yoga download

Yoga for the Legs

Your legs are what get you from point A to point B, and these online yoga classes are deisgned to build strength and muscle tone so they can continue to help carry you on your way.

Audio with Slides

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.67
based on 3 reviews

Hatha Yoga19 mins

Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Mary Baker

Get off your seat and get ready to open and release your tight hips and hamstrings! This focused practice will help you create space and freedom for your back side. Whether you are an athlete or a desk jockey, this class is perfect for anyone suffering from tight glutes, hammies, and hips!


All Levels


2 Blocks, Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga30 mins

Fusion Flow: Lower Body

Annie Coyle

Enjoy a lower body burn in this fusion flow class, that weaves together elements of yoga, barre, and pilates for a highly integrated, highly intentional practice. You can expect to feel steady and strong through your legs, as you will work larger muscles groups as well as stabilizers in tune with your breath in this dynamic practice. Explore a variety of parallel and turn out positions, working with weights to stabilize, add spice, and increase intentionality.



You'll Feel It

2 Blocks, 3-5 lbs set of weights
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.75
based on 16 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga24 mins

Flow for a Better Mood

Lila Whiting

This flow is designed get you out of your head & into your body. Seamless sequences are a beautiful way to get into a flow state & boost your mood. With this feel good flow you will leave practice feeling alive & open. Expect a fun but also active sequence that will build your strength & flexibility in equal measures. We get into your hips, shoulders, spine & core. A full body & mind reboot.



You'll Feel It

Blocks (Optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 5 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga29 mins

Moon in Sagittarius

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Sagittarius. It works to empower direction, and self-assurance. This is the foundation of how we maneuver within the world and propel our objectives. Postures will work the feet, and the inseam of the legs. These forces strengthen inner directive, will-power from self-assurance, and provide a stable footing to seek greater purpose.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Sagittarius, each month, or if your birth moon is in Sagittarius, or if you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.95
based on 19 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Good Morning Flow 3: Tune In

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This morning vinyasa flow class will give you an opportunity to turn inward and gather energy for your day. You will flow through warming Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations, balance in Eagle Pose (Garudasana) and twists, and finish with grounding postures to help you feel balanced. Take this time, first thing in the morning, to mindfully move your body, center your mind, and connect to your spirit.

There is no music in this class so you can enjoy the silent background, use your own playlist, or play Jackie's Spotify Playlist.

Spotify playlist for Good Morning Flow 3: Tune In



Everyday Namaste

Block (0ptional) and Folded Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.92
based on 13 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga34 mins

Katonah Inspired Flow

Caitlin Rose Kenney

Drawing inspiration from some creative aspects of Katonah Yoga, Caitlin Rose offers a unique Flow class that improves strength and flexibility. Warm-up in strengthening variations of Downward Dog and Gate Pose. Go deeper in standing poses and generate stability in your legs and hips. Unwind with twisting and hip releases.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 7 reviews

Hatha Yoga16 mins

Yoga for Cross Training - Pre/Post Stretch

Mary Baker

Love your cross training sessions but hate the daily struggle with tight, sore body parts? Add this simple routine to your pre and post workout and your body will definitely thank you. You can make this practice as quick as 10 minutes or add longer holds if you have a little more time to linger and enjoy. Feel free to press pause and take a few extra-long breaths when you find the poses your body is really needing today.


All Levels


2 Blocks, Blanket(otional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 22 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga34 mins

Good Morning Flow 2: Embodiment

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This morning class is designed to help you connect to your body, allowing you to experience a deep sense of presence, wholeness, and inner awareness that can last throughout your day. You will mindfully flow through Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations, hold backbends and twists, and finish with grounding postures to help you feel balanced for your day.

There is no music in this class so you can enjoy the silent background, use your own playlist, or play Jackie's Spotify Playlist.

Spotify playlist for Good Morning Flow 2: Embodiment


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Optional Block + Folded Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 13 reviews

Abs / Core Strengthening44 mins

Strong Core-Supple Spine

Claire Petretti Marti

This class is a fusion of core strengthening moves and therapeutic back work. You'll work on mobility and flexibility of the muscles surrounding the spine and build strong abs and back muscles. Planks, tough core series, bridges, spinal stabilization, and more! Alternately energizing and relaxing, this class is the perfect blend to have you standing tall and feeling great.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

Block (optional)
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.91
based on 11 reviews

Fusion Yoga32 mins

Pilates/Yoga Fusion Energy Burst

Claire Petretti Marti

You asked for more Pilates/Yoga Fusion classes, so here you go! This short, focused class starts with a yoga warm-up, then moves into Pilates move to challenge and tone your core––abs, back, glutes and legs, and finishes with a yoga cool-down. You'll feel longer, stronger, and energized for the rest of your day.



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.96
based on 26 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Sunset Slow Flow

Jackie Casal Mahrou

This well-rounded vinyasa flow class is designed to help you embrace the art of slowing down as you ease into your evening. You will flow through mindful Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations with Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1) to warm your body, hold standing postures, then wind down with hip-opening and seated postures to help you ground your energy for your evening. Enjoy!

Spotify playlist for Sunset Slow Flow


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Optional Block + Folded Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.79
based on 7 reviews

Iyengar Yoga41 mins

Straight Up Standing Poses

Dana Hanizeski

This class will keep you completely off the hands and arms, and work on your leg, strength and mobility. We will move from Mountain pose into various standing and balancing poses.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.89
based on 9 reviews

Hatha Yoga18 mins

Hotel Room Yoga: No Mat/No Problem

Claire Petretti Marti

On the road without a mat or any space to practice yoga but still want to practice? No problem! Claire designed this standing series of postures so you can open your spine, strengthen your body, test your balance, and counteract the stress of planes, trains, and automobiles. You'll flow through standing cat-cow through a Warrior series and balance work too! ***And you've got your hotel bed for Savasana. Try it today!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Hatha Yoga44 mins

Kemetic Flow: Love & Unity

Ali Duncan

Join Ali for a transformative journey through the ancient practice of Kemetic Yoga! In this enlightening class, you will explore your breath and reconnect with your inner selves through a unique blend of physical postures, deep breathing, and meditation. Rooted in the wisdom of the Nile Valley, Kemetic Yoga offers a holistic approach to wellness, promoting strength, energy alignment, and inner peace. Ali will guide you through this empowering practice, fostering a sense of balance, self-awareness, and spiritual harmony. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, come discover the timeless wisdom of Kemetic Yoga and embark on a path of self-discovery and holistic well-being.


All Levels


YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 24 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga51 mins

Inner Strength Flow 3: An Open Heart

Jackie Casal Mahrou

"Freedom arises from a heart that is ready for anything." - Tara Brach

This warming and dynamic vinyasa flow class is designed to help you connect to your inner strength and heart power. On a physical level, you will practice postures that stretch the muscles in your chest and heart area, simultaneously strengthening the muscles of your back and legs. On an energetic level, you are invited to soften and open your symbolic heart as you connect with the strength within, so that you can live with more courage and trust. You will flow, hold balancing & backbending postures, and then wind down with half pigeon and forward folds so that you are left feeling strong, free, balanced, and more ready for what lies ahead. Enjoy!

Spotify playlist for Inner Strength Flow 3: An Open Heart



Everyday Namaste

Optional Block + Folded Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.97
based on 35 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga32 mins

Good Morning Flow 1: Here & Now

Jackie Casal Mahrou

"The most meaningful moments in life don't happen in the when, they happen in the now." - Rachel Macy Stafford

This morning vinyasa flow class is designed to help anchor you into the here and now, so that you can continue to practice true presence throughout your day. You will flow through warming Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations, hold twisting & balancing postures, and finish with floor postures to help balance and ground your energy. Enjoy!

Spotify playlist for Good Morning Flow 1: Here & Now


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Block (optional), Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 36 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga44 mins

Anytime Renewal Flow

Jackie Casal Mahrou

In our busy world we can often feel pulled in many directions. Yoga is here to help us return to our center, again and again. Take time to come to your mat and mindfully move your body, breathe deeply, and recenter with this vinyasa flow class.

You will flow through Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) variations, then hold balancing postures such as Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) and Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) with options, and finish with grounding postures to help you feel balanced and renewed. Enjoy!


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Optional Block and Folded Blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.79
based on 24 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga38 mins

The Discipline to Heel (yep, h-e-e-l)

Christen Bakken

As humans, we can be very forward thinking. We can spread ourselves way to thin. If you think about dogs, a well-behaved dog doesn't live out on the edge of its leash always pulling toward the next thing. A disciplined dog knows how to heel. Since we aren't dogs, by no means is this practice meant to treat you like one - however through the playful exploration of many of the dog poses AND anchoring ourselves here and now, we will work on the discipline it takes to heel. And through this heeling, we might activate your own healing. This vinyasa class is well-rounded, but with a slight emphasis on hamstring opening.


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga39 mins

Moon in Gemini

Gemma Celento

This class is apart of a zodiacal series to attune the physical and subtle body to the energetics of the Moon in Gemini. It works to open the side-body, chest, and diaphragm. It strengthens the inner to outer communication, focusing from inner self and intuitive expression.

It can be practiced when the moon is in Gemini, each month, or if your birth moon is in Gemini and you'd like to accentuate the physical and mental qualities.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.88
based on 26 reviews

Iyengar Yoga34 mins

All About the Forward Bends

Dana Hanizeski

This class will focus entirely on forwards bends from both standing and sitting. Be prepared for some big stretches through the entire back of your leg.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

2 blocks, 1 strap, 1 blanket
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.71
based on 7 reviews

Yin Yoga36 mins

Body Soft, Mind Empty

Erin Wimert

This practice focuses on the interconnected relationship of the body and the mind and how our awareness of one, directly affects the other. In a yin practice, we disengage the muscles of the body to access the drier tissues within and at the same time we can also observe the mind expand. Enjoy long holds in five different shapes to explore this concept and end the class with a short pranayama practice.


All Levels


Blocks, Blanket, Bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 9 reviews

Yin Yoga41 mins

Calming Yin + Sound Bowl Savasana Reset

Elizabeth Brumfield

Quell fear and calm down in this 40-minute Yin class, specifically sequenced to stimulate the Kidney + Urinary Bladder Meridians Lines (stimulates trust, wisdom, more energy, hope). Expect long holds to help the body + mind unravel and relax, followed by a sound bowl Savasana to leave you feeling super relaxed and reconnected to Self.


All Levels


2 blocks, 1 blanket, 1 bolster
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.33
based on 9 reviews

Iyengar Yoga41 mins

Journey To Lotus

Dana Hanizeski

This sequence will prepare your hips for half and full lotus. We will strengthen the core, work the hips, and stretch the quads, inner thighs, hamstrings, and low back.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.90
based on 21 reviews

Hatha Yoga38 mins

Yoga for Atheletes: Lower Body Mobility & Recovery

Kylie Larson

This class is great after any workout or training session involving the legs. You will stretch our your hips, hamstring and low back while doing some mobility work and static stretching. Class can be done after your workout or on a rest day.


All Levels


YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 5.00
based on 6 reviews

Hatha Yoga21 mins

Inversions Strength & Conditioning

Lila Whiting

A short & effective session for your handstand practice. We work on shoulder mobility & stability, glute strength & core conditioning. This class includes some air time & as you will be fully primed, feel free to continue on with your handstand practice after the class.



Bring a Towel

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.97
based on 16 reviews

Align & Flow45 mins

Deep Slow Lunar Flow: A Hip-Opening "Surgery"

Shy Sayar

If you think it takes a fast pace and lots of vinyasa to get a powerfully challenging practice - turn off your thoughts and try this extraordinary class with Shy. With unique movements inspired by South Indian classical dance & martial art modalities, this class will surprise, inspire and challenge you, while opening your hips in the most powerful and effective way!



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.73
based on 11 reviews

Align & Flow21 mins

Upper Body Opener

Lila Whiting

This short & effective practice will create a lot of space & stability in your upper body. It's the perfect antidote to a desk job. There are opportunities for inversions & alternatives are offered.



You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.94
based on 16 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga51 mins

Hanumanasa Flow

Kylie Larson

In this all-levels vinyasa class you will spend time warming up the hips and hamstrings for hanumanasa, or the splits. The class includes standing splits, 1/2 splits, triangle pose, and some balancing before coming down for our peak pose.

The goal is NOT to actually do hanumanasa, but rather follow the process that it takes to potentially get there some day.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.91
based on 32 reviews

Fusion Yoga39 mins

Fusion Flow

Annie Coyle

It’s time to level up! This Fusion Flow class is intended to build the integrated strength and flexibility needed to find greater grace in your yoga practice as well as off the mat. You will experience unique variations and exciting possibilities for peak challenges. You will explore movement progressions that are designed to strengthen various parts within the whole, that with practice, will instill a more embodied quality of movement and unlevel your yoga practice across the board.

This class targets the entire body, with a primary focus on glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core. Get ready for a fun and challenging class with opportunities to get upside down and explore inversions!

Spotify playlist for Fusion Flow


Adv. Beginner & Up

You'll Feel It

YogaDownload Online Yoga Class
Flower Yoga Download

ratingRating: 4.96
based on 14 reviews

Yin Yoga35 mins

Unworry: Yin & Sound Healing

Elizabeth Brumfield

Indulge in a gentle Yin sequence crafted to stimulate the Stomach + Spleen Meridians (sheds worry, anxiety, lack of confidence, and feelings of overwhelm). End your class with an extra-long Savasana accompanied by a mini-Sound Bath—encouraging relaxation, deep meditation, and a mending of connection to our inner divine.


All Levels


Blanket, Bolster, 2 blocks