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Yoga on the Go

Yoga on the Go

Raise your hand if you committed to a consistent yoga practice in 2022 but now, you’re having a challenging time stepping onto the mat regularly. You aren’t alone. 

We get it––life is busy. Despite our best intentions, sometimes our healthy habits are the first item dropped from our schedule. But self-care is essential to our well-being and the more energy we dedicate to our yoga practice, the more energy we have for everything else in our lives. We’re here to save the day with condensed classes that pack in all the yoga benefits you crave in half the time. 

Thank quality over quantity. What is key to establishing a habit is consistency. Even as little as fifteen minutes a day can make a major impact on your health! Don’t feel you have to take a 90-minute yoga class seven days a week to be more strong, flexible, and balanced. Most of us can’t swing that much time, but every one of us has the same twenty-four hours in a day. 

Look at your calendar and find a pocket of time where you can squeeze in a quick practice. Maybe that means setting your alarm thirty minutes earlier taking a yoga class at lunchtime or not turning on the T.V. when you arrive home. Choose to put your personal health at the top of your priority list and rejuvenate yourself. 

By practicing yoga in consistent small chunks, you’ll tap into all of yoga’s myriad of benefits. On the physical level, you’ll build strength, enhance, improve your posture, keep your digestion flowing, and hone your sense of balance. We tend to store our feelings in our tissues, so on an emotional level, you’ll experience more level moods, increased energy, and a sense of santosha or contentment. Mentally, you can clear your mind of the clutter and enjoy more focus and clarity. 

Ready to try it? This week, we have four classes that will satisfy your craving for that yoga buzz, all in less than thirty minutes a day. These quick practices will reap great rewards, with minimal time. Let’s do this!

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