well, the same can be said for your mental muscles. If you struggle with tackling big challenges and overcoming more obstacles, you need to increase your mental strength. Just like going to the gym to work out your body - your mind needs a good workout too. Here are some exercises to help you to develop your mental strength and help you achieve anything. Reframe Negative Thoughts

Yoga for Stability & Strength
Yoga for Stability & Strength
Who could use a dose of stable, grounded strength to boost your body, mind, and heart? Often in yoga, we emphasize the flexibility aspect and many people who haven’t tried yoga assume yoga is a stretch class. While flexibility is one of the important components of a well-rounded yoga practice, building external and internal stability is equally essential. This week we turn the spotlight on ways to amp up stability and strength when you step onto your yoga mat. Yoga Sutra 2.46 Sthira Sukham Asanam is one of the best known tenets from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. What does it mean? The posture should be steady and comfortable or the intersection of effort and ease.

Meatless Meatballs with Gluten-Free Pasta
Meatless Meatballs with Gluten-Free Pasta
A plant-based diet is more and more popular and even though this type of eating is completely doable (and delicious!) without any meat substitutes, there are still many of those widely available. I eat about 80% plant-based and rarely consume any of the substitutes, but my partner sometimes likes the feeling of eating meat, so I have been trying out some of them. As I haven’t given up meat completely, these products do not trick me to think I am eating meat, but that said – they do taste good! So if you need to cook a meal for somebody who does not believe that a plant-based diet is delicious and filling, then these meat-free balls are a good place to start!

9 Amazing Benefits of Kapalabhati Pranayama (Breath of Fire) and How to Practice It
9 Amazing Benefits of Kapalabhati Pranayama (Breath of Fire) and How to Practice It
Kapalabhati pranayama technique creates fire and power and is wonderfully detoxifying for you. This breathing practice builds heat in the body and raises your energy levels leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated. If you have ever been to a Kundalini yoga class, you have most likely done Kapalabhati breathing. How to practice Kapabalbhati breathing:

The Ritual of Yoga
The Ritual of Yoga
Harness the power of ritual to maximize the benefits of your yoga practice. You probably already have rituals in place for many aspects of your life, from your career to your dinner plans to how you start each day. A ritual is essentially a set of habits you repeat regularly, often in a special or ceremonial way. One way to commit to a consistent, powerful yoga practice is to create a sense of ritual around it. Whether you choose to energize your day with a morning yoga practice or soothe your senses with yoga in the evenings, here are 3 simple ways to uplevel your practice:

Back to Basics Chicken Bone Broth
Back to Basics Chicken Bone Broth
Bone broth is all the buzz in the health food world these days. And I’m not talking about broth or stocks that come in a box or a can. These shelf-stable soup bases don’t have the same nutrients and vitality of a homemade broth. They can be fine in a pinch but they don’t share the same superfood status of bone-stewed liquid gold. True bone broth comes from the slow-simmering of animal bones, together with scraps of meat and lots of nutrient-dense veggies. The result is a flavorful elixir of health.

13 Small Diet Changes to Help You Lose Weight
 13 Small Diet Changes to Help You Lose Weight
If you’re looking to lose weight, making a few small changes can actually be easier than one or two big changes, and it’s more likely that you’ll be able to stick with it. Making healthy changes can be hard, and it can be made harder if you set unrealistic goals. Small changes means you're more likely to stick to your plan, so here’s our tips to help you throughout the day. Switch to low-fat or non-dairy milk Using a lower-fat milk or milk alternative is a really easy change that you will hardly notice. If you eat cereal or drink a lot of milky hot drinks, you can save many calories in a week, just by switching from whole milk to skim milk for example.

Yoga for Weight Loss: 14-Day Bootcamp
Yoga for Weight Loss: 14-Day Bootcamp
We are often a reflection of the world around us and world events. If you’ve been feeling heavy, you’re not alone. We are living through a time filled with an excess of tamasic energy. Many external circumstances are beyond our control, but yoga can help us manage our behavior and perspective. Different situations call for shifts in our yoga practice, so we can maximize the benefits of our time on the mat to match how we are feeling. Many students shared with us that they’d gained weight and were interested in a yoga program that would help them in their quest to burn calories and lose weight. We’re excited to share we’ve got a new two-week Yoga for Weight Loss Bootcamp designed to help you push your physical limits to beat stress and help you tone your muscles, strengthen your bones, and feel lean and luminous.

Zesty Lime Fish Tacos with Cucumber Radish Salsa
Zesty Lime Fish Tacos with Cucumber Radish Salsa
One of my all-time favorite foods is chips and salsa. In fact, one of my typical indulgences is chips and salsa with a coin-style margarita con sal. Usually, if we eat out at a Mexican restaurant, my entree of choice is a fish taco (grilled not fried, sub the cheese for avocado) on either a corn tortilla or lettuce wrap. Check out the recipe below, if you’re not cleansing.

Yoga is Not Always Easy
Yoga is Not Always Easy
One morning at my 5:30 am Mysore Ashtanga practice, I had one of those days where my body went on strike. Everybody has those days, where technically we can and have done all (or most) of these postures with grace and ease, but that day… not so much. My muscles fought back in even the simplest forward bends, my spine wouldn’t loosen up, and as a result, my inner-monologue was…well, let’s just say it was less than yogic. Asana practice has two real main functions in the yogic tradition: to prepare the body to sit and meditate, and to open and balance energy lines in the body to facilitate personal development (so one can be comfortable in meditation internally). Typically on these days of physical ‘strike’, I’m left to contemplate in my Savasana what in my body/emotional patterning is so out of whack that it causes my entire physical being to seize up.

Two Weeks of Simple Daily Tips for Better Health
Two Weeks of Simple Daily Tips for Better Health
If you are trying to be healthier, you might find that a quick fix or a fad diet never lasts and you find yourself slipping back into old habits. This is because as humans, we are creatures of habit, and if we want to see and make long-lasting positive changes in our daily lives, we need to work on improving habits one at a time. However, this way to a healthier and happier life doesn't need to be difficult or overwhelming. Making one small change every day for two weeks can be the secret to transforming your habits. Here are 14 simple habits you can add to your day, over the course of two weeks. Feel free to add these daily intentions to your daily yoga, in YogaDownload's upcoming FREE 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Root and Rise.

2-Week Yoga Challenge: Root and Rise
2-Week Yoga Challenge: Root and Rise
2-Week Yoga Challenge: Root and Rise. The challenge is free for everyone and starts on April 11th! Check back here soon to sign up! “Yoga is 99% waste removal.” -TKV Desikachar TKV Deiskachar was a legendary yoga master and son of the father of modern yoga, T. Krishnamacharya. He built upon his father's teachings and was one of the most respected leaders in the yoga world. One of the primary themes of his therapeutic approach to yoga was that its purpose was to cleanse the body, mind, and emotions. He often spoke of the importance of “burning away the rubbish” to find one’s highest self.

Raw Buckwheat with Broccoli and Beans
Raw Buckwheat with Broccoli and Beans
I do a little cupboard cleanup at least once a year where I try to use up all the odd ends of dry ingredients that I have laying around. The raw buckwheat here is one of these ends, but it does not mean that I do not like raw buckwheat – I do! I just rarely eat it in savory versions as my favorite is buckwheat muesli that I just realized have not even shared with you, so I will fix that soon. But this simple dish here is a quick weeknight dinner that comes together in around 30 minutes and most of this time you don’t need to do anything. Just chop your veggies throw everything in two pots, transfer some of the first pot over to a second one, stir a little and you are done. Easy! You can also substitute almost everything in this meal – cauliflower instead of broccoli? Of course! Adding in zucchini? Why not! Replacing buckwheat with say, quinoa? Surely it would work! Just open your fridge and cupboard, see what you got and get creative!

Full Moon Astrology Forecast: March 18, 2022
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: March 18, 2022
Many Full Moon blessings to you all. Our world is shifting rapidly, and we're all awakening, expanding, and collectively moving together into new horizons. Next month will be a whirlwind. Stay connected to your highest visions. This moon marks the completion of a cycle and brings a new cycle, a new epoch, a new order forward. What you hold in your mind, and within your heart are building and gaining form, keep the space clear.

Feel the Seasons Change: Yoga for the Equinox
Feel the Seasons Change: Yoga for the Equinox
Is anybody else ready to lean into the powerful transition of the Equinox? Here at, we’re ready for that push of energy from Mother Earth to help us align with nature. Whether you’re celebrating the move into longer nights in Autumn in the Southern hemisphere or eager for the blossoming of Spring in the Northern hemisphere, we are all experiencing the change in the seasons. When we harness the seasonal shifts to empower our individual intentions and move with nature’s ebbs and flows, we can better implement our true desires. The cycles of the moon, the hours bathed in sunlight, the fluctuations of heat and cold all impact us––we are a part of the natural cycle, not separate. This world influences how we feel on every level––our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.

Virgin Spinach Piña Colada
Virgin Spinach Piña Colada
The recipe is from spring 2020 when we had our first lockdown here in Estonia. I remember it very clearly as I was supposed to be in Jamaica and in Miami, but then life happened, the world became a crazy place, and I still haven’t taken this trip. Maybe this year! Fingers crossed. Anyway, as I had planned a three-week holiday and prepped well with doing all my work for this time beforehand and yoga classes were canceled, I just spent 3 weeks at home cooking, drinking (smoothies mostly, but also cocktails as I was supposed to be on holiday after all), cleaning out all the forgotten corners of my home and binging on I don’t even remember what, but most likely some cooking competition. And here I am almost two years later and I still have not gone on that trip!

The Unique Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
The Unique Benefits of Hot Stone Massage
Massage with hot stones is an ancient technique that can fill you with the pure energy of nature. The technique of massage with natural stones is based on the natural reaction of the body to cold and heat. However, the stones themselves play an extremely important role in this mystery. Some say stoned are the oldest inhabitants of our world, absorbing the energy of the cosmos and stars, earth, and water for thousands of years. In the process of stone therapy, minerals transfer the accumulated energy to the human body, healing ailments and soothing the soul. What kind of stones are used for massage?

Excuses for Not Doing Yoga Busted!
Excuses for Not Doing Yoga Busted!
The benefits of yoga are becoming more well-known and mainstream. That said, there is still a sizable chunk of the population who would like to practice, but get stuck on some common excuses of why they can't practice.

Yoga is for All of Us: Specially Designed Classes for Specific Populations
Yoga is for All of Us: Specially Designed Classes for Specific Populations
While we celebrate offering yoga classes that appeal and benefit a wide range of individuals, it’s also important that we provide niche classes that are created for specific populations. Who doesn’t want a yoga class that recognizes we may need something different at times? It’s a great reminder that we aren’t alone in that need, we’re part of a community. There isn’t an identical path for any of us. We’re all unique. Individually perfect or perfectly imperfect. What really matters is how you feel during and after your yoga practice. Whatever your personal experience, there’s a universal premise that yoga is a process of turning inward. Of getting quiet so you can truly be present. Of finding your brightest inner light or—gasp- even achieving Samadhi or enlightenment.

Carrot Cake with Citrus Cream Frosting
Carrot Cake with Citrus Cream Frosting
How would you describe your perfect birthday cake? For me (Jo), carrot cake is the ultimate birthday feast centerpiece. It’s always been my favorite cake since I was a kid. And every year I try to re-create a new favorite version! My birthday was just last week, so I’ve been daydreaming about a new carrot cake recipe for weeks now. My friend and nanny Kerry is an amazing baker, so I asked her to make my daydream into a reality. I wanted this cake to be a spin on the typical carrot cake flavors while incorporating elements of my favorite grain-free pumpkin rolls with a citrus cream for some extra decadence and an extra veggie punch. The end result is this super flavorful and delicious Carrot Cake with Citrus Cream!

The Dangers of Back-Pocket Wallet Wearing
The Dangers of Back-Pocket Wallet Wearing
Lots of guys drive or sit at desks with their wallet or cell phone in their back pocket, but they can’t figure out why they moan and groan in pain when they stand up to leave the car or chair. Here’s the physics: One butt cheek sitting higher than the other can trigger chronic pain in your back, hips and shoulders, and set off foot cramps.

The History of Yin Yoga
The History of Yin Yoga
What is Yin Yoga? In the simplest terms, Yin Yoga is a yoga style that holds passive yoga postures for a longer duration of time. These poses are usually held for a duration of between three to ten minutes.

3-Class Yin Yoga 101 Program with Caitlin
3-Class Yin Yoga 101 Program with Caitlin
Why we need Yin yoga now. We are all living at a pitch point in history and these last few years have been challenging on every level––individually and collectively. From living through a pandemic to times of war and strife, how can we find a balance inside and out? While yoga can’t solve all these major issues, it can help us create more space in our reaction time to find reserves of inner strength to handle the external events we cannot control. Yoga’s many benefits, from increasing physical strength and flexibility to quieting the mind and balancing the emotions, come with consistent practice. Many forms of yoga, from the more active Yang practices like Ashtanga and Vinyasa to more passive styles like Yin and Gentle Hatha nourish us. But sometimes, when the world has so much active Yang energy, a more pacifying Yin practice helps us slow down and soothe our nervous systems.

Chili Oil
Chili Oil
If you are a spice lover like myself, I am pretty sure this recipe will stay with you forever. This chili oil goes with everything. I enjoy it with my dumplings and noodles, drizzle it on scrambled eggs and use it on avocado toast. I use it to top my ramen soups and rice bowls. I sometimes even drizzle it on vanilla ice cream! You probably get the point, you can add this to anything!