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New Moon & Astrology Forecast: November 2020

New Moon & Astrology Forecast: November 2020

New Moon: November 15th, 2020.

This new moon marks a pivotal point for relating, harmony, and the balance of universal forces. This shift is intended to change relating, yes, as this has been shifting along the collective for the past 6 weeks. There can be a shift in desires, in comforts within the external world. This shift creates a wobble within the wheel. A wobble that will break away the dross- the non-essential.

This allows alignment to usher in expansion, and an expansion that will create greater alignment from within. Do not overdo. Do not go against this energy through ‘grasping’, clarity will get lost in control mechanisms. They will fall short. It is not your will power that will rectify, but your being. Surrender, acceptance, and awakening are the natural forces that will move you forward. 

Tapas, Tapas, Tapas. In yoga this is known as austerity, or the removal of the non-essential. During this time of harmonizing internal and external forces will occur more within the unconscious mind. There is a shift in relation to external, this shift in relating will shift your reality, your possibilities, and thusly awaken new options. You see, when a shift within the inner world of relating, and seeing occurs, then the outer manifestation will transform. This is that point. 

Turmoil will arise and fall, it is important to practice twists, and vinyasa at this point. Move the energy to steady the mind.

Again, it is not your will power that causes this transformation, but divine order. Be the vessel.

Lastly this new moon is marking a greater balance, and awakening forward movement towards one’s inner gifts. Insights, creative ideas, and new ways to apply yourself are stirring. This is the new awareness, but you must also remain ready. This position marks a ‘readiness’ luck will come your way. It will be in a unique form for everyone. The fruition of this new energy, this new awareness will become more steady by the New Moon in December, during Sagittarius season.

During this period, be ready for your greatness, for new ideas, collaboration, for sparks of understanding and new connections.

Let divine work it’s magic through you. What is not meant for you will naturally break away. Do not hold onto relationships, endeavors, or business that didn’t work in the past. Every form of relating has brought you to this moment. To the new way, you will hold yourself and this world. 

Depending on your unique chart there will be variations within these planetary energies. To learn more about your planets and, book a full astrology reading here. Book a fixed star reading to understand your mental/emotional body and how to empower your yoga through your lunar birth star. 

By Geenie (Gemma) Celento 

Geenie, also known as Gemma, is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, astrologer and student of the Sri Vidya Tantric lineageHer classes on YogaDownload are often inspired by astrology and aimed to guide each student to unfold a deeper connection from within. Her diverse knowledge and continued studies in the spiritual sciences can be felt in her class offerings. With humble devotion Gemma weaves the wisdom of yogic practices into accessible and impactful mat experiences.

Practice Geenie's Yoga & Astrology program now!

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