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Full Moon Astrology Forecast: August 22, 2021
On August 20, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This August Full Moon is full of power and will bring forward a resurgence of lifeforce. It is 'Go Time" my loves, and in the beginning of this month the transition into these new energies and directives could have felt like pressure, or uncertainty. Everyone, collectively felt and received an intuitive push from the soul to step into the new self that has been unfolding this entire year. Here we are. The rise of the Sun.The theme for this Full Moon is positive masculine outward forces that will bring new energies into self expression, new goals, and dharma. A key aspect of self expression is possession. The movement forward asks for ownership of who you are becoming. Own and take possession of your greatness and rise into it. It is a shift of consciousness.
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August Full Moon
Full Moon Astrology
Geenie Celento
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: July 23, 2021
On July 20, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
For the Audio Reading & Full Moon Resources This Full Moon marks the fulfillment, and nurturance of the ‘I AM’ through a new conscious evolution. At this pinnacle point, we have reached a monumental aspect within the collective consciousness. The Full Moon lights up in Abhijit a ‘lost’ nakshatra (lunar mansion) which marks the return to higher consciousness. The theme of this lunation will shower down nurturing cosmic prana and work to expand the sense of being into greater conscious ownership of one's divine plan. Saturn and Jupiter continue to play a prominent role through this Full Moon. They are working to reshape self-aware consciousness through subject and object. The subject/object shift is how one sees self within reality. It is duality into creation. The mental shifts have reached a level in which the individual mind is more settled, more reassured, more aware of boundaries, and even aware of dislikes. This is a part of redirection. The energies are strengthening one’s own inner guru. These forces will work to expand the mind so one can take on who they are becoming. This ownership and consciousness shift will unite ‘I AM’ into a new state of understanding and embodiment. It will work to shift the restraints one believes is possible.
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Full Moon Astrology Forecast
Geenie Celento
Gemma Celento
New Moon Astrology Blog: July 9th, 2021
On July 6, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This New Moon marks the bridge of harmony between the mind, individual soul, and universal directive. It is regeneration of mental, emotional bodies through the guidance of higher self and divine plan. This evolution of the self within the mind is the culmination of the mental principle in its external manifestation. The soul, higher mind is leading the way as universal forces aid in awakening the individual self to their capacities and latent abilities through divine connection. These energies lead the self through calm waters while embracing inner guidance and outward realizations. The outer planets, Jupiter and Saturn play a key role in creating foresight and hindsight. They support the evolution of the self and work to create an open mind and non-duality realizations so the individual self can rise into the divine plan and become more impervious to external influences. This is a third level of conscious shake up.
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Astrology Blog
Geenie Celento
Gemma Celento
New Moon Astrology Forecast
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: June 24, 2021
On June 24, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This Full Moon is the subsequent embodiment of a Hermetic principle. This lunation will structure the tendrils of the subconscious mind and it’s connection to the material world. An important aspect of this Full Moon is the ability to reveal and release the majority mindset that has created certain aspects within the material world. This moon will move the lesser aspects of the ego to be subdued and reveal the intelligence/mindset in operation. Higher wisdom within and collective rises to new heights to aid in perception manifestation. This is a 4D elevation of the thinking mind.
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Full Moon Forecast
Geenie Celento
Yoga and Astrology
Full Moon & Eclipse Astrology Forecast: May 26, 2021
On May 24, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
Listen to the Full Audio Reading. This moon and lunar eclipse will be a spark of lightning from the depths of the unknown. It is both the Tower and the World card in Tarot. Sudden shifts to bring completion and awakened fulfillment. Intuition will be lit, and the energy is ripe to find divine within current realities. This moon will illuminate how we can create our own liberation from within the moment and what is in existence. This eclipse will reflect the eclipse from December 14, 2020. It will bring into light the depths of the worries, concerns, and aspects of desire from that period. This is a very revealing lunar eclipse occurring in Scorpio. The very nature will show secrets revealed and will call upon greater opening within the collective consciousness as it pertains to materialization of the self from the self. The moon will eclipse in Saturn's Nakshatra of Anuradha, with Saturn in retrograde in it’s own sign; this marks a heavy unveiling of illusion. There is a strong mercurial energy occurring on the back end and the aim is to create harmony, peace, and stabilize from the depths of being.
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Eclipse Astrology Forecast
Full Moon Forecast
Geenie Celento
Yoga and Astrology
New Moon Astrology Forecast: May 11, 2021
On May 10, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
Listen to the audio reading This New Moon will create a new shift in desires and ask for clarity. She is shifting the way life moves through you. The moon goes into apogee at an archetypal point on the 11th. She will carry forward 4 archetypal positions from Venus, Sun, and Mars in addition to her own. This is a strong moon and her message will carry much into our external world. The last Full Moon marked ‘go time’ a lot of forward moving energies, with the forward surge of energy this lunation is about refinement and will show what we want is always what serves. It’s important to see that the chase isn’t fruitful, it’s the dance that is fulfilling. The planetary energies will shake up inner creation, inner realization of creative powers, and yes shake away the chase. Be mindful of your play in the worldly. The moon will highlight disillusionment, wasted energy, and for many of you lead you to fulfillment by the way of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction being the causation to pivot to what matters most.
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Geenie Celento
New Moon Astrology
New Moon Forecast
New Moon May 2021
Yoga and Astrology
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: April 26, 2021
On April 23, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This Full Moon marks the movement of new energy into new life and new creations. It’s go time. The energy enshrouding this lunation is putting action and impulse forward. This moon has heavy Martian influence and those fiery impulses are fanned by North Node, Rahu. This is going to bring lifeforce, directive, and power into your higher desires and inner pursuits. The moon goes into full pedigree in Libra. It rises late on the 26th and into the 27th. The subtle energies acting behind the scenes are giving this Full Moon a unique personality. The aspects of Rahu and Mars will push the karmic wheel, in many ways. As my readings focus on the spiritual and personal use of the cosmic energies I want to note that there is a karmic retribution occurring during this month. Many of you will befall rewards, projects will move forward, new creative pursuits will be illuminated for your gifts and/or fulfill other aspects of desires and destiny. There will be a natural equalizing energy. Let it balance out, natural order is guiding this-no effort needed.
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Full Moon Astrology Forecast
Geenie Celento
New Moon Astrology Forecast: April 12, 2021
On April 11, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This New Moon rises in full pedigree at 2:30 AM UTC in Revati (Pisces) it will cross the point into Aries, marking the beginning and ending of an evolutionary cycle. This marks a unique shift within the collective consciousness and within the individual self. As this moon progresses it will birth a new self, and bring forth new energies to support higher ideals. Many karmas will be laid to rest, especially for creation. New creation beyond generational aspects will begin to merge. The Sun and Moon are meeting at an archetypal degree within the cosmos. This point will emphasize their unique energies and will help in awakening higher self. Mercury is working to communicate lessons from previous karma. What needs to be carried forward to build stronger foundations, contentment, dedication. What is required and recreating specific lessons to strengthen the inner self is all being communicated. The moon is working through a highly spiritualized and idealistic point. This is awakening the same energies within the psyche.
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Geenie Celento
New Moon Astrology Forecast
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: March 28, 2021
On March 25, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This Full Moon has a heavy water influence, that is occurring within the direct placement of the planets but also through the energies operating behind the scenes. This may stir emotions, of course, but this water is different from the earthly emotions, it is working through spiritual waters. It is the cosmic waters of death, and rebirth. An important aspect of this Full Moon is it working from the Full Moon on January 28th in which the emotional body was being strengthened from within. Another reflective point is from March 2. Think back to your ideas, thoughts, or any key aspects within self, or your creative future that occurred on March 2. This can be within your mind, dreams, or daydreaming. These will be revealed, or elaborated on for clarity or given new life. For some of you there are recent situations that changed within relationship, work or, how you’d like to pivot your life. This will be given new life. There has been a purifying energy that has been working since January. This Full Moon is emptying the residual karma and clearing a path. Be patient, this energy is up-leveling the entire collective.
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Full Moon Astrology
Full Moon Forecast
Geenie Celento
New Moon Astrology Forecast: March 13, 2021
On March 10, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This New Moon emerges to unite you with your sacred other - the soul. The last Full Moon on February 27th began to stir comforts, especially resting in ego-creations. There was a push to connect deeper to spiritual love and unfold the soul. It marked the point of a new plane of manifestation. Thus, from the Full Moon on the 27th until this new moon, the individual self, has gone through many shifts. This may have created changes in relationships, relationship status’, possible endings, and has stirred another level of personal responsibility and awakening. The energetic stirring is intended to train the self in forging their power from the light of the soul. Therefore, this lunation will heavily mark the new beginning of this attunement. The moon will come into pedigree between Aquarius and Pisces but make no mistake Piscean energy will be very impactful in this lunar unfolding. As the moon rises into the space ‘in-between’ marked zodiac signs of Aquarius and Pisces it will create more space for healing, new creations, and embracing the soul self. This space will expand one’s sense of self and their material world very quickly. Everything that is being moved out is for your highest good. During these challenging conjunctions (Mars + Rahu in Taurus, and Venus combust the Sun in Pisces), you are being up-leveled exponentially and up-leveled internally. In order for the material world to shift the inner world must shift, so it is reflected externally. I know this can be trying, but in these challenges, you will rise into great strength, personal empowerment, and fast track to your next level. Many of you will begin to realize many of your dreams.
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Geenie Celento
New Moon Forecast
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: February 27th, 2021
On February 25, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This lunation marks the next phase in divine evolutionary development. The Full Moon moves the collective forward into the next level of divine will and alignment of plan after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 20th. The physical realm is being broken down and reshaped. This moon will work to move the soul forward, to aid in materializing forces by concretizing previous experiences and aiding to provide more gusto in creative impulses. There will be a surge of cosmic lifeforce uniting with individual lifeforce (prana) to aid in divine plan to materialize along this next evolution. At the Full Moon the Sun, Moon, and Mars will enter specific archetypal points which will highlight the planetary energies working through this Full Moon. Venus and Sun will combust in Aquarius. This energy is working for creative processes of divine will, and not for interrelational love, but will require more self-love, and love within presence. It is union with divine will for soul manifestation.
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Full Moon Forecast
Geenie Celento
Full Moon Astrology Forecast: January 28, 2021
On January 25, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
The full moon on January 28th is all about learning, unveiling universal truths, and how to manifest a thriving life through universal laws and through the upliftment of humanity. This moon will ignite a new beginning of Saturnian energy that will influence the remainder of the year and will work to unfold new heights within consciousness, the collective, and the individual. This unfolding will occur within the mind, but will also play out in experiences with our fellow man. It will show a new level of healing, learning, and attainment through interpersonal relationships.
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Full Moon Astrology
Full Moon Forecast
Geenie Celento
New Moon Astrology Forecast: January 13, 2021
On January 11, 2021 in
Gemma Celento
This new moon is another planetary packed lunation. The moon will sit at 29*04’ of Sagittarius with the Sun resting at 29*03’ of Sagittarius, both creating a bridge into the Capricornius constellation. This new moon is bringing a clean slate for the conjunction (multiple planets sitting together) to shine through. There is a lot going on, but it’s all moving you to take greater ownership of this precious life you are creating. These conjunctive energies will show how to sharpen new tools to cut away karma, how to dispel karmic debts, and how to rise into our dharma through devotion, and ownership. Anything that is a distraction, a delusion, or a habit that displaces one's power and dharma will come to light. You are being asked to rise in all levels of the self: spiritual, mental, and physical. Align with your heart and you will feel dissonance and misalignment on all levels if you are not following your heart. This is stronger guidance for your purpose and personal evolution.
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Geenie Celento
New Moon
New Moon Astrology Forecast: January 2021
Yoga & Astrology
New Moon Astrology Forecast: December 14, 2020
On December 10, 2020 in
Gemma Celento
This New Moon Eclipse will come in with quite an upheaval. It asks us to transform our outer world relations and will trigger a set of transformations that will unfold over the next year. I want to emphasize that there are a lot of planetary energies at play here. This isn’t the typical Solar eclipse when the moon and sun meet in the same sign. No, this eclipse has an entourage. The Sun and Moon will join Ketu, the south node of the moon and be accompanied by Mercury and Venus. This is a 5 full planetary conjunction, and will occur in the very yogic lunar house of Jyestha Nakshatra.
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Astrology and Yoga
Geenie Celento
New Moon Forecast December 2020
Full Moon Astrology Forecast & Ritual: November 30th, 2020
On November 23, 2020 in
Gemma Celento
This Full Moon lunar eclipse will occur from November 29th -30th. There is heavy Capricorian energy at play that is solidifying recent self-discoveries, new inner revelations from this fall. This solidification will create more grounded wisdom regarding self. It will carry forward an initial expansive push. Think of it as an energetic push to support breakaway and breakthroughs. This energy can seem intense for some, it’s swift and disruptive. As the days carry forward the expansion will feel constricted. Jupiter’s conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn will create a push and pull. An outward urge met with restrictions. This is a blessing, and try to remember that. It will force new ways of expansion, new ways of creation, and quite literally cultivate new methods of achievement.
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Astrology Forecast
Full Moon Astrology
Geenie Celento
New Moon & Astrology Forecast: November 2020
On November 12, 2020 in
Gemma Celento
New Moon: November 15th, 2020. This new moon marks a pivotal point for relating, harmony, and the balance of universal forces. This shift is intended to change relating, yes, as this has been shifting along the collective for the past 6 weeks. There can be a shift in desires, in comforts within the external world. This shift creates a wobble within the wheel. A wobble that will break away the dross- the non-essential. This allows alignment to usher in expansion, and an expansion that will create greater alignment from within. Do not overdo. Do not go against this energy through ‘grasping’, clarity will get lost in control mechanisms. They will fall short. It is not your will power that will rectify, but your being. Surrender, acceptance, and awakening are the natural forces that will move you forward.
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Astrology Forecast
Geenie Celento
New Moon Forecast
New Moon & Astrology Forecast: October 2020
On October 12, 2020 in
Gemma Celento
This New Moon is heavily imbued with Virgo energy and comes into pedigree with Mars and Mercury in retrograde. The New Moon is working to unfold a level of moksha-liberation within the personality and in relation to spirituality that is tethered to the material world. It is within the unseen, and is asking you to go beyond the ego constructs. On August 15th we had a celestial dharmic-purpose alignment, to align one to their inner gifts and create greater unity collectively and individually. During September and October the planets have been working to unfold these layers. The layers that mask your inner gifts, the delusion of separateness, and the ways in which we held ourselves away from one another and our truth.
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Geenie Celento
New Moon Forecast
New Moon Reading
How the Moon Influences Your Mind
On March 2, 2018 in
Gemma Celento
"Moon is two, the duality that is the basis for the workings of the mind and emotion. It is relationship, balance, and interchange." -Dr. David Frawley We're all luna(r)tics. Isn't it wonderful to know the fluctuations of the mind are more cyclical than radical. You can better understand the aspects of the mind and subconscious by connecting to the energetic shifts within the lunar cycle. The right + left hemispheres of the mind are activated by specific lunar days. Each side alternating like a perfectly balanced symphony. Naturally conducted by the phases of the moon to bring balance between active/receptive, masculine/feminine. Actions and life force (Prana) are improved when aligned with the energetic phases of the moon. One is able to draw down the cosmic nourishing powers of the moon to strengthen the mind/body/spirit. A harmonic expansion of consciousness + vital energy (Prana) begins to unfold to evolve beyond conditioned karma.
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Geenie Celento
Lunar Cycles
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