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2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow


2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow's Blog

DAY 14: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
DAY 14: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
Welcome to Day 14 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow Sunday, April 25th. Congratulations on making it to the last day of the challenge! Take a moment to feel satisfied. It is not easy to show up for yourself as you have consistently over the past two weeks. Revisit any intentions you may have set for yourself at the start of the challenge and reflect how you're feeling about them now. It might be a good idea to treat yourself to something delightful today or this week for your successful efforts during this challenge! We hope you're proud of yourself, feel in your flow from your yoga practice and this online community and there is a renewed sense of optimism within you. Remember you are always only one yoga class away from finding your flow state, so anytime you feel out of sync, come onto your mat to breathe and move your body. All three of today's classes are higher-intensity intermediate classes because over these two weeks your practice has advanced! To finish your challenge, you've got a symbolic practice with Claire, that explores the power of endings. If you're feeling confident from your challenge, Kristin's class strengthens your power center. If you want to go out with a bang, Rob's longer class will take you into some deeper postures. Congratulations yogis and we hope o see you back on your mats often and definitely for our next challenge! Let us know how this challenge experience has been for you, in the comments!

DAY 13: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
DAY 13: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
Welcome to Day 13 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow Saturday, April 24th. Welcome to the weekend. Enjoy these last two practices, and trust yourself to finish what you started. Sometimes finishing strong can be the hardest part of any endeavor. This challenge is about finding ease on the journey and instilling new habits in the process, so if you've been someone who doesn't finish what they start, you have the chance to write a new story for yourself over these next two days. Kylie's class is a strong and powerful practice if you have the time. If you enjoy Pradeep's wisdom and warmth, his class will take you on a 35-minute journey. If you want something slow and soulful, Caitlin's Yin class is a lovely choice.

DAY 12: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
DAY 12: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
Welcome to Day 12 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow Friday, April 23rd. Happy Friday! Remember to think of each and every practice as a treat instead of a chore. Have you noticed any other flow state moments off of your mat, from the daily practices? Today, you can come home to yourself with Elise's beautiful gentler class. If you're enjoying the yoga fitness fusion classes, you've got the chance to practice with Kristin. If you want a hard and energetic yoga practice, Christen's class will hit the spot. Remember, even though you are close, yoga is about presence, so take it one class and one pose at a time.

DAY 11: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
DAY 11: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
Welcome to Day 11 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow Thursday, April 22nd. You've got 4 practices left in this challenge. Hopefully, the exploration of different styles and teachers, combined with noticing how good yoga can make you feel, will instill this practice into a regular habit even after the challenge. Remember to listen to your body. There is no need to push yourself past your limits or beat yourself up for taking a more relaxed class and it's important when you're practicing this much yoga, to recover sometimes. Shy's class will nourish and restore your body if you need that kind of restful practice. On the other hand, it is important to push the boundaries when the time is right and challenge yourself to keep expanding your comfort zone. If you're needing something upbeat and energetic today, Ben's class will make you sweat! If you want something somewhere between those two, go with Mark's practice, which is strong vinyasa yoga, that will also challenge and work your body and mind.

DAY 10: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
DAY 10: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
Welcome to Day 10 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow Wednesday, April 21st. You're 10 days in yogis! Your body changes with 10 consecutive days of yoga and the benefits are bountiful. There are more obvious physical benefits like more flexible and strong muscles. Then there are the physicals benefits that go deeper, like better sleep, a boost to your hormone and circulatory systems, and even benefits for your organs. Then there are also mental benefits like increased focused and lessened anxiety and depression. Remember, even if the benefits are not obvious or immediate, you are doing something beneficial for yourself each and every time you step onto your mat. Be proud that you are prioritizing your self-care over these weeks, and trust yourself to be someone that takes good care of your body and mind. When you take good care of yourself, you're more equipped to show up for the people you love. Today, you've got the chance to enjoy a long and challenging class with Erin. You can give your hips some love with Ellen's class. If you want to experience some of those deeper physical benefits, Maria's class is all about improving your digestion. Keep up the amazing work!

DAY 9: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
DAY 9: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
Welcome to Day 9 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow Tuesday, April 20th. How is everyone doing today? We hope you've been able to explore new teachers throughout the challenge so far. Every single teacher has something unique they bring to this practice, and with so many different teachers being featured in this challenge, we hope you're finding new ones you love and getting in classes with some of your old favorites too. Today you've got the chance to add more love to your yoga practice with Pradeep. If you want a workout, Becca's class will have your legs strong and toned. If you need to shift gears and get a new perspective, Dana's class is a perfect choice.

DAY 8: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
DAY 8: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow
Welcome to Day 8 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow Monday, April 19th. Welcome to your second week. You're doing fantastic, and we hope you're feeling good about completing your first week of the challenge. How are you feeling physically and mentally? Remember, all you have to do is show up each day. Do your best to stay present and take it one practice at a time. Remember, the flow state is about the process, not the destination or end goal. Today, if you want to work your core, Jack's class packs a punch in just 20 minutes. If you work on the computer or end up staring at. your phone screen a lot, Shannon's class will help relieve your neck and keep your posture strong. Robert's class is a perfect Monday night wind down, but also a good choice for a relaxing option any time of the day. Enjoy your practice today! Here are today's class choices: