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Full Moon Astrology Forecast: July 23, 2021

Full Moon Astrology Forecast: July 23, 2021

For the Audio Reading & Full Moon Resources

This Full Moon marks the fulfillment, and nurturance of the ‘I AM’ through a new conscious evolution. At this pinnacle point, we have reached a monumental aspect within the collective consciousness. The Full Moon lights up in Abhijit a ‘lost’ nakshatra (lunar mansion) which marks the return to higher consciousness. The theme of this lunation will shower down nurturing cosmic prana and work to expand the sense of being into greater conscious ownership of one's divine plan. 

Saturn and Jupiter continue to play a prominent role through this Full Moon. They are working to reshape self-aware consciousness through subject and object. The subject/object shift is how one sees self within reality. It is duality into creation. The mental shifts have reached a level in which the individual mind is more settled, more reassured, more aware of boundaries, and even aware of dislikes. This is a part of redirection. The energies are strengthening one’s own inner guru. These forces will work to expand the mind so one can take on who they are becoming. This ownership and consciousness shift will unite ‘I AM’ into a new state of understanding and embodiment. It will work to shift the restraints one believes is possible.

There will be a natural inclination to move towards divine plan and impulses will shift ownership of dharma into day-to-day actions. This shift will move one through interest and new motivations and inspirations will arise.  Limitations and any boundary testing that has led into this Full Moon is an integral part of the unfolding. These energies are reaffirming one’s value system and will work to strengthen inner confidence

Deeper cosmic energies are relaying Moksha-liberation. This is liberation from the mundane aspects that may have hindered the ‘I AM’ consciousness from taking fuller form within everyday life. The liberation is another level of spiritual manifestation within material through the individuated consciousness. There is a transformation of the ‘I’ self, a retraction of selfishness, in which one can see more unity consciousness. It is a pivotal shift towards Aquarian consciousness.

Here lie the energies for dharma and purpose to emerge within greater space throughout the 4 levels of the mind. Like Aquarian consciousness one must see themselves as limitless, not bound by restrictions, it will work to expand the sense of self in achieving and striving for dharma. Don’t worry these energies are also working to downpour cosmic prana. You will be thoroughly supported energetically, and spiritually. Your cup will flow over, allow the residue of the old to wash away.  Many of you may feel energetic shifts within the body, either in your rhythms and/or emotionally. 

This position works to bloom the latent potentials within the self that have been stirring over these last few lunations. It will give new energies to nurture abilities and awareness arising from within. Expect more confidence, but outward action isn’t there yet. When the Sun moves into Leo, (not just Leo season) the outward energies will be more of an emanation. It will emanate from the new way of seeing and being. Another important aspect of this Full Moon is its energy of preservation. There will be a preservation of what works, preservation of the self so stability is worked from within. This will allow one to carry their inner wisdom forward in the here and now. The Full Moon asks that you own yourself and the divine plan within the present.

Be well my loves,

Geenie (Gemma) Celento

To book a personal chart reading click hereCosmic Resources and deeper esoteric practices can be found on my website

Geenie, also known as Gemma, is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, astrologer, and student of the Sri Vidya Tantric lineage. Her classes on YogaDownload are often inspired by astrology and aimed to guide each student to unfold a deeper connection from within. Her diverse knowledge and continued studies in the spiritual sciences can be felt in her class offerings. With humble devotion Gemma weaves the wisdom of yogic practices into accessible and impactful mat experiences. Her website is here.

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