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55 min class (54:26)
$ 7.99
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A Dream, A Voice

Kristen Boyle

This all-levels class takes inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous speech, "I Have a Dream". Dr. King had a dream, and through his dream he found his voice. Since that time, many voices are raising up exclaiming their own dreams. What yoga teaches us is, to become quiet - to listen. And when we do, we hear that all voices and all dreams are crying out for essentially the same thing: shelter, nourishment, warmth. And once those basic needs are taken care of, the cry is for the freedom to live life with joy.

The postures in this class are accessible to students of all levels. Kristen's precise cues will keep the more advanced yogi interested and engaged, while the beginner will acquire a stable foundation of the poses to build upon.

The intensity of Kristen's classes is likely to sneak up on you if you listen closely and follow the cues!

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