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2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow


2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 14: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 14: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Welcome to Day 14 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Sunday, April 25th.

Congratulations on making it to the last day of the challenge! Take a moment to feel's not easy to show up for yourself as you have consistently over the past two weeks. Revisit any intentions you may have set for yourself at the start of the challenge, and reflect how you're feeling about them now. Go ahead and treat yourself to something delightful today, or this week, for your successful efforts during this challenge!

We hope you're proud of yourself, feel in your flow from your yoga practice and this online community, and we hope there is a renewed sense of optimism within you. Remember you are always only one yoga class away from finding your flow state, so anytime you feel out of sync, come back to your mat to breathe and move your body. 

All three of today's choices are higher-intensity intermediate classes because over these two weeks your practice has advanced! To finish your challenge, you've got a symbolic practice with Claire that explores the power of endings. If you're feeling confident from your challenge, Kristin's class strengthens your power center. Or if you want to go out with a bang, Rob's longer class will take you into some deeper postures.

Congratulations again, yogis - we hope to see you back on your mats for our next challenge! Share with us how this experience has been for you in the comments :)

Here are today's class choices:


Cycle of Completion Flow: Honoring Endings

50 min class | Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Ready for a juicy Vinyasa flow class featuring lots of opportunities to up or down level depending upon your mood? Claire designed this class to celebrate the natural cycle of life and to encourage you to mindfully finish each breath, each posture, and to savor the ritual of completion. You'll flow through sequences to challenge your balance, your strength, and your flexibility.​


Fuel Your Tapas Flow with Kristin Gibowicz

20 min class | Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

"Our passions are the winds that propel our vessel. Our reason is the pilot that steers her. Without winds the vessel would not move and without a pilot she would be lost." We don't always feel passionate about the day or a phase of life, but you never regret getting on your yoga mat and just moving. For only 20 minutes, flow continuously to fuel your passions (pilot), nourish your body (vessel), and propel your breath or winds that keep you on this great path we call life.


Bakasana & Titibasana with Rob Loud

60 min class | Level: All Levels | Intensity: You'll Feel It

This class focuses on opening your hips, strengthening your core, and playing with the key actions required for crow and firefly poses. Suitable for all levels, the only requirement is your sense of adventure and playful approach to your practice. Arm balances always optional!

**you only need to choose one class**

Be sure to share your challenge experiences in the comments section!

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