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2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow


2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 9: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 9: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Welcome to Day 9 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Tuesday, April 20th.

How is everyone doing today? We hope you've been able to explore new teachers throughout the challenge so far. Every single teacher has something unique they bring to this practice, and with so many different teachers being featured in this challenge, we hope you're finding new ones you love, while still getting in classes with some of your old favorites too. 

Today you've got the chance to add more love to your yoga practice with Pradeep. If you want a workout, Becca's class will have your legs strong and toned. If you need to shift gears and get a new perspective, Dana's class is a perfect choice.

Here are today's class choices:


Shifting Paradigms with Dana Smith

25 min class | Level: All Levels | Intensity: Everyday Namaste

It is said that change is the only constant. For some, cultivating the confidence to embrace the unknown is a scary thought. If we want to change the things that we experience we must change the way we see them. Inversions are the perfect way to shift paradigms and see the world from a new perspective. In support of riding the wave of change, we will explore Sirsasana, headstand. In this energetic class, you'll learn the key actions to work towards your full expression of the pose.


Practice with Love with Pradeep Teotia

50 min class | Level: All Levels | Intensity: You'll Feel It

By opening our hearts and focusing on love during our vinyasa flow, we can cultivate a stronger, more meaningful practice. We will connect with the heart, mind, and body during this flow. All levels of yogis will find love and strength in this practice.


Inner Thigh & Core Burner with Becca Riopelle

30 min class | Level: Adv. Intermediate | Intensity: Bring a Towel

Your inner thighs and core will never be the same after this class! Get ready to strengthen, tone, and sweat - we really get into the inner thighs and burn the core at the same time. You're going to love it!

**you only need to choose one class**

Be sure to share your challenge experiences in the comments section!

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