yoga download

Yoga for Hips

Online yoga classes designed to open up the hips - one of the tightest places on most people's bodies.

Audio with Slides

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Pilates44 mins

Hurts So Good Pilates

Claire Petretti Marti

Ready for a fast-paced, expertly sequenced Pilates practice that will have you sweating, smiling, and shaking? Claire designed this class so you'll never stop moving. You'll flow from exercise to exercise while working your powerhouse–abdominals, back, glutes, legs, and even some Pilates push-ups. This class is NOT for beginners. Please make sure you're familiar with basic Pilates moves and form before jumping in. Enjoy!



You'll Feel It

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Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Hatha Yoga27 mins

Sweet & Simple: Grounded Roots

Elise Fabricant

This class centers on grounding and strengthening the lower body. Expect gentle flows and static poses that target the legs, hips, and lower back. Embrace the feeling of stability and rootedness as you connect with the earth beneath you. The classes in Elise's Sweet & Simple series provide an adaptable experience and are designed for mixing and matching with each other.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Optional Blocks and Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Yin Yoga25 mins

Mini Yin

Kylie Larson

This yin class is perfect for when you are short on time, but need the grounding, softening, calming stretch of a yin class. We start class with a yummy hip opener, half prone frog and spend time restoring our bodies in a supported heart opener, supta baddha konasana (reclined bound angle) and finish with a passive twist before savasana.


All Levels


Blocks and Bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 9 reviews

Yin Yoga39 mins

Peace & Quiet

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Are you in need of some peace and quiet? If so, this yin yoga class will give you time and space for quietude and rest. You will be guided into each yin posture with options to use props to find what feels good in your body, then given several minutes of complete silence as you hold. Take this time to slow down, nurture yourself, and tune inward so that you can feel balanced and refreshed.

There is no music in this class so that you can have a truly silent experience. If you prefer music to help you relax, you can use your own playlist or play Jackie’s Spotify Playlist.

Spotify playlist for Peace & Quiet


All Levels


2 Blocks, 2 Blankets and Bolster or 2 pillows
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.83
based on 6 reviews

Hatha Yoga19 mins

Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Mary Baker

Get off your seat and get ready to open and release your tight hips and hamstrings! This focused practice will help you create space and freedom for your back side. Whether you are an athlete or a desk jockey, this class is perfect for anyone suffering from tight glutes, hammies, and hips!


All Levels


2 Blocks, Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga30 mins

Fusion Flow: Lower Body

Annie Coyle

Enjoy a lower body burn in this fusion flow class, that weaves together elements of yoga, barre, and pilates for a highly integrated, highly intentional practice. You can expect to feel steady and strong through your legs, as you will work larger muscles groups as well as stabilizers in tune with your breath in this dynamic practice. Explore a variety of parallel and turn out positions, working with weights to stabilize, add spice, and increase intentionality.



You'll Feel It

2 Blocks, 3-5 lbs set of weights
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.75
based on 12 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga56 mins

Slow Flow

Kylie Larson

This slow flow class is designed to invite movement and openness into your body while giving you time to feel each pose, connect to a slower and more mindful breath and build internal heat in the body.

We start class in child's pose and warm up the spine with a ground sequence that also opens up the hips. Sun A includes standing twists and a breakdown of chaturanga.

Our Sun B flow focuses on the hips and hamstrings finding a contraction and then an opening as we move from pose to pose.

We stoke the fire with some standing and balancing poses before taking everything to the ground to stretch and release the lower half of the body.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 4 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga41 mins

The Yogic Way: Steady Rhythms

Annie Coyle

This is another class in the Yogic Way repertoire series, in which honoring the roots of yogic traditions is central. In this practice, you will tune into your own root through the use of sound (mantra), movement, and breath so as to enliven a sense of steadiness within the rhythmic nature of your life. This class is perfect for morning, evening, or as a midday boost. You can expect to feel free in your hips, and shoulders following this practice.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 11 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga47 mins

Fabric Of The Universe

Erin Wimert

In this all-levels class, we discuss the concept of The Gunas, the three strands of energy that make up the universe. Throughout our time together, we explore how both effort and ease come together, both physically and energetically, so that we can move closer to a state of “balance”.

With a blend of longer holds and breath to movement flow, this class will help you move into a meditative state with both your body and your mind.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga36 mins

Moon in Scorpio

Gemma Celento

This class is a part of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Scorpio. It works to connect to the depths of self, and latent energy harbored in the hips and pelvis. These postures will work to open to the unseen, and help with deep breath work (pranayama) or kundalini practices. These forces open to release both what is unseen and unknown, and equally open up to the unknown potential of the self.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Scorpio, each month, or if your birth moon is in Scorpio and you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.93
based on 14 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga34 mins

Katonah Inspired Flow

Caitlin Rose Kenney

Drawing inspiration from some creative aspects of Katonah Yoga, Caitlin Rose offers a unique Flow class that improves strength and flexibility. Warm-up in strengthening variations of Downward Dog and Gate Pose. Go deeper in standing poses and generate stability in your legs and hips. Unwind with twisting and hip releases.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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Content Partner

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga19 mins

Lower Body

Denelle Numis

This lower body practice is the perfect combination of strength and stretch exercises. Enjoy one of my go-to warm ups to strengthen your legs, stretch your hips and protect your lower back.



Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 9 reviews

Hatha Yoga22 mins

Post Workout Stretch

Lila Whiting

This class is ideal for post-workout or runners, a self-care practice with gentle movements for a full-body stretch to release tension. With a series of floor-based hip-opener stretches, this recovery practice also involves twists to find gentle extensions for the spine. Finish with wall-assisted stretches for quadriceps and hip flexors flexibility.


All Levels


2 Blocks / Blanket / Wall Space
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 17 reviews

Fusion Yoga34 mins

Balancing Yin & Yang

Caitlin Rose Kenney

This class offers a balance of yin and yang with both Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga. Begin standing to build strength and grace then slow down in longer holds to release your fascia. Feel the power of both yang and yin practice in this class and promote balanced wellbeing.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 25 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga37 mins

Hip Mobility Flow

Kristin Gibowicz

If you don't use them, you lose them. Many cultures who sit in a simple seat or squat to use the bathroom, utilize hip mobility throughout their days. However, for the rest of us, we need to move this amazing ball-and-socket joint in all ways to increase balance, add strength, and preserve mobility as we age. Join Kristin as she weaves hip mobility & flexibility through a 30-minute slow flow.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 15 reviews

Abs / Core Strengthening44 mins

Strong Core-Supple Spine

Claire Petretti Marti

This class is a fusion of core strengthening moves and therapeutic back work. You'll work on mobility and flexibility of the muscles surrounding the spine and build strong abs and back muscles. Planks, tough core series, bridges, spinal stabilization, and more! Alternately energizing and relaxing, this class is the perfect blend to have you standing tall and feeling great.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

Block (optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Content Partner

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Twists13 mins

Twists Mobility

Lila Whiting

Get ready for a twist mobility session that targets your spine and hips with familiar yoga poses and their variations to improve flexibility, release tension, and engage your core muscles. You'll feel better with an improved range of movement and less stiffness.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 31 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Find Your Bliss Flow

Mary Baker

Tap into your inner Bliss Body with this slower paced, vinyasa class. Using the mantra Ananda Hum, I am Bliss, we start out with slow, mindful stretches and then transition to breath and body flow to open the heart and gently heat the body. A perfect practice for beginner to advanced yoga students seeking a deeper connection with that feeling of true inner Bliss!


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Blocks, Blanket, Bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.78
based on 9 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga30 mins

Moon in Virgo

Gemma Celento

This class is a part of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Virgo. It taps into the life giving forces within the self and work the hips, low belly, open the low back. These energies align new life forces, help purify, and balance the giving and receiving qualities.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Virgo, each month, or if your birth moon is in Virgo and you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.96
based on 12 reviews

Yin Yoga50 mins

Yin Yoga: Hips & Lower Back

Caitlin Rose Kenney

Renew your lower back in a practice designed to release your spine and hips. Gather your props and marinate in Yin Yoga shapes that release and unwind lower body tension. Practice mindfulness and breath awareness in this slow and deep class.


All Levels


blanket, bolster or two blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 6 reviews

Yin Yoga33 mins

Let it Go: Yin + Sound Bowl Savasana

Elizabeth Brumfield

Let go of any tension or baggage in mind or body in this gentle 35-minute fully body Yin class. Move your spine in all directions, open your heart, and have the space to be with yourself wherever you are at. After long-held yin poses and a Sound Bowl Savasana--you will feel lighter, grounded, and more connected to Self.


All Levels


Blanket, Bolster, Block
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.78
based on 23 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga35 mins

Your Hips Don't Lie: Hip Mobility Gentle Flow

Christen Bakken

Shakira may not have been the first to say that Your Hips Don't Lie. Yogis have always looked at the legs and hips as the foundation of the body. It is understood that if your legs and hips, your first and second chakra, are in alignment, it is easier to bring the rest into alignment and also the opposite is true - if your hips are out of wack, it is all a bit trickier. Perhaps you have noticed this in a simpler way - when your low back hurts, perhaps you also notice your shoulders or neck start to feel wonky as well. In this low to the ground, gentle sequence, we will work the full dimension of the hips (inner, outer, front and back). Using side stretching to create a connection from the hips to the heart, we will explore what it means to slow down and listen to our hips. And maybe just take them out dancing after class. You never know....


Adv. Beginner & Up


YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 36 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga44 mins

Anytime Renewal Flow

Jackie Casal Mahrou

In our busy world we can often feel pulled in many directions. Yoga is here to help us return to our center, again and again. Take time to come to your mat and mindfully move your body, breathe deeply, and recenter with this vinyasa flow class.

You will flow through Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations, then hold balancing postures such as Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) and Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) with options, and finish with grounding postures to help you feel balanced and renewed. Enjoy!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Optional Block and Folded Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 17 reviews

Yin Yoga24 mins

Quick Yin Reset + Sound Bowl Savasana

Elizabeth Brumfield

A quick yin unwind for those short on time. Calm down, open your neck + shoulders and find some big hip openers all on your back. Slow moving, relaxing yin class to help you reset back to the calm, free, divine Self you are. Enjoy a gentle Sound Bowl Savasana to help you shed any final worries + tensions.


All Levels


1 Block
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 15 reviews

Hatha Yoga17 mins

Yoga and Mobility for Hips

Michelle Berman Marchildon

Paying attention to our hips also helps to heal the low back. This class focuses on mobility, strength and flexibility for the entire hip area. It's short and effective.

Spotify playlist for Yoga and Mobility for Hips


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

Blocks, Small Ball
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Moon in Gemini

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Gemini. It works to open the side-body, chest, and diaphragm. It strengthens the inner to outer communication, focusing from inner self and intuitive expression.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Gemini, each month, or if your birth moon is in Gemini and you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.88
based on 26 reviews

Iyengar Yoga34 mins

All About the Forward Bends

Dana Hanizeski

This class will focus entirely on forwards bends from both standing and sitting. Be prepared for some big stretches through the entire back of your leg.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

2 blocks, 1 strap, 1 blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Bhakti Yoga43 mins

The Yogic Way: Cosmic Sensations

Annie Coyle

Explore mantra, pranayama, and gentle vinyasa in another installation of the Yogic Way series. This class aims to offer up opportunity to soften into the subtleties of full spectrum yogic practices. Observe cosmic sensations through your physical experience on the mat, and drop into your own expansive and eternal nature through this slow moving, feel good practice.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks ( optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.71
based on 7 reviews

Yin Yoga36 mins

Body Soft, Mind Empty

Erin Wimert

This practice focuses on the interconnected relationship of the body and the mind and how our awareness of one, directly affects the other. In a yin practice, we disengage the muscles of the body to access the drier tissues within and at the same time we can also observe the mind expand. Enjoy long holds in five different shapes to explore this concept and end the class with a short pranayama practice.


All Levels


Blocks, Blanket, Bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 9 reviews

Yin Yoga41 mins

Calming Yin + Sound Bowl Savasana Reset

Elizabeth Brumfield

Quell fear and calm down in this 40-minute Yin class, specifically sequenced to stimulate the Kidney + Urinary Bladder Meridians Lines (stimulates trust, wisdom, more energy, hope). Expect long holds to help the body + mind unravel and relax, followed by a sound bowl Savasana to leave you feeling super relaxed and reconnected to Self.


All Levels


2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 bolster