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2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow


2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 11: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

DAY 11: 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Welcome to Day 11 of the 2-Week Yoga Challenge: Find Your Flow

Thursday, April 22nd.

You've got 4 practices left in this challenge! Hopefully the exploration of different styles and teachers, combined with noticing how good yoga can make you feel, will instill this practice into a regular habit for you.

Remember, listen to your body - there is no need to push yourself past your limits or beat yourself up for taking a more relaxed class. When you're practicing this much yoga, it's important to let your body recover sometimes. Shy's class will nourish and restore your body if you are in need of a restful practice. On the other hand, it is important to push the boundaries when the time is right and challenge yourself to keep expanding your comfort zone. If you're needing something upbeat and energetic today, Ben's class will make you sweat! Or if you're looking for something in-between, go with Mark's practice, which is strong vinyasa yoga, that will also challenge and work your body and mind. 

Here are today's class choices:


Tibetan Yoga Nidra with Shy Sayar

25 min class | Level: All Levels | Intensity: Ahhhhhh

Gain deep relaxation and inspiration from this unique combination of classical therapeutic Yoga Nidra and the Tibetan practice of Sky Breath. Wonderfully restorative to the nervous system and the entire mind-body continuum.


Absolution Flow: Sun & Moon with Mark Morford

45 min class | Level: Intermediate | Intensity: You'll Feel It

Shiva and Shakti. Sita and Ram. Solar and lunar, masculine and feminine, light and dark, earth and sky, right and left, energy and spaciousness, chocolate and vanilla, salt n’ pepper. It’s not about dualities or making rigid distinctions. It’s about intermixing and conjoining – rapturous, intertwined, the divine dance of opposites that aren’t really opposites, just thinking makes them so.

Here’s a relatively simple, but fiery and potent dedication flow that offers mad gratitude to both sacred aspects of the Self, as they merge and mingle and (ideally) become entirely indistinguishable in the sacred pranic engine of the heart. You have a preference? Does one “side” still dominate you, your body, your ego? Can you really tell them apart? Dive into this sequence with enough dedication and devotion – and do it enough times – and watch your definitions blur and fall away. Hari OM!

Spotify playlist for Absolution Flow: Sun & Moon


Fitness & Yoga: HIIT & Flow with Ben Davis

50 min class | Level: Adv. Beginner & Up | Intensity: You'll Feel It

H.I.I.T. + Flow is a fusion class that will consist of a 20-minute high-intensity interval sequence followed by a 25-minute dynamic yoga flow and cool down, and a 5-minute savasana. This class will give you the perfect blend of fitness and yoga. No equipment required.

**you only need to choose one class**

Be sure to share your challenge experiences in the comments section!

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