Cicily Carter 
Cicily Carter is a seasoned yoga guide honored to serve her community in Boulder, Colorado. From leading teacher trainings and retreats to providing online classes and one on one professional guidance, her passion is yoga. Her teaching style is unique in that she adapts traditional teachings to our modern experience. From her study of spiritual texts from many different traditions around the world, she weaves spiritual insight seamlessly into her classes. Her focus is intelligent sequencing and accessing the flow state with ease. She encourages her students to become real revolutionaries by learning how to think beyond the confines of culture and escape the habits of normal perception. Her meditation practice is her guide. Cicily is thankful yoga discovered her early in life and she aims to inspire divine inner bliss from her teachings.
"Yoga is the natural state of every human being. As we grow and mature, this state becomes burdened by the banality of life's trials and tribulations. The practice of asana allows us to clear our state and return to our most pure form. It is our obligation as humans to share this practice and empower one another to seek and connect with the most divine version of our Self. I value the guidance that I have gained from my teachers and I will pay it forward to my community for generations to come." ~Cicily Carter