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These online classes are designed to twist and rinse the internal organs and detoxify the body.

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Hatha Yoga40 mins

Detox and Cleanse

Marni Prince

Detoxifying with your breath, twists, and forward fold postures is a great way to improve circulation and release toxins while stimulating your organs. The poses and movements in this flow are a sequence that can help with digestion, congestion, and a general detox of the entire body.


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Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 2 reviews

Kundalini Yoga19 mins

Kundalini For Peace of Mind

Marie Castello

This practice is intended to bring mental balance and peace of mind. It clears the subconscious mind of traumas and negative, unnecessary emotions. It taps into our inner wisdom, develops patience, increases energy and communication. You will finish the practice feeling peace and balance.


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ratingRating: 3.93
based on 21 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga23 mins

Full Body Power Vinyasa Flow

Tereza Sauerova

This Power Vinyasa Yoga flow is made for everyone and its the perfect way to stretch the whole body and strengthen the muscles. So lets get started and Enjoy.


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ratingRating: 4.70
based on 27 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Twists & Extensions

Gemma Celento

A lively full body flow that works to strengthen connection to core and inner strength. This class detoxifies the body and strengthens how personal energy extends into the world. Specially sequenced to draw energy inward while opening the sides of the body to support outward execution. Playful flow to feel strong, centered, and agile.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.80
based on 27 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga48 mins

Twisted Detox Flow

Pradeep Teotia

The emphasis of this practice is detoxification. Enjoy a gentle warm-up, dancing warrior sequence, intentional heart-opening and upside down fun throughout. Pradeep will make you sweat and have fun throughout this class.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.67
based on 27 reviews

Hatha Yoga44 mins

Katonah Yoga Flow

Noemi Nuñez

This is a sweet yet challenging flow to get you out of your head chatter, so you can tune into your body and embody the present moment in harmony with your breath and mind. This hatha sequence is inspired in Katonah yoga, which incorporates geometry and elements from Taoist theory. Quite a fun spin infused to familiar poses! Enjoy it with confidence knowing that you will have many options for selfcare along the way.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.73
based on 20 reviews

Hatha Yoga22 mins

20-Minute Detox and Digestion Boost

Tereza Sauerova

This detox yoga class will boost your digestive system through twisting yoga postures which will help you to release any unnecessary toxins out from your digestion. Twisting aids in overall healthier digestive function. You will have time to deepen into twists, as well as other postures, for a complete practice. Enjoy this class set in a magnificent outdoor setting.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.94
based on 92 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga36 mins

Deep Sweaty Detox

Pradeep Teotia

Ready to sweat? This 35-minute inspiring and action packed class with Pradeep will have you moving, flowing, sweating and detoxing. Expect a well-rounded Pradeep practice, with core work, twists, and movement with breath, all with a light-hearted approach.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.77
based on 44 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga45 mins

Sweaty Flow

Pradeep Teotia

This is the perfect home practice for that bitter cold winter day. From warrior poses to planks, backbends, and then more planks, this 45 min sequence will get your heart pumping and the sweat flowing. Push yourself to your limits and then relax into savasana bliss. This practice is a great detox and will build muscle tone in your legs, arms, and abdomen. Motion is lotion and health is wealth. Be brave my friends!


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.71
based on 34 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga59 mins

Yoga Alchemy: Coffee, or Else

Mark Morford

It's an all-too-common western cultural affliction: You think you're a certain "type" of person (AKA morning person, Type A, a hot mess, lazy, manic, chronically late, super serious, shy, emotional, gimme my morning coffee or else, etc). You think that definition is, in some way, "true," because everyone tells you it is, and you seek to have it reinforced all the time. Is it healthy? Helpful? Dynamic and open? Who cares? It's *familiar.* It's safe. You can rely on it. Which is why anyone who dares mess with your desperately clung-to list of defining characteristics better watch out.

Oh, yoga is going to mess with it, all right. Here's a vigorous, well-breathed, hip-intensive practice designed to help you dissolve whatever psycho-emotional, culturally-imposed nonsense you've come to believe about yourself (AKA maya, illusion, socially constructed BS) and then replace it with... well, nothing at all. No hard, fixed identity, no stuck labels, no staid cultural conditioning whatsoever - just spacious, flowing possibility, one breath at a time.

Easy, right? Not even close. But so very refreshing.

Spotify playlist for Yoga Alchemy: Coffee, or Else



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ratingRating: 4.90
based on 62 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga35 mins

Twist & Flow

Keith Allen

This practice does a little bit of everything, with an extra emphasis on twisting. Moving at a healthy pace, this class has moments of flowing and moments to hold poses and take your time and explore twisting in your body. Deep breathing is essential for powerful twists, so the breath is concentrated on throughout this class. There are tools and tips given about twisting in this class that can be essential and useful for you to take with you in your yoga practice.

Spotify playlist for Twist & Flow


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 82 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga31 mins

Anytime Detox Flow

Jackie Casal Mahrou

Let go of negative mental and physical patterns with this grounding flow. This short class will gently warm and open your body while giving you space to let go of toxic thoughts or energy so that you find freedom. You will flow through Sun Salutation variations, find freedom with some twisting and balancing postures, then wind down. Take 30 minutes out of your day (morning, noon or night) for this short class. Enjoy!



Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.98
based on 59 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga34 mins

Reclaim Your Mobility with Spinal Twists

Caitlin Rose Kenney

Our spines get locked down from our daily patterns and stress. Reclaim your ability to move freely and comfortably with this Vinyasa practice focused on spinal twists. This 30 minute practice will rotate you around the mat and back with variations of twists and lunges and winds down with a hip-opener to leave you feeling healthy and relaxed.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 3 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga38 mins

Yoga to Stop Smoking

Denelle Numis

Combat your addiction, anxiety and apprehension around smoking with this mindful breathing and movement exercise. Enjoy a brief seated pranayama practice with three different kinds of breath work and then flow into an all levels vinyasa yoga practice designed to invite vitality and energy back into your body. End with a guided meditation to inspire your commitment to cutting the habit out of your life once and for all.


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Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 1 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga26 mins

Yoga for Smokers

Denelle Numis

Sustain your health and vitality with this all levels yoga and meditation practice. While it may be difficult for you to quit smoking, yoga and meditation can create a more sustainable relationship with your habits. Enjoy a brief vinyasa flow practice to prepare you for seated meditation.


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Everyday Namaste

2 Blocks
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ratingRating: 4.97
based on 16 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga59 mins

Bound to Be Free

Claire Petretti Marti

Often, we have to reach a place of intense pressure before we can finally let go and enjoy a feeling of freedom. In this fun class, you'll flow through a variety of postures designed to challenge your focus, your balance and your ability to bind! Lots of Garudasana (eagle) variations, Bird of Paradise, heart openers like Shalabasana (Locust) and Ustrasana (Camel) and hip openers will leave you feeling refreshed and open. Are you ready to play and feel free?



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Optional block and strap
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ratingRating: 4.78
based on 16 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 12 mins

Daily Detox

Pradeep Teotia

Every day it is possible to turn over a new leaf. Why should we wait for New Year's resolutions, spring cleaning, or back to school time to make a fresh start? Start again today with Pradeep's detox practice. Twists are great for the liver and the internal organs, and being mindful on the mat is a solid way to hit that internal reset button. Challenging, yet accessible, Pradeep's inspiring class will not disappoint.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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ratingRating: 4.00
based on 22 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 4 mins

Guidelines for a Balanced Life: Detox Flow

Les Leventhal

This practice is meant to unlock, unwind and open up areas in the body where we get stuck, in order to revitalize. We are targeting the choking points and focusing our attention to the pelvis and hips, working with twists to open us up from the daily stresses we hold in our bodies. The illusion of freedom is that it is always sukkha: joy. But, sometimes sukkha can be some of the challenging experiences in life. The ease of that experience is in how we navigate challenge. Some of us have only known great challenge. So, when joy moves in, it can be an unfamiliar and uncomfortable experience. Let this practice open you up to feel deserving to experience freedom for everything. Play with your edges and open to transformation.


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Block, Strap (Optional)
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ratingRating: 4.22
based on 27 reviews

Kundalini Yoga25 mins

Cardio Kundalini 3: Mind Clarity

Guru Jagat

One of the causes of low chi and dis-ease in the body is the overworking or underworking of various muscle systems. In this unique set you will work small muscle groups as well as engage the central nervous system for a full body, cross hemispheric workout that will leave you refreshed and balanced in body, mind, and spirit.


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ratingRating: 4.40
based on 21 reviews

Kundalini Yoga33 mins

Cardio Kundalini 1: Digestion

Guru Jagat

In this short but powerful Kundalini Yoga Work out you will receive a total glandular system reset through aerobic and anaerobic activity and work up a deep, cellular sweat. Ready to feel amazing and radiant? Then this class is for you!


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ratingRating: 4.94
based on 8 reviews

Hot Yoga1 hour 25 mins

Classic Hot Yoga Series

Cicily Carter

Put away the animals and turn up the heat! This class is designed to guide you through the 26 posture hot series to systematically work and flush every major system in your body. The process of compression and release will enhance your mobility and detoxify from the inside out. Whether you are just getting back into your practice or you have been a long time student of this series, you will find this series to be physically and mentally challenging. Get to know yourself by staying in one place. There are two sets of most of the postures in the series and a long savasana.


Adv. Beginner & Up

Everyday Namaste

Block (optional)
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ratingRating: 4.46
based on 41 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga23 mins

Quick Morning Twists

Cicily Carter

Purify your body, mind, and spirit with this simple flow designed to energize your morning. It only takes 20 minutes to move into a state of bliss while detoxifying from the inside out. When twists are incorporated into the vinyasa sequence, we must move from our center with a strong core to protect the low back. Enjoy this little sliver of paradise!


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Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.96
based on 23 reviews

Hatha Yoga14 mins

On-The-Go Detoxifying Sequence

Life Force Project

Led by Sibyl Buck

The perfect practice to take with you anywhere you might need a brief detox and clarifying practice. With attention to breath and the senses, you'll be guided to ground yourself in the moment and in your body. Techniques for lymphatic drainage, joint therapy, improving circulation, and calming the nervous system are introduced to achieve optimal function of the brain, digestion, cleansing and rebuilding systems in your body. After this practice you'll be prepared to speak connected to your intuition, protect yourself against environmental pathogens, and be present to the moment and any opportunities that may arise. This sequence can be used as a simple morning practice, to wind down at the end of the day, or to prepare for air travel or any pressured situation, like an important meeting. Enjoy, and namaste!


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ratingRating: 4.85
based on 10 reviews

Pranayama4 mins


Pradeep Teotia

Kapalabhati is one of the six Shatkarmas or methods of internal purification in Hatha Yoga. Kapalbhati is a breathing technique using rapid inhalation and exhalation to cleanse the cranial sinuses. In Sanskrit, ‘Kapal’ means the skull and ‘Bhati’ means to shine or illuminate.

Forceful exhalation, which is the main focus of Kapalabhati, throws out the stale air from the lungs. The deep inhalation increases the oxygen content in the blood.

This breathing method is not difficult, though it sometimes takes a little bit of getting used to at first. Watch and listen to Pradeep explain it in his unique and gentle way.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.47
based on 15 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga59 mins

Dynamic Detox with Kriya Yoga

Alanna Kaivalya

Kriya yoga is the path of cleansing the mind, body and spirit. We learn how to detox all three with powerful yoga practices including: chanting, asana, meditation and specific exercises that work on the energetic body. This accessible class teaches you the path of kriya yoga and how it applies to your life. Spend 60 minutes moving and breathing in this safe, energetic and inspirational vinyasa practice.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 4.92
based on 13 reviews

Yoga for the Legs1 hour 18 mins

Kindness Hot Yoga: Transform and Heal

Patrick Harrington

Led by Patrick Harrington

Kindness Hot Yoga is a comprehensive set of yoga postures specifically designed to strengthen, heal, and transform. As its name suggests, Kindness Hot Yoga leads students through a detoxifying mixture of strengthening, lengthening and balancing poses that is both challenging and relaxing. This practice is truly all-levels – beneficial for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.


All Levels

Everyday Namaste

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ratingRating: 5.00
based on 21 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 10 mins

Twists and Binds

Rob Loud

Seated Revolved Birds of Paradise

This strong and detoxifying sequence takes you through a series of binds and twists, working deep into your shoulders, side bodies, and core. Seated revolved birds of paradise asks us to find freedom in a rather confining position, a wonderful life skill. Also, although not demonstrated, this sequence will have you amply open for other similar postures such as revolved birds or fully bound revolved half moon!


Adv. Beginner & Up

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Block and Strap (Optional)
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ratingRating: 4.81
based on 29 reviews

Bhakti Yoga55 mins

Twisted Bhakti Flow

Christen Bakken

If something is described as "twisted" it is understood that it is unusual. In this class, in addition to twisting the spine, students will explore the notion of not taking anything for granted. This idea is radical because we live in bodies we wish were different (stronger, thinner, more flexible, etc). Despite growth possibilities, we will use the body to its fullest potential in this challenging vinyasa sequence. Our twists will require balance, coordination, and consistent breath and intention.


Adv. Intermediate

Bring a Towel

One Block
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ratingRating: 4.95
based on 22 reviews

Power Yoga1 hour 9 mins

Freedom of Mind in a Bind

Cicily Carter

The practice of yoga is all encompassing and therefore, everyone can benefit from this practice. Through this sequence we explore and question the role that binds play in our everyday life. As you enter this series make this your mantra, "Body may be bound, but mind is free" and commit this mantra to your practice. Prepare to twist, move, sweat and smile. You are free!



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1 Block and 1 Strap
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ratingRating: 4.87
based on 54 reviews

Vinyasa Yoga1 hour 1 min

Toxic Twist

Pradeep Teotia

Did you overdo it a little last night? Feeling like your body is a bit out of whack? Or maybe you want a great practice to press that internal reset button and start over...again? Prepare to work hard and get the juices flowing in this detoxifying class.

Twists cleanse the kidneys and the liver. They abound in this class - in many variations - and we hold them for a long time. You will rinse out and (hopefully!) feel refreshed once it's done. Remember to drink lots of water, during and especially after this practice.



Bring a Towel
