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Yoga, Health, and Wellness Articles + Recipes


Yoga, health, wellness, and recipes from

May Your Heart (And Belly) Be Full
May Your Heart (And Belly) Be Full
Happy Thanksgiving friends! We’re here to help you kick off the day mindfully. Before the company gets here, take 10 minutes for yourself to get grounded in a moment of thankfulness – that’s what today is all about, right? Root down by sitting or standing in a place that feels comfortable, and spend a few moments gathering all your favorite people and places and foods and pleasures in your heart. Sometimes it’s easiest to start a meditation with “I am grateful for…”

7 Affirmations For Success
7 Affirmations For Success
Affirmations are phrases you repeat to yourself over and over again. Repeating these words reminds you of their meaning and the importance of the words. You can use these positive phrases to stay motivated and inspired. Affirmations can be repeated silently inside your head, said out loud, or written down and hung somewhere visible.

The Practice of Gratitude Meditation
The Practice of Gratitude Meditation
Gratitude is an essential part of mindful living. The practice of gratitude is something that can be cultivated all year round, although there are times of the year that especially call for it more. We can use these times of cultural observance and family gatherings as a reminder to fill our cups with gratitude ALL the time, not just during the holidays.

Your Resilient Spirit
Your Resilient Spirit
In your lifetime, you will inevitably face adversity. Sometimes you will have limited control over the cards you’ve been dealt, and sometimes you’ll be the joker who shuffled the deck. In any event, even when the chips are down, developing resiliency will keep you ahead in the game. Becoming a more positive, adaptable person isn’t about perfecting your poker face. The strongest, most well-adjusted people don’t hide or deny their feelings. On the contrary, people with resilient spirits experience hardship deeply and wholeheartedly…but they translate those experiences into wisdom they can use to push forward.