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8 Tips to Get Started with Yoga
On August 6, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Getting into a yoga routine can be hard, especially if you’re not 100% sure it’s right for you. Perhaps you’re finding yourself feeling a little stiff, or you’ve read up on the benefits of yoga, and want to experience them for yourself, but you’re finding it hard to get on the yoga mat. Putting yoga into practice and starting a new activity can be hard, especially if you need a little extra motivation to get you there. Before you say it’s not for you, and give up the idea, here’s some tricks to get started in yoga, even if you think it’s not your vibe, and make a routine stick. Some of the benefits you can gain from a regular yoga practice include less anxiety, improved concentration, relief from pain and aches, and will also release endorphins, putting you in a better mood for the day. So if you’re umming and ahhing about starting yoga, those are some pretty great reasons to get started. Start Short
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Amy Cavill
Starting Yoga Tips
Tips to Get Started with Yoga
Yoga for Beginners
9 Physical & Psychological Benefits of Forward Folds
On July 23, 2019 in
Keith Allen
In some ways, every family of yoga postures has their own unique personality and set of benefits. While there are countless poses and variations, there are some overarching categories of yoga poses, or families, and they include backbends, twists, inversions, balancing poses, arm balances and forward folds, amongst others. These families of postures each have their own set of alignment principles and benefits both physically, psychologically and energetically. In simpler terms, each family of poses make us feel a different way. It can be fascinating to not only examine yoga's overall effect of us, but how specific types of poses provide specific benefits. You will feel quite different leaving a class where you've done predominantly twists, versus a yoga class designed around arm balancing. Physically, you'll emphasize and work certain parts of the body more performing certain poses. Energetically, each pose also has a unique effect on our mind and mood. Forward bends, also called forward folds, are yoga postures where you hinge forward at your hips. There are many forward folds, both standing and seated, that are commonly practiced in various forms across all styles of yoga. Common forward folds in yoga include, Paschimotanasana, Uttanasana, and Prasarita Padotanasana. What makes these poses unique? Let's take a closer look at these postures, and their power to transform our bodies and mind.
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Benefits of Forward Bends
Benefits of Forward Folds in Yoga
Keith Allen
Yoga Benefits
6 Tips to Meditate Anywhere
On July 11, 2019 in
Keith Allen
It’s been scientifically proven that meditation helps improve well-being physically, mentally, and emotionally. For me, it feels like meditating connects me to the parts of myself that are powerful and clear, and lessens the parts of myself more prone to struggle. However to get the benefits of meditation, one must actually mediate. The form, format, duration of one’s meditation is less important, than the action and consistency of actually meditating. You don’t have to be on a certain cushion, or in a certain place at a specific time of day, to make this practice a consistent and powerful part of your life. Unfortunately, many don’t meditate because of a lack of time, or not having enough alone time. Luckily, you can meditate more easily than you might think in some unexpected or public places. Oftentimes, you can do it discreetly without anyone noticing!
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Keith Allen
Meditation Benefits
Meditation in Public
Meditation Tips
Tips to Meditate Anywhere
How Yoga Helps Cleanse Your Body & the Best Poses for Detoxing
On July 9, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga has been said to have a wealth of health benefits, one of which is it’s detoxifying ability. But can yoga really help you to detox your body, through twisting poses and deep breathing? The answer is yes - but not alone. Your body already has its own detoxification system running and in place, and practicing yoga can only help this along. However there are some myths the come along with talking about yoga and detoxing, but here’s how yoga practice actually aid detoxification. As with all physical exercise, yoga will help the body’s natural detoxing systems function the way they’re supposed to. These natural detoxing systems consist of the body’s lymphatic system and blood flow, and digestive organs.
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Twists
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga and Detox
Yoga for Cleansing
Yoga for Detoxification
Yoga Twists
Benefits of Advanced Yoga Twists & How to Get There
On July 2, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga twists can have a wealth of benefits for your core, posture, and organs. These yoga poses can vary from the simple to the advanced variations, and although advanced twists can be difficult to work up to, they’re worth it for the health benefits alone. Twists are yoga postures that move the shoulders to face the opposite direction of the hips. Different twists target different areas, such as the upper, middle or lower sections of your torso, and each advanced twist has their own benefits. Here’s a low down on the benefits of advanced twists, and some tips on how to get there. Improves digestion
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Twisting
Benefits of Yoga
Benefits of Yoga Twists
How to do Twists in Yoga
Yoga Twists
6 Significant Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
On June 27, 2019 in
Natalie Michelle
Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences women go through. However, it is also an experience that takes a huge toll on your body as you go through drastic changes that no one could prepare you for. Having a healthy pregnancy and delivery is dependent on how well you take care of yourself during the nine months you carry your little one in your belly. Staying fit and active is one of the ways that pregnant women are advised to try in a bid to have a healthy pregnancy. Truth be told, there will be days your fitness game will not be on; either because you don't feel so well or you simply don't feel like it. Also, you may not want to engage in any exercises out of the fear that you could harm the baby in your tummy.
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6 Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Natalie Michelle
Prenatal Yoga Benefits
Prenatal Yoga Program
Yoga & Pranyama for Drivers: 5 Techniques to Stay Calm and Focused on the Road
On June 13, 2019 in
Scott Pine
Having a peaceful mind despite a sometimes chaotic environment while driving is a hard job. But, with the right guidelines, you can gain composure more than you can ever realize. Read on how yoga can help you to stay calm and focused on the road. Getting stuck in traffic is one of the most displeasing situations to find yourself in, especially, if you’re late. In such an occasion, at the slightest provocation, you can easily insult your fellow drivers, or even raise your middle finger at them, or at the least, feel stressed, stuck and frustrated. Yoga can help alleviate such stressful moments and work to get back into a place of love and compassion, to replace any negative feelings the arise because of traffic and road rage. Driving with a calm mind is not always an easy task. Yoga is recommended as a remedy for stress. With practice, you can be in a position to be elevated, and the stress caused by traffic experience can be transformed into joyous and healthy driving experience. While being in a state of joy and love while driving, might sound impossible, it is possile however, and feels better than feeling mad or stressed in your car. Here are 6 ways that help stay calm and focused on the road.
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How to Stay Calm Driving
Pranyama for Driving
Scott Pine
Techniques for Road Rage
Yoga for Drivers
6 Reasons to Add Yoga to Your Strength Training
On June 11, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga is well known as a calming and relaxing practice, so if your fitness goals are more performance and aesthetically based, you might have dismissed yoga as not being useful to you. There is a common misconception that yoga is purely for those looking for spiritual or relaxing exercise practice. However, more and more gyms, studios and trainers are incorporating yoga into their everyday fitness practice, as it’s a great exercise to add to your regime to see results. Yoga is a very important part of strength training. When used in combination with other more high impact exercises, yoga can help you to increase your endurance, increase your strength, improve your posture and technique, and improve your balance as well as your flexibility. Adding yoga to your strength training will help you achieve your peak performance, as well as calm your mind and improve your mental balance. Still need convincing? Here’s our top reasons why you should add yoga to your strength training. 1. Increased Flexibility
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6 Reasons to Add Yoga to Your Strength Training
Amy Cavill
Yoga and Fitness
Yoga and Strength Training
Yoga Benefits
3 Common Myths about Ganja Yoga
On May 30, 2019 in
Dee Dussault
Cannabis-enhanced yoga is a thing. Whether popping up in classes across the country, being mentioned alongside other forms of athleticism in articles about CBD-fuelled fitness, or made into fashion with weed-themed yoga leggings, the pairing of the ancient practice and healing plant has become quite the conversation topic in yoga studios across the country. Many people are enjoying the anti-inflammatory, relaxation, and creative benefits of cannabis on yoga. As the first moderner to offer public enhanced-yoga practice, I am so happy to see the marriage of humanity’s oldest methods for relaxation and spiritual insight gain momentum and increased acceptance. Ten years ago, when I started offering a yogic setting for people to get high and do yoga, I googled and found no other mention of the two, other than Chris Bennett’s insightful writing on the history of yoga and cannabis in ancient spiritual practice in India. We’ve come a long way baby! (five thousand years or more, to be exact...).
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Cannabis and Yoga
Dee Dussault
Ganja Yoga
Practicing Yoga at Night or Morning - Which is Right for You?
On May 28, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Practicing yoga at night or morning- which is right for you? Yoga, like any exercise, gives you the greatest benefits when you regularly incorporate it into your routine. However you might be wondering which is better, yoga in the morning or the evening. With yoga and getting into a regular practice, it’s important to practice at the time that is best to you. There’s no perfect time that suits absolutely everyone the same, but there’s one golden rule - find a time where there’s no distractions between you and your yoga mat. Whatever time of day is the time that you’ll be the least distracted is the best time of day for you to practice - regardless of whether it’s in the morning or in the evening. Try to practice when you are still feeling awake however!
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Amy Cavill
Evening Yoga
Morning Yoga
Practicing Yoga at Night or Morning
Yoga Routine
8 Ways Yoga Improves Your Sex Life
On May 23, 2019 in
Dylan Menders
Is it true that doing yoga can really improve the quality of your sex life? Of course! If you practice yoga regularly, you have probably already seen this for yourself. Just do not know exactly how yoga does it. Here are 8 amazing ways how with the help of yoga you can improve the quality of intimate life. 1. Yoga Improves Stamina Yoga increases stamina over time. If you practice yoga regularly, your body gradually becomes accustomed to physical activity. In the long run, you become more resilient. The higher the stamina, the more successful you are in bed. 2. Yoga Develops Flexibility
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Dylan Menders
How Yoga Improves Sex Life
Yoga for Better Sex
7 Mental Benefits of Yoga
On May 14, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga has a great many physical benefits, and mental too, but an aspect of yoga that can be overlooked in our modern day is the spiritual benefits. Yoga helps with happy living by giving us a way to unite our bodies, minds and breath, letting us connect to our inner selves. This is the spiritual aspect of yoga. There are many spiritual benefits of yoga, but here are a few that you can take into your life off the mat, and help you connect with your spiritual side. 1. Mindfulness
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Yoga
Unexpected Mental Benefits of Yoga
Yoga Benefits
15 Common Mistakes Yogis Make
On May 2, 2019 in
Ryan Canon
Yoga is a beautiful discipline, and yogis are beautiful students and teachers. But, all too often, we forget sometimes that the practice that unites teacher and student can be muddled by what yoga was created for in the first place: the control of our ego. Whether as a student or a teacher, we must understand that yoga is not only a sacred activity upheld by prestige and respect, but that it is, ultimately, an invitation to forgive ourselves and love others while we still have them in this short, short life. We highlight below 15 common mistakes yogis make. May you be blessed enough to acknowledge them and pass this knowledge on for others to benefit. 1. Judging yourself
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Common Yoga Mistakes
Funny Yoga Mistakes
No Ego in Yoga
Ryan Canon
Yoga Inspiration
8 Reasons Why Flexibility is Important for Your Body
On April 30, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Flexibility is the capability of your body to achieve its full range of motion. It’s needed in most day-to-day activities, even the simplest ones such as bending and walking. If you’re flexible, your muscles remain mobile. We take flexibility for granted when we’re we’re younger, but as we age, our muscles will naturally lose strength, and we might notice ourselves become less supple and more stiff. This can affect our range of movement, especially around the joints. This can have the effect of stiffness in the muscles and joints. This loss of tissue elasticity causes our bodies to tighten and we lose that flexibility. The key reason that we lose flexibility, and we become more at risk of aches and pains is from not being active. This can lead to more permanent issues such as bad posture and lack of muscle function. Keeping flexible is important to avoid this and to keep us in good health and fitness.
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Flexibility
Why Flexibility is Important for Your Body
Yoga for Flexibility
Benefits of Hip Openers in Yoga
On April 23, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Hip-opener poses and asanas are some of the most popular and requested types. They bring release to areas of tightness that many people suffer from. As there are over 20 muscles that work across the hips, such as adductors in the inner thighs, abductors in the outer thighs, hip flexors and lateral rotators, it’s important to give these a good stretch. Any movement that stretches these muscles is a hip opener, but there are certain poses that give these a deeper release. If you have tight hips, it not only can affect your ability to get into certain yoga poses but can also affect your day to day life.
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Hip Openers in Yoga
Hip Openers Yoga Class
Yoga Benefits
Happy and Healthy Hips: Unpack Your Saddlebags!
On April 22, 2019 in
New Classes & Programs
This week, it’s time to unpack those saddlebags and release the heaviness and stress weighing you down and impeding your emotions. It takes a lot of work to create the tight hips many of us are experiencing these days. Almost everything we do in our daily lives create tension: from sedentary activities like sitting at a desk and driving to running or even simple everyday stress. We accumulate unprocessed emotions in our hips and we’ve all got one or maybe fifty of those, right? Let’s unpack them. When your hips are both open and strong, you have a balanced center of gravity and are able to maintain not just a healthy spine, but also a happy heart and mind. Physically, your pelvis houses several ligaments and muscles.
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Happy and Healthy Hips: Unpack Your Saddlebags
New Hip Opening Classes
New Yoga Classes
Yoga Hip Openers
Everything You Need To Know About Vinyasa Yoga
On April 18, 2019 in
Alberto G. Güitrón
Vinyasa Yoga is one of the most practiced styles worldwide, indeed, according to a survey by the Yoga Journal, it is the most popular style amongst yogis. So, why is it that there seems to be some confusion about what Vinyasa is? Is it a style? A sequence? Or is it just a technique? And what exactly does it mean when a teacher says “take a Vinyasa”? Catch your breath before you keep reading, you’re going to need it to go with the Vinyasa Flow and clearly understand this unique style of yoga. To begin with, there are several definitions of the word itself. Some sources affirm it means “connection”; others translate it from Sanskrit as “to place in a special way”; and there are those who say it’s just “flow”. With this in mind, it’s not surprising the broad usage of the term Vinyasa.
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Alberto Güitrón
Everything You Need To Know About Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga Benefits
Vinyasa Yoga Classes
10 Tips to Master Hard Yoga Poses at Home
On April 16, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Practicing yoga at home is a great way to get some exercise in if you can’t make it to a class. All you need is a mat! However, if you’re trying to master some tricky yoga poses and you just can’t get over that hurdle, being on your own can be a hindrance. Here’s our top 8 tips for practicing and mastering hard yoga poses at home. 1. Create the right space Having a dedicated space for yoga will make practicing at home so much easier. Try to find a space to unroll your matt that’s quiet and peaceful, with plenty of space around to move your body freely. Remove any obstacles if needed. Try to find an empty wall that you can use as a prop for poses that require a bit of extra support. Maybe you’d like to light a candle to make the atmosphere even more relaxing and inviting.
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Amy Cavill
Hard Yoga Poses
Tips to Master Hard Yoga Poses at Home
Yoga at Home
Yoga Tips
Yoga & Alternative Medicine: A Perfect Combination for Vitality
On April 11, 2019 in
Donna Maurer
You can do this without the use of potentially harmful pharmaceutical drugs or invasive treatments. By combining your regular yoga sessions with alternative medicine, you can get even more benefit from your yoga practice. Here are three forms of alernative medicine that can increase quality of health and vitality for brand new and experienced yogi's! Acupuncture & Yoga
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Donna Maurer
Prenatal Massage and Yoga
Yoga and Acupuncture
Yoga and Alternative Medicine
Yoga and Chinese Herbs
Why Yoga Helps You Trust Your Intuition
On March 15, 2019 in
Shannon Connell
Have you ever gone against your own intuition? How did that work out for you? Have you ever felt so numb to your internal signals that you didn’t even sense what your intuition is communicating to you? Or have you ever consciously overthrown your own intuition and gut instincts for your desire to be loved and accepted? Maybe you overrode your intuition hoping to prove that you were a perfect match for a partner, a job, a community, rather than sensing and questioning if the relationship, job, or community was a good match for you. Please remember there is nothing to prove in love and acceptance, and that true love and acceptance must begin within. We must start with ourselves and trust our intution, which starts on the inside. Yoga reminds us that the actual external experience is a reflection of our inner resonance. Yoga states that we will continue to attract experiences to bring awareness to any unconscious patterns that keep us from true connection, trust and joy.
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Shannon Connell
Trust Your Gut Instincts
Trust Your Intuition
Why Yoga Helps Trust Your Intuition
Yoga and Intuition
Yoga Philosophy
5 Powerful Fusion Yoga Hybrid Workouts to Try
On February 12, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
You can get into your best shape by combining yoga with other fitness workouts and routines. Yoga hybrid workouts have become all the range as of late, as an active lifestyle is becoming more and more popular. As it’s becoming more apparent the benefits a regular yoga practice can give you, there’s more ways to incorporate it into your regular workout. Here are some ways you can combine yoga poses with other fitness methods, to get into the best shape you can and move in more ways! If you’re adding a few moves to your regular workout, or adding some weights or dance moves into your yoga practice, there’s a yoga hybrid out there for you. Mixing it up can increase your endurance, strength, and most of all make your practice fun. Here are five unique fusion yoga forms, that are worth giving a try! Anti Gravity Yoga If you’ve ever fancied yourself a bit of an acrobat, aerial yoga is the hybrid for you.
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Aerial Yoga
Amy Cavill
Fitness Yoga
Fusion Yoga
Spin and Yoga
SUP Yoga
Yoga Workouts
A Beginner's Guide to Ashtanga Yoga
On February 5, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
This week we highlight the incredible practice of Ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga yoga is a modern rigorous, disciplined, and traditional style of yoga. It is comprised of 8 limbs, with asana (the physical yoga pose limb), being a set sequence of standing and seated postures, that create inner heat, refine your focus, and challenge you physically, while keeping a single pointed focus. Basic Ashtanga sequences are well-rounded, and also feature many forward bends, the most inward facing family of yoga poses, where we meet ourselves. If you're feeling stagnant in your practice and want to take it to the next level, or feel you're craving some consistency in your yoga practice (and maybe life), give Ashtanga a try. You might find these practices are ones you can return to over and over again, as no matter how many times you practice the Ashtanga sequence, there is benefit, power, and progress. Enjoy the challenge and power of Ashtanga yoga this week, with four unique takes and versions of this transformative and powerfully simple style of yoga.
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A Beginner's Guide to Ashtanga Yoga
Amy Cavill
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga Benefits
What is Ashtanga Yoga
9 Benefits of Yoga for Athletes
On January 29, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
Yoga is a key practice not just on it’s own, but to compliment other activities and sports. Many professional sporting teams and athletes use yoga practice to compliment their training, or include it as a key part of it. If you play sports regularly, trying yoga can boost your performance in a wide range of ways. Yoga will improve your physical and mental state, letting you push yourself to your limit in your training. Yoga can also balance out strength and development that can become imbalanced if you just practice one type of sport. This can also help reduce injury. Push away any thoughts of yoga just being about flexibility and contorting your body - yoga helps your muscles grow and works parts of your body that are underused in most people’s daily life. It also helps you stretch out any areas of tightness or pain. Here’s some of the benefits practicing yoga can have for athletes.
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Yoga for Athletes
Yoga for Athletes
Yoga for Football
Yoga for Soccer
Yoga for Tennis
5 Olympic Athletes Who Do Yoga
On January 29, 2019 in
Even though yoga is not considered an Olympic sport, at least not yet, the reality is that it already is a big part of the Olympics. Yoga is a fundamental component of the workout routine of many athletes who are striving for gold during these summer games, and it might very well be one of the key factors for them to finish on top of the podium. It’s no secret that yoga is a great complement for other physical activities. Some even think every athlete should do yoga (Link: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-4806/Why-Every-Athlete-Should-Do-Yoga.html) to increase strength, balance, flexibility and mental control. That’s why it comes as no surprise that more and more competitors are taking advantage of the benefits it brings to their discipline. From elastic gymnasts, to big rugby players, they are all bringing the lessons learned on the mat to their respective sports.
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Alberto Güitrón
Athletes who do yoga
Yoga Benefits for Athletes
Yoga for Athletes
Yoga for Sports
The Benefits of Warrior Poses
On January 21, 2019 in
Amy Cavill
The series of warrior poses are the foundations of a strong and solid practice of asana. Warrior poses are among the most common poses in yoga practice, and help with balance, stance and hip opening. Warrior poses are great for nearly every type of body and skill level, are easy for beginners to get to grips with, while still being a great pose for building up strength, confidence, and feeling like, well a warrior! As we do warrior poses more and more often, it’s easy to forget the benefits they can give our minds and bodies. We’ve taken a look at some of the common variants of warrior pose, and the benefits these can give you. Warrior 1 Warrior 1 is a pose that will give you more flexibility in your hips, strengthen and tone your legs when practiced often.
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Amy Cavill
Benefits of Warrior Poses
Reverse Warrior Benefits
Warrior 3 Benefits
Yoga Benefits
Yoga for Confidence
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