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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

Our Physical Nature: Embracing Hatha Yoga
Our Physical Nature: Embracing Hatha Yoga
In our physical body we experience the world. In our body we make love, hug a friend, fidget, get mad, anxious or stressed. In our body we feel a breeze, swim in the ocean, sing, laugh, dance and cry. In our body we repress emotions, hold tension, hate ourselves and love others. Although our body is the vehicle in which our spirit experiences the world, there continues to be ongoing discussion regarding Western yoga as a purely physical practice, or posture (asana) focused. I feel we need the physical practice to build the strength and flexibility to be able to withstand the nuances and complexities that are life.

My 5 Favorite Reasons to Practice Yoga Online
My 5 Favorite Reasons to Practice Yoga Online
When you practice yoga online you don't get the feel of a public class...we get it. Now get over it. That's the only reasonable objection to practicing yoga online.

Why Yoga Festivals Rock
Why Yoga Festivals Rock
Some people bash yoga festivals as being a bit pretentious, inaccessible, and elitist...and they're right. But so is yoga as a practice, so let's all get over it and, instead, celebrate why yoga festivals ROCK!

Resonance: Feel the Vibration
Resonance: Feel the Vibration
Resonance as defined by Webster is: the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.

Chill out with Yin Yoga
Chill out with Yin Yoga
Are you burnt out, grumpy, or in a funk? Can I be honest with you? I often am!

Mindful Happiness: 10 Remedies For Subtle Incessant Dissatisfaction
Mindful Happiness: 10 Remedies For Subtle Incessant Dissatisfaction
"Happiness cannot be pursued. You do not find happiness; happiness finds you. It is not an end in itself, but a by-product of other activities, often arriving when it is least expected." ~ Mick Brown

What does it mean to be an Outlaw?
What does it mean to be an Outlaw?
I created a practice called OUTLAW Yoga, and wrote a book called OUTLAW Protocol – how to live as an outlaw without becoming a criminal.

Crystal Clarity
Crystal Clarity
I’m sitting here writing my schedule for the next three to six months and I realize again, how fortunate I am. The last four years have been a whirlwind while I gather myself up and “re-align and re-design” my life. It’s such a wonderful place to be, in this life… contributing, dancing, working, laughing and BEing.

I’m not sure how alchemy landed in my lap this week as the theme, but it landed and it landed hard!

Devotion is defined as “love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause."

When the Seasons Change
When the Seasons Change
My alarm went off this morning, and it was cold and dark out. This is nothing new in Boulder in the mornings, even if it gets up to 70 midday, but the sun is coming up later and later, and all I wanted to do was hide under my blankets. It was everything I could do to get out of bed. The thought of winter coming was just too depressing. Laying there, thoughts peeped into my head about how to stay motivated with my exercise routine and just in general stay positive and in a good mood. There are actually a lot of things to look forward to over the next few months, as it gets colder, and colder… and colder.

Reboot & Recharge
Reboot & Recharge
We all know that if we don’t close down apps and recharge our i-Pads and other devices, they run slow, sluggish or the battery dies. When I explain to kiddos that their minds and bodies are no different, they ‘get it’ right away. Besides, Reboot & Recharge is a lot of fun and very relaxing… for BIG kids too!

Organized Space - Calmer Life
Organized Space - Calmer Life
Do you know where your keys are at this moment? Could you, with reasonable accuracy, tell someone how to find important documents like your passport? Do you know what the bottom of your closet looks like? How long does it take you to find the clothes you want to wear in the morning? If trying to answer these questions gives you a headache, you may need a space makeover.

Be Gentle with Yourself
Be Gentle with Yourself
When I was 16 years old I always wished that I was somewhere else. It felt like I was misplaced. Mismatched. Misunderstood. I've been on a journey inward ever since, searching for the magic spell that would bring me back home again, to myself. Truly aligned with my Authentic Self.

The Art of Finding Inner Peace
The Art of Finding Inner Peace
We all thrive to be balanced and calm because we live in a world that is filled with appointments, stress, work, well, essentially life crammed into a 16-20 hour day – depending on the amount you sleep. The less you sleep, the more you are stressed.

Miso Yummy
Miso Yummy
One thing I really enjoy in life is EATING. I also like cooking, but my big problem is that I often wait to think about what to eat until I am famished and then I don’t have the focus or energy to cook. That’s why I keep my fridge loaded with fresh veggies and plant based proteins (nuts and seeds).

Yogini Herb: Brahmi
Yogini Herb: Brahmi
Yoga for most of us is about rejuvenation and bringing about equilibrium to the self. Yet life works in cycles of ebb and flow. And with this fluctuation there are inevitably periods of stress, improper diet, overwork, lack of sleep, and accumulation of free radicals in the body. The key is this - whenever you experience such periods in the life cycle it is a hint from the body for nutritional support.

10 Ways to Keep Your $#!t Together When Others Can't
10 Ways to Keep Your $#!t Together When Others Can't
Challenges. They knock us on our ass. They slap us on the face. And they leave us with a choice: to stay on the ground or to stand up and move forward.

Bring it on Home
Bring it on Home
The origins, challenges and benefits of a home yoga practice.

Who's That Lady?
Who's That Lady?
What do you really want from your life my friend? If you are like most women I know, you might say that you want a healthier and slimmer body. More energy. Radiant skin. Inner and outer confidence.

Day Trippers
Day Trippers
The first hour of your day sets the tone for how the rest of the day is going to go. Disagree?

To Thyself Be Loving: 4 Simple Self-Love Rituals
To Thyself Be Loving: 4 Simple Self-Love Rituals
Are you a victim of Conditional Self Love? Things like self care, self love and self acceptance have come up during my personal yoga journey. And it's been reminding me of the importance of loving myself just as I am. Why is self love important? Why is self acceptance so crucial?

WTF? (Why the Fears)
WTF? (Why the Fears)
We all have them. They linger. They are sneaky and quiet but they can create our lives to be grippy. Sticky. Stuck. Heavy. But we continue to feed them. WHY???

This is Yoga
This is Yoga
When I first came to yoga, I thought it was about body movement. Sweating, moving, breathing, standing on your hands, you know, the usual.

View from the Sub's Mat
View from the Sub's Mat
If you know me, you hear me say all the time, “I love my life. I GET to do this every single day. How flippin’ amazing is that? I get to connect with phenomenal people, invite DJs and musicians to my class, move my body, educate myself, work one-on-one with people, write for magazines and online publications, and travel to fun places if I’m lucky.