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Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from YogaDownload.com
Carrot Cake with Citrus Cream Frosting
On March 5, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
How would you describe your perfect birthday cake? For me (Jo), carrot cake is the ultimate birthday feast centerpiece. It’s always been my favorite cake since I was a kid. And every year I try to re-create a new favorite version! My birthday was just last week, so I’ve been daydreaming about a new carrot cake recipe for weeks now. My friend and nanny Kerry is an amazing baker, so I asked her to make my daydream into a reality. I wanted this cake to be a spin on the typical carrot cake flavors while incorporating elements of my favorite grain-free pumpkin rolls with a citrus cream for some extra decadence and an extra veggie punch. The end result is this super flavorful and delicious Carrot Cake with Citrus Cream!
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Passionfruit Jelly Squares
On January 22, 2022 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
These squares are a nice sour pop to finish dinner. Do you know these fancy restaurants where at the end of the meal they bring you petit fours? These squares would be perfect there, so if you wish to feel fancy or surprise your dinner party guests with something extra – make these! They don’t take too long to make, but they definitely impress! I served them along pistachio-filled chocolates and tahini truffles to finish Christmas dinner extra fancy, but they are enough on their own for sure.
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Healthy Desserts
Kadri Raig
Pistachio Olive Oil Cake with Cacao Cashew Ganache
On December 11, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Are you searching for a cake to serve your family and friends this holiday season? A dessert that’ll impress your guests but won’t take you hours to make? We’ve got the cake for you! Our new Pistachio Olive Oil Cake with Cacao Cashew Ganache makes a fantastic holiday dinner centerpiece. It’s the perfect recipe to have in your back pocket for any occasion.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Vegan Beet-Chocolate Cake
On August 14, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Sometimes the only thing you need is a cake. Feels familiar? So let me introduce you to a chocolate and beetroot cake. No need to be afraid – we do use a lot of beets in this recipe, but you can’t taste it in the result. Also, if you are afraid of too many beets, then just skip the beetroot powder in the frosting (yes, there also is a frosting!) and substitute this with pink pitaya powder or just fresh berries or skip it altogether. The main purpose of the powder here is to color the “cheesecake” frosting into a nice pink-purple color anyway, so if you are happy with white, just go for it. The cake itself is quite moist and decadent anyway and a few of my friends have mentioned that this is the best vegan cake they have ever had. To make it even more luscious, I added a whipped tofu frosting for extra moisture. And of course, I needed to go the extra mile and also candied some beetroot ribbons. For this, I first created a sugar syrup – 1 cup of water and ½ cups of regular sugar. Bring to boil, add beetroot ribbons (or just very thinly cut beetroot slices), and simmer them for 30 minutes until they turn slightly translucent). Then drain them and leave them to cool. I also cooked the rest of the syrup down to beetroot caramel, but I am honestly not sure yet, where or how I will use this.
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Beet Chocolate Vegan Cake
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Vegan Cake
Vegan Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
On July 31, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
We’ve officially entered the dog days of summer in Colorado, which according to Wikipedia is an expression that “refers to the hot, sultry days of summer especially in the Northern Hemisphere.” Today we’ve got the antidote to the dog days of summer – Chocolate Ice Cream! Check out the decadent summery sweet treat recipe below featuring frozen bananas and raw cacao. This ice cream is 100% vegan and dairy-free, making it truly 100% guilt free! And it’s so rich and chocolatey that you’ll never miss the real thing. Guilt-free ice cream? Sign us up!
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Sugar-Free Ice Cream
The Conscious Cleanse
Vegan Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Vegan ICe Cream
Farm Fresh Peach Tart
On July 23, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Labor Day weekend is not too far away in the United States and it’s known to be the last big hurrah of the summer. With that in mind, we wanted to make certain that we “cooked” up the very best recipes for your barbecue weekend. Ditch the pies, cookies, and other sugary treats and opt for this Farm Fresh Raw Peach Tart, which is truly a slice of heaven. The key to this recipe is the ripe succulent peaches that are overflowing at the supermarket and local farmstands. I sourced the peaches for this recipe from Ela Family Farms in Hotchkiss, Colorado, and boy can you tell that these peaches didn’t travel very far! Whether buying peaches from your farmer or grocery store, the key is knowing which ones to choose. A quick tip for picking peaches is to use your schnoz. Yes, your sniffer! A peach is ripe and ready to be eaten when you can smell it’s sweet ripe fragrance.
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Farm Fresh Peach Tart
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Peach Tart
Healthy Recipes
Sugar Free Peach Tart
The Conscious Cleanse
Vegan & Gluten-Free Cherry Chocolate Cheesecake
On May 14, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Chocolate and cherries are a match made in heaven. I made this cake a few months back when it was still freezing outside, so my choice of cherries here were frozen sour cherries. Using frozen cherries instead of fresh ones might even be a good idea if you do have the fresh ones available as it saves you time on taking out the pits! But using fresh cherries for decoration makes a lot of sense if you happen to have cherries – sweet or sour, available. The cake has three layers but even so, it is not a difficult cake to prepare. The most difficult part of this cake is waiting for it to set. In a perfect world, it would be good to leave it in the fridge to set for 2 hours. If your guests are already waiting, feel free to just pop the cake in the freezer to speed up the waiting time. Another thing that needs to set is the glaze, but as we use agar-agar as a setting agent, and agar-agar starts to set around 110F, this does not take long at all.
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Gluten-Free Cheesecake
Healthy Desserts
Kadri Raig
Vegan & Gluten-Free Cherry Chocolate Cheesecake
Vegan Cheesecake
Chocolate CBD Sea Salt Brownie Bites
On February 20, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
These little brownie bites are simple, sweet, salty, and totally delicious – perfect for a Valentine’s Day dessert. Plus, they contain a secret superfood ingredient: CBD oil! CBD is one of the hottest health supplements right now. If you're interested in learning more about CBD and its benefits, check out our interview with Plant People Founder Gabe Kennedy, on our website, here!
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CBD Recipes
Chocolate CBD Sea Salt Brownie Bites
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Banana Peel Cupcakes
On February 13, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
If you have been following my posts for a while, you probably know that I really do not like food waste. And yet people do waste a lot of food. I can’t say I’m completely free from this sin. Still, whenever possible, I always try to use up everything I have and plan my weekly menu around the things I already have in the fridge before ordering anything new. One thing that people usually don’t consider food waste is everything we remove from produce before eating - vegetable peels, the outer leaves of cauliflower, carrot tops, banana peels etc. It all makes up a lot of food that we feel is completely normal just throw away. However, this is food waste too! For all kinds of veggie scraps (as long as they are not dirty), a good recommendation is to keep a separate box of them in the freezer and if the container is full, make vegetable broth. It saves you the money you would otherwise spend on buying the broth, and you will get all the goodness out of the veggies. Out of carrot tops, you can make pesto (I will share the recipe with you soon), and you can even use banana peels in some recipes! Don’t get me wrong – I usually also throw away the banana peels. As I typically eat at least one banana every day, it would not be possible to use up all of the banana peels, but even using a few of them now and then helps to reduce waste. And, nobody would guess that you also used up the peels in addition to the bananas. Besides reducing food waste, the banana peels are also rich in many nutrients as potassium and fiber. If you decide to give using banana peels in a recipe a try, choose organic bananas.
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Banana Peel Cupcakes
Food Waste Reduction
Healthy Desserts
Kadri Raig
Plant-Based Chocolate Cake
On January 3, 2021 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
I will not say that the cake is exactly healthy, but it is definitely better for you compared to regular chocolate cakes. I have not used any white sugar or flour; also, I chose applesauce instead of a whole lot of fatty ingredients. Avocados, dark chocolate, and banana replace the regular sugar and fat packed filling. On top of all that, the cake is entirely plant-based—a complete winner in my book. As a disclaimer, I need to mention that for some people, used to a lot of sugar, this cake might taste too healthy. I have been practicing life without much white sugar for a long time, so if you are still a beginner, you might want to add more sugar. The cake is vegan, so feel free to taste the batter before baking and adjust the sweetness. I have made this cake at least 10 times, and I still can’t get over the fact that the base of this cake is so so soft and juicy without adding a ton of fat to the batter. Make sure not to overcook the cake.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Plant-Based Cake
Vegan Cinnamon Rolls
On December 19, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
I used to think that it is impossible to do good soft cinnamon buns without a ton of real butter. This recipe is proof that I was seriously wrong. I still eat butter sometimes, but already for years, this recipe here has been the only one I use for cinnamon buns. In fact, I use the same dough with other fillings too – in Estonia, we do a traditional yeasted pastry with all kinds of different fillings – carrot, cabbage, meat, mushrooms, jam, cheese, and pretty much anything else you can think of. The traditional dough is made with cow’s milk and butter, but I don’t see any need to use either, even if I sometimes do use some animal ingredients to fill the pastry. Back to the cinnamon rolls – these are the softest, fluffiest and tastiest cinnamon rolls you have ever seen. Like really. You need to make them today. And the good thing is that they don’t take much time to bake at all. The resting takes time, and this is the process that you can’t skip, but everything else is effortless, and even a 5-year-old could do them. In fact, a very similar recipe (the traditional way) is the first recipe I remember myself cooking. I have no clue how old I was but definitely under ten, and I made a huge pastry called kringel in Estonian (it is a yeasted dough similar to this recipe here, filled with a lot of butter, sugar, raisins etc. and then braided into wreath) all on my own.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Pastries
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Vegan Cinnamon Rolls
Peppermint & Blackcurrant Cake Roll
On October 9, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
As you probably know by now, then most of my recipes are extremely simple and seldom require a precise measuring, but here is one exception. Baking is a science, and this is the only type of cooking where not following the exact amounts can have catastrophic results. Believe me – I am the type of cook who loves playing around and changing up at least half of the ingredients, also when baking, and let’s just say that all of the changes do not work ☺ So follow the given amounts here, please. I originally planned to make a regular round cake with the same ingredients, but as I wanted to take the cake to a friend's place, carrying around a roll seemed more comfortable. And it was! To make the roll more interesting, I wanted to make a green base. I have baked a peppermint cake before, but as it was too strong in mint the last time, I decided to reduce the amount this time. I am very happy with the taste this time, but the result is not as bright green as I would have liked so that I will add a little spinach for extra greenness for the next time.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Peppermind Blackcurrant Cake
Peppermint Blackcurrant Cake Roll
Raw Cherry Pie
On July 11, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
The summer is upon us here in Colorado. We’re looking forward to relaxing at home with small (socially distant) gatherings of friends and family. Summers are notorious for being filled with food and fun (sometimes too much!). It can be tempting to over-indulge in less healthy foods and drinks until you wake up the next day inflamed, hungover, and hurting.
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Gluten Free Pie
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Raw Cherry Pie
The Conscious Cleanse
2-Ingredient Vegan Ice Cream
On June 27, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Have you ever made ice cream at home? I have. All kinds. Since I don’t have an ice cream machine and there is definitely no more space left in my kitchen for another gadget, I have tried all kinds of different machine-free versions. I have a recipe that calls for sweetened condensed milk and heavy cream – the consistency is nice, but it is way too sweet for my liking. I have another method, which uses traditional crème anglaise and taking the mix out of the freezer every half an hour to whisk it through, but this one requires way too much effort, and I always forget to mix it at the right time and by the time I remember it has frozen solid. For at least five years now I have not experimented with any of those complicated, overly sweet and fatty ice creams, because it only takes 5 minutes to whip up this genius recipe that:
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Cacao Ice Cream
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Ice Cream
Kadri Raig
Vegan Ice Cream Recipe
Chocolate Black Bean Brownies
On May 23, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
I don’t know anybody who doesn’t like chocolate. If you are anything like me, then you will love this brownie. It is rather healthy compared to regular brownies containing a fair amount of protein and fiber, is gluten-free and vegan, but does not taste like a cake that is supposed to be healthy. I would even say it tastes even better than a regular brownie, but of course, the proof is in the pudding, so try it out and suit yourself! I am not keen on cleaning up, so a massive bonus for me is that in addition to a baking tray, I only need a blender and spatula for this recipe. No bowls, no bain-marie to melt the chocolate or butter, nothing. Just blend and bake – simple! I know that some of you will have prejudice about this recipe even only looking at the ingredients – beans in dessert do sound weird, but I promise it works! I have brought these brownies to my yoga students as after class treat and other events, and not once have beans been suggested as an ingredient, so I guarantee you will not even taste them.
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Black Bean Brownie Recipe
Healthy Brownie Recipe
Healthy Desserts
Kadri Raig
Vanilla Cherry Raw Truffles
On May 9, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Happy Mother’s Day from the Conscious Cleanse! Since many of us are still staying at home, we may not all be able to celebrate in person with our moms so we wanted to share an easy recipe that makes the perfect Mother’s Day gift. As a mom of three boys (Jules) and a mom to a girl and one on the way (Jo), Mother’s Day is a very special day for us. This year we are especially introspective about what this day means to us. As the world has been turned upside down, we’re more grateful than ever for our families. We realize that health is not something we can guarantee and that the simple, everyday moments are the times we will look back on most fondly as our children grow up.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Sugar Free Dessert
The Conscious Cleanse
Vanilla Cherry Truffles
Vegan Peppermint Meringues
On March 7, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
I am happy to announce that making vegan meringue is possible! After three failed attempts, I was slowly losing hope already, but this recipe here has been working for me already several times, so I am ready to share this with you. The secret, of course, lays in sugar. I always try to reduce white sugar in my baking, and this is why my first attempts failed. But now, to think about it – regular meringues contain a ton of sugar too, so I am afraid that there is no good way to cut sugar from meringues anyway. So these are with white sugar too. But they are treats anyway and not meant to be eaten too often. What I like about this recipe is that it is pretty much created out of nothing. The liquid from a jar of chickpeas is usually just thrown out anyway, and I don’t like throwing away food. Of course, most of the time, I still do not use the liquid (eating so many meringues would definitely not be good for me), so should you have more recipes for aquafaba, please share!
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Peppermint Meringues
Vegan Chocolate Truffles
On February 19, 2020 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Before you go out and grab a box of conventional chocolates, you’ve got to check out this recipe. Our Vegan Chocolate Truffles are the most decadent, mind-blowing, rich and creamy chocolate truffles we’ve ever tasted! And trust me, we’ve had our share of chocolate. Store-bought chocolates unfortunately come with additives, preservatives, and lots of processed sugar, leaving you with a nasty sugar crash and an upset stomach. These truffles are guilt-free and won’t leave you with a sugar crash, plus a gift of homemade treats always means so much more than those bought from the store.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Vegan Chocolate Recipe
Vegan Chocolate Truffles
Vegan Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips
On July 6, 2019 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
There must be thousands of banana bread recipes out there in the world, but I still feel the need to share another one. I have been looking for a good plant-based recipe for a long time, but all the recipes I found always contained a load of added sugar or preparing a flax egg or something third I didn’t like, so I figured out that I don’t follow any recipes and figure out my own recipe instead. This is not the first time I just decide to wing it, and I must admit that I am not very good at following other peoples’ recipes anyway. Even if I choose to follow a recipe, I still somehow manage to switch up half the ingredients and change all the amounts. This is also, why I decided to get blogging years ago, to keep track of the recipes that work for me – with all the changes I always made I wasn’t able to remember anymore which changes I had made and which ones actually worked. Because not all the changes work, especially when baking. Back to winging it – this doesn’t necessarily always work either.
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Healthy Banana Bread
Healthy Desserts
Kadri Raig
Sugar Free Banana Bread
Vegan Banana Bread
Vegan Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips
Light Chocolate Mousse
On June 22, 2019 in
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Have you ever met somebody who does not like chocolate? I remember meeting one girl who was not fond of it years ago, but this is also the only time I have seen anybody who does not like it. As a general rule, every dessert that has chocolate in it vanishes from the table within minutes. Chocolate in itself is not unhealthy at all. Having a little square of dark chocolate a day even has proven health benefits. However, the chocolate really needs to be dark to be healthy. Most of the chocolate bars, loaded with sugar and different additives, do not qualify as healthy. I usually choose the chocolate that contains at least 75%, sometimes even more than 90% of cocoa! The chocolate mousse, usually, is full of everything unhealthy – heavy cream and white sugar. But here is good news – the recipe I share with you today only contains ingredients good for you and I let you be the judge of the taste, but in my humble opinion, it is just perfect.
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Chocolate Mousse Recipe
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
Kadri Raig
Light Chocolate Mousse
Banana Vegan Ice Cream Recipe
On July 7, 2018 in
Healthy Recipes
Shannon Connell
If you are currently in the midst of summer, ice cream might seem like the most desirable treat on a hot day. While the occasional indulgence can be good for the soul, a regular overload of dairy and sugar that are present in most ice creams, has very few nutritional benefits. In fact, too much of it, can take it's toll on your body and leave you not feeling your best after the cold treat. Luckily, you can still enjoy delicious ice cream as frequently as you'd like, while giving your body nutrients and vitality in the process! Who thought that you could have healthy ice cream? This vegan ice cream recipe will give your body antioxidants and a healthy serving of fruit, while satisfying your ice cream craving on a hot day. Plus, it's simple, and easy to make, as long as you have access to a strong blender or food processor. Enjoy! Ingredients: Frozen Organic Ripe Bananas
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Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipe
Healthy Desserts
Shannon Connell
Vegan Ice Cream Recipe
Chewy Cacao Bars
On May 18, 2018 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
Summertime is right around the corner, and we are looking forward to a season full of cookouts, outdoor gatherings, and family trips. Coming up with treats that are healthy but also easy to eat on the go can be hard, so we’ve come up with a recipe that hits the spot! Our Chewy Cacao Bars are a great treat for picnics, outdoor parties, road trips – you name it! And they totally blow away those overly-processed and sugar-filled snack bars. This is one of many recipes that are included in our 80:20 Lifestyle Program. We’ve developed this program to help you maintain your post-Cleanse vibrancy, but still have room to indulge every once in a while, so you can live life to the fullest (and healthiest)!
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Raw Cacao Bites
On March 8, 2018 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
The other night we had our cleanse-friendly community dinner at Zeal and we met a young woman who had severe eczema. Allergy tests confirmed several food intolerances, chocolate being one of them. As diehard chocolate lovers, of course, we gasped. Allergic to chocolate? What could be worse? True to form, we started to dig deeper. This young woman, all of 13 years of age, wasn’t allergic to chocolate, she was allergic to dairy! So we asked her if she had ever tried cacao. Not to be confused with cocoa (or cocoa powder), cacao is the purest form of chocolate you can eat.
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Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
Lemon Balls
On February 11, 2018 in
Healthy Recipes
Jo and Jules
We’re big chocolate lovers and with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, there’s no better time to indulge in some dark chocolate. If it’s chocolate you’re looking for be sure to try our favorite sugar-free chocolate from The Good Chocolate. They are offering our community 15% off your order when you use coupon code #victoryissweet. You can also check out many of the chocolate-filled sweet treats we’ve made here. Today’s 80:20 recipe is as decadent as it is nostalgic of the oh-so-sweet-and-tart lemon bars we all grew up with. Lemon Balls
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Gluten Free
Healthy Desserts
Healthy Recipes
The Conscious Cleanse
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